Mine - The Alpha's Possession

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Chapter 58


Everyone stood around completely mortified at what had just happened.

Jackson tried to come closer to me, but I turned my face away from him and I got to my feet on my own.

I straightened myself up and cleaned the grass off my clothes.I reached down and I helped Stefan up, who was in really bad shape and I put his arm over my shoulder and I started walking away from the group and the spectical the Jackson had created.

Jackson tried to help me but I turned Stefan and myself away from him without saying anything.He got the point after that and he stayed back.

But I did notice a couple of my friends following me.

Aria and Parker were pretty close behind and Edward grabbed Stefan's other arm and put it over his shoulder so that I wasn't carrying the whole weight of Stefan on my own.

We got him to the hospital and the doctor was already waiting.She told us that the Alpha mind linked her and said that we were on our way.

So we took him straight to a treatment room and she knows that he doesn't have a wolf so he was going to be pretty beaten up and he wasn't going to heal like us.

He might be a long standing patient in the hospital.

Our hospital never has long staying patients.

We're usually out the next day if it's serious because we heal fast.

But Stefan doesn't and he wasn't doing too good.

My friends were trying to get information out of me but I wouldn't say anything about what's going on between me and Jackson.

It was none of their business.

But they could see the mark on my neck, which meant that Jackson had marked me and I was not basically their Luna.

We hadn't had the ceremony yet, but being marked meant that I also now had Alpha DNA in me.

And I was stronger and I felt the connection to the Alpha and the entire pack.

Whenever someone in the pack gets hurt, the Alpha knows immediately.

And now I will as well.

That's how the whole marking of a Luna worked.

Plus to prove to others that I was the Luna and I was taken and to let all unmated wolves know that I was off limits.

That was really important for Alpha's.

I stayed in the room while they were treating Stefan and as much as I tried to block it out, I couldn't help but feel Jackson's emotions.It was driving me crazy.

I hated feeling what he was feeling right now.I hated feeling how guilty he felt.

But he didn't feel guilty about what he did to Stefan.He felt guilty about hitting me.

One of the nurses commented on the bruise on my face, but I just blew it off.I knew that it would be gone tonight.

It wasn't anything serious.I told them to focus on Stefan.

He was being treated by so many people that when he reached his arm out, I could tell that he was scared and I walked over and held his hand to let him know that he wasn't alone.

His mother and brother were called to the hospital and when they got there his mother was in tears.

She didn't understand how something like this could happen.She hadn't been given all of the information and no one told her who had done it.

"He wanted to train with the wolves.He wanted to start training.He wasn't ready and some of those bastards don't know when to stop." I say while I talk to her in the hallway.

And I saw my friends give me a strange look because of the way I just described my mate.But she didn't know that it was Jackson and I didn't really want to tell her.So I just decided not to.

She didn't need to know.

But it would get back to her eventually.

Word spreads really fast in a wolf pack.

And Damon looked like he was ready to kill the person that hurt his little brother.

"I'm glad he had you there to stop it."

Damon says.

"I'll always be there to stop it.But he can't train with the wolves.Not until he has his own wolf." I explain.

"That's if he even gets one.We don't know that he will." Fiona says.

"I know.He's more fae than wolf.It doesn't mean that he won't.But the chances are pretty slim that he'll get a wolf." I say.

"Why does he want to train like that?" Damon asked really confused.

He obviously had no idea that Stefan was planning this.

"I think it's because he doesn't want to be useless in the pack. He wants to contribute.But he's going to have to find some other way to make a difference.He can't be a warrior.Not around here." I say.

And I was certain of that.He wouldn't stand a chance at being a warrior.

Fiona and Damon went into Stefan's room and I told him that they will take care of him now.I had to get going.So, I left his room and walked past my friends in the hallway and straight out the front door.

My friends followed me but I took off into a sprint and headed straight for the woods.I heard Edward tell them to stay back I don't want them following.I need time alone.

Which he was completely right.

I didn't even bother undressing before I shifted into my wolf and took off running through the woods.

We stayed within the border and passed and a lot of patrols in a blur because of how fast I was running and I ended up on the other side of the territory.

As far from the packhouse as I could possibly go before I finally collapsed and lied on the ground panting.

"Why would he do something like that?" Ava asked.

"Jealousy." I replied.

And she asked more questions but I wasn't in the mood to answer them.I didn't want to answer them.I just wanted to be left alone.

That's all I wanted.

I needed to get my head straight before I went home, but then I thought I didn't want to go home.I didn't want to go back to that packhouse.I lied there thinking about so many things going through my head right now and facing Jackson was at the top of the list.I didn't know what I was going to do when I saw him again.I was actually afraid of what I was going to do when I saw him again.

I shifted back to my human form and I found a tree with a ribbon around it that indicated that there were clothes inside in, so I grabbed a loose fitting shirt and some shorts and I started walking aimlessly through the woods.

"Taylor." Jackson said in a very soft tone to me.

But I blocked him out immediately.

Usually when you shift, it helps with the healing process.

But as soon as I shifted back I could feel that the swelling under my eye was getting worse.It hadn't healed.I thought that was a little strange.

But I didn't really think too much of it.He got me a good one, and it was a direct hit.

Plus, he's an Alpha.He's a lot stronger.

I wasn't really surprised that it hadn't healed yet.I found my way to a small clearing in the woods and there was a fallen branch that was sitting in the middle of the clearing so I went and sat on it.

There was charred ground in front of me, which meant that people were coming out here and lighting fires and camping or just having drinks around a fire or something.I don't really know.I was barely ever over this side of town.

And I didn't really care.I just sat there staring off into the trees.


Edward mind linked me.

"I'm fine Edward.I'll come back when I'm ready." I say and I cut the link.

I knew that everyone was going to try and get a hold of me so I completely blocked everyone out.

How the hell could! talk to anyone after what happened.

Not only was my mate not respecting my friendship with Stefan but he assaulted me in front of a huge number of the pack.

That was not only an assault, it was embarrassing.He might feel ashamed and guilty.But I fell embarrassed.I'm an abuse victim now.

And I have never considered myself a victim before.I have been a victim before.I have always stood up for myself, but for some reason [ just couldn't do that today.

Not against him.

I don't know if it was the shock of what he did, or if it was because everyone was watching.But I just couldn't speak let alone hit him back.

And that's exactly what he deserved.

I had been in the forest for more of the day and I started walking back towards town at sunset and I walked up to a house that wasn't the packhouse and I knocked on the door.

I only had to wait a couple of seconds for the door to open.

"Hi mom.Can I stay here for a little while?" I asked.

And she walked straight out and hugged me.

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