Mine - The Alpha's Possession

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18



Do you have any idea what’s going to happen to you for being on our land?” I asked the rogue as he approached me. Trying to intimidate me.

Well, no one ever patrols this far south. I know. I’ve been watching. And waiting.” He says stalking even closer to me.Waiting for what?” I asked crossing my arms.

A sweet little thing like you to take advantage of the lack of patrols. I knew that teenagers had to come out here some time. And I am so glad it was someone as hot as you.” He says as he was now standing right in front of me.

The smell of him was really starting to get to me. It was putrid. But I was trying not to let that get to me while he reached out and touched my blonde curly hair. I just tried not breathing out of my nose. I really couldn’t stand it.

Alpha Jackson will kill you.” I smirked.

“Well, I’m guessing Alpha Jackson doesn’t even know that you’re here.” He says.

“Oh my god. A rogue with a brain. Now there’s something you don’t see every day.” I say in mock surprise.

“That was uncalled for.” He says standing up taller and looking down on

“And so is you trying to scare me. Which, by the way, you are failing miserably at.” I say.

“You’re not afraid of me?” He asked.

“Why would I be? You’re only one man?

Or do you have friends waiting in the wings to help you take down one teeny tiny little teenage girl?” I mocked him pretending to look around.

“You’ve got a mouth on you, don’t you?” He asked.

“I’ve been told that I do.” I say.

“Well, this is going to be more fun then I thought.” He says as his canines elongated. But I just stood there staring at him. And when he crouched down slightly I couldn’t help but giggle at him. And that seemed to piss him off even more.

I could see fur starting to sprout on his arms but before he could get any further than that I charged at him and I punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach. While he was crouched over I grabbed him by the hair and I kneed him in the face and pushed him away from me, where he landed on his back.

I guess you picked the wrong girl, bitch. “I say to him getting into position. But he got up and still only half shifted he charged at me and I threw myself onto my back and pushed my foot into his stomach and threw him over the top of me and he landed on his back behind me.

I used my legs to jump back up onto my feet and I turned around to face him again and he slowly got up and turned to face me. He looked like he was in a lot of pain and he looked down, so I followed his line of sight and there was a stick protruding through the side of his rib cage.

He yanked it out and let out a growl when he did it, and he looked back at me as angry as possible. And he charged at me again and this time he dodged my punch and managed to land a couple on me. I fell back against a tree and he tried to punch me again but I moved my head and he punched the tree instead.

I stumbled as I got out of his way but I regained my footing and I was ready for him again. And when he charged at me I spun around and kicked him in the face and he flew back against a tree.

I waited for him to get up again and this time he was a little slower. But he managed to get up again and he started charging at me again when I heard. something else running through the woods that caught my attention.

All of a sudden Alpha Jackson jumped into the fight and he grabbed a hold of the rogue that was attacking me and he got him to the ground straight away and extended his claws and ripped the rogues throat out.

When Alpha Jackson was sure that he was dead I saw his claws slip back in and then he turned to look at me and I thought he was going to be pissed. But he walked over to me and he looked at my bleeding lip and my eye that I could feel was swelling up.

Are you alright?” He asked with nothing by concern in his voice.

“I’m fine.” I say flatly at him. Then we were joined by some warriors that he no doubt mind linked and he told them to take care of the rogue’s body.

He put his arm around me but for some reason, this time I didn’t get that zap from him. It didn’t hurt when he touched

I didn’t understand why. But I wasn’t questioning that right now.

Alpha Jackson took me back to the packhouse and into the kitchen where he got a wet cloth to start washing away the blood from my face and I just sat there not looking at him while he was doing it.

“Listen Taylor, those photos only showed you what they wanted to show you. They didn’t show you when I pushed her away and I suspended her from all school and pack activities until further notice.”

Alpha Jackson says.

I really don’t know what to say to you right now. Should I thank you for doing that? Or what? Or should I be asking myself why the hell I got so pissed about it?” I asked finally looking at him. And he was so close to my face that I could see right into his green eyes and noticed that they actually had two shades of green in them.

What do you mean?” He asked.

