Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 63 - March On, Cross Over My Dead Body

Chapter 63 - March On, Cross Over My Dead Body

Chapter 63 – March On, Cross Over My Dead Body

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Do you wish to revive by using the Dead Souls of the Ancestors? Yes/No”

The Dead Souls… of the Ancestors?

Rensuo hesitated for a moment but finally selected “Yes”.

The next moment, a ghost-like figure appeared and hovered above the dead body of the sixth Ren Woxing having the role of the head of the family.

It was Ren Pingsheng, the birth father of the sixth-generation Ren Woxing!

The spirit, Ren Pingsheng, saw Ren Han on the ground, battered by the attacks of the Ghost Troops surrounding him. Ren Pingsheng heaved a sigh and helped Ren Han up from the ground with a move of his right hand.

Thereafter, the figure fused together with Ren Han’s body, and Ren Han regained all of his health! All of the negative buffs he received were also removed!

All that was left was the faint last words of Ren Pingsheng: “In the last twenty years, I, Pinsheng, only hated one person. Mother… I did not let my family down.”

And that was the same last words Ren Pingsheng left behind when he died years ago.

With the revival of Ren Han, the now protected Ren family Practitioners resumed their attack to break through the defenses of the Ghost Troop Army.

On the other hand, the Ghost Troops who had fallen before were also revived by the court officials who were still in the fog of war!

At this juncture, Ren Han’s inherited ability “Heat-Shivering Cross-Elemental Abundant Fury of the Holy Force” was unable to encompass the entire battlefield, and the long-ranged enemies begun attacking the other Practitioners of the Ren family who were standing behind Ren Han!

Even though the Defense of the Ren family Practitioners were not low, and there were also Practitioners who specialized in Recovery, they were still not able to hold off the attacks by the enemies and died one after another.

But just at that moment, the player was given the option to revive again by using the Dead Souls of the Ancestors!

Bowed-attacker Ren Qiao has been killed.

Ren Luoyang said, “There is nothing that cannot be solved with an arrow. If one arrow is not sufficient, there are always more arrows to follow. And if that still fails… there is nothing else I can do but to entrust the future in your hands now.”

Warrior Ren Qiling has been killed.

Ren Wuxie said, “I have always aspired to navigate the places and traverse the mountains and the seas with my own pair of legs… I heard that there are more islands on the other side of the most eastern part of the sea? I wish I could be there to have a look.”

One by one, as the Practitioners were killed, the souls of their birth parents would appear and fuse together with their bodies, reviving them and allowing them to continue fighting!

However, although the Ren family of Practitioners were strong, the strength and might of the Evil Souls of Shu Han was extraordinary. The enemies maintained their Eight Trigram Formation and slowed the movement of the Ren family Practitioners down to the maximum!

Ren Han was killed for the second time!

Ren Ying said, “Sigh… Sometimes I also wish that I could be loved and cherished like most other girls are…”

After using the Souls of Ren Ying, who was the head of the family for the third and fourth generations of the Ren family, Ren Han was revived again!

At this point, the Ren family of Practitioners had finally gotten closer to the centre of the enemy’s formation, where the historic and well-known Generals were lying in wait!

Zhang Bao said, “I will not be a disgrace to my father’s name and fame!”

With one swift move, Ren Han used the inherited ability, Heat-Shivering Cross-Elemental Abundant Fury of the Holy Force, and killed Zhang Bao!

Guan Xing said, “Life and death is a natural phenomenon of humans, just as mayflies die the day they emerge. But as long as I am loyal and filial, what’s there to dread about death?”

With one swift arrow from the Destructive Silver Wolf Bow, Ren Qiao shot Guan Xing dead!

Chen Dao said, “I, Chen Dao, a member of the Elite Bai Er Troops, will accept any judgement from the skills of the Ren family!”

With one swift blow, Ren Qiling’s ability Phantom Punch of Destruction sent Chen Dao flying miles away!

Even though the Ren family Practitioners were able to kill each of the Shu Han leaders in one move, there was no doubt that they were still much stronger and tougher than the Elite Bai Er Troops, and were able to rapidly weaken the Defences of the Ren family Practitioners.

Furthermore, “Fei Yi, Marquis of Cheng District” was able to cast a middle-ranged ability that caused the sixth-generation Ren Han’s Defense to decrease continuously. Even though they fought their way through the hordes of enemies quickly, Ren Han’s Defense soon fell into the critical zone!

Through the fog of war, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun each shot one arrow and killed Ren Han instantly!

Undoubtedly, Rensuo had no other choice but to use another Dead Soul of the Ancestors!

The soul that emerged from above Ren Han this time was that of his great-grandfather and the second generation of the Ren family, Ren Nu!

The floating apparition of Ren Nu looked down toward the ground and did not say a word. A few seconds later, he suddenly looked up to reveal a face full of tears.

Ren Nu said, “Father, I have never blamed you… And I have never once felt regretful for being your son, for being a descendent of the Ren family, or for having to live with such a heavy responsibility throughout my life. For all of these, I am proud.”

With that, Ren Han was brought back alive and kicking once again!

