Millennium Tension

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Deadlock Passage

"I know you have found your answer. But tell us about how you feel for each branch of this passage." Aizen asked before Lin Yu could say anything.

"Um, alright."

Lin Yu then said what he felt in each of the passages starting from fear, calmness, anxiety, emptiness, and so on. But of all those passages, there is one passage that gives a very bad feeling to her.

"Well, now I understand. If you have to choose, which passage will you take?" Aizen not only asked Lin Yu but also Feng Feng and four other junior sisters.

Although Aizen asked each individual, they all seemed to be united to point towards a passage that gave a calm feeling.

'Master Aizen...' Axel called him in their minds.

'Yeah, Axel. I know...' Aizen sighed a little because what Axel had predicted was right. He knows what Axel wants to say right now because Axel's past experience has been shared on the system.

Axel had explored ancient ruins like this which turned out to be remnants from the civilization of unknown creatures, and there Axel also got a lot of resources and legacies used to improve the features and abilities of [Axel Goddess] to the present.

She sent hundreds of thousands of explorers and reconnaissance units that were used to thoroughly explore the ruins that were like a maze and to find out what was waiting for each route.

The calm premonition that Lin Yu meant could also be interpreted as a deadly hidden trap that would await them or in other words 'dead-end'.

Axel had said just a moment ago that Lin Yu's fearful premonition was due to their wrong choices which started from now and she became calm because she followed Aizen's group.

"Miss Lin Yu, Miss Feng Zhi, and four junior sisters. Our group will explore the passage that Miss Lin Yu says is the passage with the worst feeling. If you want to explore the passage that you have chosen, we will not forbid you."

Aizen said it lightly because the six of them were not his responsibility and they were free to choose the path they would take.

"What?" Lin Yu seemed confused and so did the other junior sisters, but they knew that even if they didn't go there meant this was a farewell to their group from Aizen's group.

Feng Zhi just wondered why Aizen's group chose the most dangerous passage.

"Young master, may I know the reason?" Feng Zhi asked politely, maybe Aizen was the only person from the younger generation who was called as such by her.josei

"Don't you realize your detection abilities and your spiritual awareness become blocked by something once you enter the hidden realm?" Aizen said a fact that they were all aware of but only ignored as if it were normal.

The six girls looked at each other and nodded that it was true. Even Lin Yu's hunch was even more scared as they went deeper inside.

"So, what do you think will be waiting for you on the passage you have chosen?" Aizen once again asked the six of them.

"Erm... A treasure?"

"A safe passage to the treasure dome?"

"The path to the inheritance that was deliberately left behind?"

"At least it's safe there."

The four junior sisters responded quickly, in contrast to Lin Yu and Feng Zhi who thought for a moment.

"... I also don't know what awaits us there, but at least there isn't too much danger compared to other passages." Lin Yu answered after thinking for a while.

"Young master, I do not understand what you want to convey. Can you explain it to us?" Feng Zhi became impatient with this tense atmosphere and difficult puzzles.

"Sigh... Consider this my kindness. If all of you will go there, maybe you will prove the proverbial 'still water run deep'."

Aizen was a little disappointed that they could not understand what he was trying to convey and still considered this place to be similar to the natural law in their world, here it was no longer a world they knew and danger could come at any time.

Aizen's response surprised the six of them, and they immediately realized that they would only have difficulty in their chosen passage if Aizen was right.

"You can get off this transportation board now if you want to go there."

Aizen's statement made Lin Yu realize his surprise and the fearful feeling he was experiencing slowly began to return.

She realized that if they parted here only bad news would be waiting for her group, perhaps by staying with Aizen's group, she could know the hidden realm better and get out of here safely.

"Mr. Aizen, can we still follow you? We will follow all your arrangements later, right?" Lin Yu pleaded while asking for approval from the five girls in her group.

The five nodded in agreement as if they had made Lin Yu the head of their group, Feng Zhi and four junior sisters knew that Lin Yu's innate abilities could be relied on to make decisions at a time like this.

"Is that so? Then don't regret your choice later. Hehe..." Aizen giggled and returned to Ana and Axel who had just been silent waiting for them and resumed their journey to the passage which was said to have the worst premonition.

He had also succeeded in gathering a lot of data from Lin Yu's body, spirit, and soul energy fluctuations because she had continued to use her innate abilities.

'Axel, send suicide surveillance units to each of these passages, we need to know everything from this place.' Aizen gave orders as they entered the passage.

'I have sent them.' Axel has done what Aizen asked without being known by the six girls who were hitching a ride.

Their journey without obstacles or traps ends up in a dead-end like a sturdy large stone gate that closes the passage that they will pass.

They descended from the transportation board to inspect the ancient gate and the six girls who were hitching a ride immediately approached the ancient gate without fear after being asked by Aizen.

'Axel, Ana. I'm sure something interesting awaits us behind this gate. Do we need to destroy it? ' Aizen talks while looking at the six girls who are examining the ancient gate and is also trying to find a trigger so the gate can open.

'Let's just wait for a moment, maybe they will find a way to open the gate.' Axel just proposes a peaceful way.

'Sister Axel, this is not like you. We should be going Boom! and it's all over...' Ana joked a little.

'Well, we'll just wait for a while. If they don't find anything, we will use the means of destruction.'

'That's Brother Aizen!' Ana cheered in her mind.

A few moments passed with six girls doing a search on the walls, floors, and ceilings of the impasse passage with lighting from the transportation boards still floating in the air.

"Did you find anything?" Aizen asks after waiting.

"No, we found nothing..."

"What if you try to destroy the gate with your technique? We have snatched your show off at the event earlier hehe..." Aizen triggered an unprecedented event that seemed rather embarrassing to them.

Lin Yu and Feng Zhi looked at each other and agreed after being told that this passage would not collapse even with their ultimate technique, the six of them were willing to obey Aizen's arrangements according to what Lin Yu had said earlier.

Then Lin Yu and Feng Zhi discussed for a moment with their four junior sisters before preparing to launch their technique to destroy the gate.

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