Mine - The Alpha's Possession

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14


I kept running from the school not really knowing where the hell I was going to.I ran straight for the woods and I didn't bother shifting when I got there.I just kept running through the woods.

Branches hitting me in the face and twigs cutting my ankles.

I saw where the fight had happened and there were still a lot of people hanging around there cleaning up the mess and trying to determine what the hell happened.

So I started running in the other direction but I saw Isaac stand up straight when he saw me there.

I had tears running down my face but I didn't stop.Not even when he called out to me.

And I know that he would have mind linked my mother immediately, which only made me run faster.I needed to get further away from him so that he couldn't catch up to me.I know that they could follow my scent, but I was just hoping to the goddess that no one would.

That they would just leave me be.I didn't want anyone near me right now.

No matter how many people were worried about me.

No matter how many people saw me running from the school in an almost frenzied state.

I ended up at a swimming hole that I used to come to all the time as a kid but now that the weather was getting colder I knew that no one was coming here these days.

The water was freezing and I stopped right next to the water.

I collapsed onto one of the boulders next to the water crying like a baby.

Sobbing my heart out at the realization that I had been lied to my whole life.

And where the hell was my real father? Does he even know about me or did my mother lie to him and say that Thomas was my father.

Has she intentionally kept us apart.

From 17 years of knowing that woman, one admission on her part and I felt like I didn't know her at all.

I didn't know if I could life with that.

How the hell could she do this to me.I thought I meant more to her than that.

She sent me to live with those evil people, knowing full well how evil they were.

All because she hoped that he was my father.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and I still had signal in the woods there so I tried to call Ethan, but again, there was no answer.He was avoiding me.He wasn't interested anymore.

Now that I was out of the picture, he could go on acting as a playboy.

For all I know, he was doing that while I was still living in Richmond pack.I don't know what or who he was doing during the day when I wasn't there.I felt used, by everyone.I hadn't moved from that boulder and I was sobbing into the water when I heard some twigs snap behind me and 1 spun around quickly to see Edward standing there with his hands up defensively.


I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes.I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

That's why I took off from school.

Because I knew that I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Edward moved closer to me but he also moved pretty slow in case I turned on him.

We all knew that was a possibility.

And he sat on the rock that was next to the boulder that I was sitting on.

I was still facing the water.I didn't look at him.

And he sat there patiently, not saying a word.

It didn't surprised me that he found me here.

This was our spot when we were dating.I didn't even mean to come here.

The track just bought me here because I was avoiding the battle grounds that had too many people surrounding it.

Edward turned to face the water and crossed his legs looking into the water.

But I was sitting with my legs on the ground and I was leaning on my arms looking into the water.

I tried to control my sobs while he was there but it was getting harder and harder and my breathing became really uneven while he was there.

"Don't you have to get back to Hannah.She's gonna hate that you're here with me." I finally said.

Still without looking at him.And I wiped another tear from my eyes.

"I don't really care.You need someone to talk to more than she does right now." He says.

"I never said that I needed anyone to talk to.I ran away from school, which means that I don't want to talk to anyone." I snapped at him.

"Well, I'm not leaving you like this.I've never seen you like this before and honestly, it's a little scary.You never get this emotional about anything.You don't need to tell me what's going on.But because I know you, I know that something big just happened." He explained.

I had to give it to him.He did know me.

We dated for two years before I left.

And I hated being this close to him without being able to touch him or be console by him like the old days.

But those days were long gone.

We had both moved on since then.

He was in a happy relationship and I was seeing someone who is now ignoring my calls.I guess he got the better end of the stick.I made the mistakes.I know that I should have tried the long distance relationship with him, and I have thought about that over the years, but I know that in the end it never would have worked.I did the right thing.

That was I sure of.

"Edward.I came here to be alone.I don’t want to talk to anyone." I say.

"Alright.We don't have to talk.But I'm not leaving you alone.Not if you're thinking of doing something stupid." He says looking straight at me.

But I couldn't look at him.

Because honestly, I didn't know what I was thinking right now.I couldn't help but wonder what Thomas and Victoria would say about this when they find out the truth.I know that they will eventually, and that was going to be another complete shit storm that I didn't know if I was ready for.

But they've waited 18 years for the news, they can wait a little while longer.

Because I was the one that was going to tell them.I had to be the one to tell them.

And I actually looked forward to telling them that I wasn't related to them.

Edward stayed true to his word.He stayed there with me without saying a word.I had made myself more comfortable on the boulder and I had crossed my legs looking into the water.

"Do you ever wonder if we'd still be together if I didn't go away?" I asked out of nowhere.

And I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't expecting that question.

"Yeah.Actually, I know that we'd still be together.But you're the one that insisted that long distance relationships don't work." He says.

"They don't work.I know that they don't work.And I didn't know how long I was going to be gone for.So there was no point in stringing you along...I met someone in Richmond pack." I hesitantly admitted.

"That's good.So, you weren't alone while you were there." He says.

"No.But I think it was more of a casual thing to him then it was to me.He's not even answering my calls since I've been back." I admitted.

And I hated admitting that to him.

"Well, that is completely his loss.And I know a dozen guys at this school that would kill to go out with you."

Edward says looking over at me.But I shook my head.

"I'm not interested in those guys.I know who they are.And they are definitely not my type.They all remind me of Lucas.Arrogant assholes." I say.

"Well, yeah.They are.They come from the richer families in town.But they've all got a thing for you." He says.

"I don't care.I don't have a thing for them.I can't date someone that I'm not attracted to.I just can't do it." I say.

"And that's what makes you so special.You're not a tramp like have the girls at school who will sleep with anyone just because they are there." He says smiling at me.

‘You should try and get Edward back" Ava says to me.

‘He has a girlfriend.And I am not like that.I will never go for another girls' man.

Even if she did take him from me first"I tell her.

‘'I don't care.He still cares about you.His wolf is calling for me.They want to be with us.Not with Hannah." Ava says.

"I don't care.It's not happening.Not while he's with Hannah.Now knock it off or I'll lock you up again" I threatened.

So Ava whimpered at the threat and she stopped hounding me about it.

Ava always liked Edward and his wolf.

And she felt a fair bit of pain when we saw him and Hannah together.I think she felt more pain than I did.But I had also trained myself to hide those feelings.So I don't really know what I was feeling.

We stayed there for a couple of hours before I finally stood up and Edward stood up as well.

" I have to get to work." I say letting out a breath.

Obvious that I wasn't looking forward to going to work.

"Yeah.You work for the Alpha.You better not be late." He says.

So I walked to the packhouse and I walked up the stairs of the packhouse and there was no answer.So I walked inside and I didn't see anyone around.

So I walked down the hallway to the office and I went straight over to the couch where everything had been left from the night before and I got straight back to work inputting the data of everyone's files.

I then heard something strange coming from another part of the house so I got up to investigate.I made my way to the living room and then I saw a door open that led down to a basement.I opened the door wider and I found the light switch to turn it on and I walked down the stairs to the dungeons that were dank and dark and smelt of mold the walls were made of cement but the ground was dirt.

I walked to the end of the cell's and I saw Lucas sitting on a cot in the cell and his head snapped up when he realized that I was there.

"I didn't think I would see you again." He says bitterly.

"I could say the same for you.I thought you'd be dead by now." I say.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" He asked looking away from me.

"I told you that you shouldn't have come to me.When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"I don't know.How long have I been here?" He asked.

"What are you doing here?"

A voice echoed from the entrance and I looked to the side of me and Lucas jumped at the sound of the voice.I saw Alpha Jackson standing there and I just looked at him.

Completely unfazed by the fact that he was standing there.

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