“I mean, I don’t know why I got so pissed off about them. It’s not like we’re a couple. It’s not like I have any right to get pissed off. It’s probably just because it was Missy. I hate that bitch and I have hated her for as long as I can remember.” I say.

“Well, don’t worry about her. I’ll be dealing with her tomorrow for those photos. I don’t know who she sent them to.” He says.

“Yeah. And she had the nerve to call me a slut.” I say rolling my eyes.

Listen, as soon as I saw those photos on your phone I panicked. And I never panic. “Alpha Jackson says. Why did you panic?” I asked.

“Because I knew that you got the wrong idea and I didn’t want you to. I didn’t want you to think that there was anything going on with me and Missy. I don’t have anything going on with anyone.” He says.

“Why are you telling me this? It’s none of my business.” I say.

Because, it is not secret that we have become closer since you came to the pack. Since you started working for me and especially since you started staying here. That’s why I think your opinion matters to me. And I don’t know why, because I don’t usually care what anyone thinks. But I do care what you

think.” He explained and I was trying to find some sort of reading on his face to try and figure out what he was telling me. But I just couldn’t. There was nothing there.

“I’m sorry I took off.” I say looking away guiltily.

“I don’t blame you. But going to that part of the woods. That was dangerous. And patrols are going to be increased around that area from now on.” He scoffs creasing his eyebrows.

Why do you look angry right now?” I asked.

“Because of my own stupidity. I should have had that place better protected. It is my land.” He says shaking his head. Can I ask you something?” I asked.

“What’s that?” He asked looking back up at me.

Why don’t you have a mate yet? It’s not normal for an Alpha to be single. No matter how old they are.” I say without looking away. I was serious and I really wanted to know the answer.

Well, when I went to Alpha training I became really good friends with a guy there. He had a mate waiting for him back home. But while he was at the Alpha camp, his pack was attacked and his mate was killed. I saw what it did to him and how much it almost killed him. I haven’t found my mate yet, but I know that when I do, I’m going to reject her.” He says. Are you serious?” I asked pulling away from his hand that was still cleaning my face.

“I can’t go through what he went through. That was way too painful. And me being me, my Luna will be a bigger target. I won’t put her in danger like that. I’ve already made up my mind and I’ve chosen to reject her.” Alpha Jackson explained pulling my head back so he could keep cleaning the blood off of my face.

“That’s a pretty massive step. You’re really going to go through life alone? With no heir to take over your pack?” I asked.

“I’m sure that I can figure something out there. I’ll appoint the right heir when the time is right. He won’t be blood related but he will be capable of the job.” Alpha Jackson says.

He finished cleaning all the blood off of my face and I was still sitting on the stool in the kitchen while he emptied out the bloody water and I was thinking about everything that he was saying. I know that Alpha’s like to keep their pack’s in the family. They need to produce an heir. But Alpha Jackson was willing to give all of that up on the off chance that he will get his heart broken if something happens to his mate.

I could see where he was coming from but it sounded a little crazy to me. But, who am I to tell him that he can’t do it. I mean, he’s a grown man and it’s obvious that he’s already made up his mind.

“Are you alright?” He asked pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yeah. Sorry. I was off with the faeries.” I say. And I suddenly stopped and realized what I said. And I tried not to laugh at it. So he helped me to my feet and we started heading upstairs.

When we got to the top of the stairs he handed me my phone that I had left on his desk and I deleted the photos immediately and then I went into my room and I closed the door.

I went to have a shower and when I got out of the shower I got dressed into my pyjama’s and then I sat on the windowsill with a smoke and I grabbed my phone. and looked at it for a few moments before I pulled up Ethan’s phone number and I tried to call it again. But again, I got no response. Just his voicemail. He was still ignoring me. I then thought I heard footsteps in the hallway which was weird because these rooms were soundproof, but I looked over and my door was open slightly. I know that I closed it, but it was open again. Was Alpha Jackson listening in to see who I was trying to call. I didn’t

know. But I walked over and I looked out into the hallway and I couldn’t see anyone there. So I closed the door again. And I finished my smoke and got into bed.

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