He was now very close to the strongest of the Shu Han enemies, and the “Heat-Shivering Cross-Elemental Abundant Fury of the Holy Force” could now take effect on a small portion of the Generals and Leaders hidden in the fog of war!

Despite the endless Ghost Troops attempting to outflank the Ren family Practitioners and the numerous revivals of Ren Han, the Ren family Practitioners remained as strong and powerful as before. They casted their individual ultimate skills tirelessly, and freed up a path for the sixth generation Ren Nu!

“Return of the Six Suns with the Fire of Truth”!

“Phantom Punch of Destruction”!

“Royal Sword of Heavenly Massacre”!

“Unparalleled Sword of All Heavens and Earth!”

“Vain Spear Silhouette of the Prosperous World!”

The “brave” Ghost Troops of the Shu Han army were no match to the Ren family Practitioners, who lived up to their name as the “boss”. With each attack, the Ren family Practitioners were able to wipe out massive numbers of the enemies, and some of the Practitioners with close-ranged attacks even sent objects flying into the distance to block far-ranged attacks!

Finally, the Ren family Practitioners fought their way into the fog of war!

All of the most powerful enemies of the Shu Han army were now paralysed due to the effect of Ren Han’s “Angry Roar Stance” ability!

“Zhao Yun, Marquis Shunping of Han” cast skill “Phoenix Homage Spear”! Attack: 40, deals 2x damage to single targets!

“Zhang Fei, Marquis of Xi District of Han” cast skill “Chaos Snake Tooth Spear”! Attack: 45, deals area damage!

“Huang Zhong, Marquis Gang of Han” cast skill “Sun-Catching Arrow”! Attack: 40, deals 2x long-ranged damage!

“Pang Tong, Marquis Jing of Han” cast skill “Looping Iron Chains”! Three selected enemy units would receive all damage dealt to any of them (total damage would not be split equally, but each of the three targets would receive the total combined damage).

“Zhuge Liang, Marquis Zhongwu of Han” cast skill “Maze of the Eight Trigrams”! Move any one target in the round three tiles away. Can be used to save ally units or hinder the progress of enemy units.

“General Jiang Wei of Han” cast skill “Last Wish”! Negates negative status effects of three selected targets, including ‘Mocking Paralysis”!

Even though Ren Han was able to paralyse the enemy units with his ability, but there were also many Shu Han Practitioners who could cast ranged canon attacks on any area on the battlefield.

In addition, Jiang Wei could negate the negative status effects of three ally units in each turn. Even though Ren Han could paralyse them again the next turn, the Shu Han general would then take the opportunity to eliminate the supporting Ren family Practitioners!

Furthermore, Ren Han could also be involuntarily moved into the middle of the crowd of Ren family Practitioners by Zhuge Liang. A large portion of the casted abilities were momentarily lost and more than half of the Ren family Practitioners were killed that turn, leaving Rensuo with no choice but to utilize the Soul of the Ancestors to revive the Ren family Practitioners again!

The fourth generation of Ren Practitioners, the third generation of Ren Practitioners, the second generation of Ren Practitioners…

Over 50 of those Practitioners who once fought their way to fame during the chaotic era of the Three Kingdoms and spent their short yet glamorous lives killing and eliminating demons and ghosts, reappeared for the last time on the battlefield. They gave their last, remaining strength and power to their descendants!

Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Fei Yi, Jiang Wan, Guan Suo, Sun Gan, and Yang Yi had all been killed in battle!

Three Practitioners of the Ren family were gone forever and could no longer be revived as they had no more Souls of the Ancestors they could utilize!

At this juncture, Rensuo finally understood the game mechanism for a character’s death in battle.

Any game character who was killed within the base of the Ren family (characters who said their last words before they died) could be called upon by descendants of the Ren family in the final battles of each stage of the game, giving them an opportunity for a “full revive”!

However, Rensuo figured that there was a sequence to the revival of the Soul of the Ancestors. Directly-related members of the family (grandfather, father, son, grandson) only needed to utilize one Soul of the Ancestors to be fully revived.

On the other hand, ancestors who did not have any direct descendants (that is, the family name lineage had completely died out) would have to utilize two such Souls for their descendants to be revived!

Furthermore, the Souls of ancestors who had direct descendants who were still alive could not be utilized by descendants of branch lineages!josei

However, even with such a strong support of the Souls of Ancestors to fully revive the Ren family descendants, they were pitted against the formidable Shu Han army of Ghost Troops, which was one of the strongest and elite forces during the chaotic era of the Three Kingdoms.

While Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Li Yan, and Pang Tong were killed, two of the Ren family Practitioners lost their lives as well!

There were now only three Practitioners of the Ren family left!

Jiang Wei remarked, “The Ren family is truly formidable… If our plan still fails this time, it could only be heaven’s fate!”

Then, Jiang Wei turned his sword toward himself and stabbed it through his body!

“General Jiang Wei of Han” cast skill “Twisted Fate”! User’s Defense drops immediately to 0 while dealing damage equivalent to the user’s original Defense to all nearby enemies!

Jiang Wei’s original Defense was high, and Liu Bei had also provided him with a boost of Defense +50. Of the three remaining Ren Practitioners, only Ren Han could survive!

Two more Practitioners of the Ren family had been killed, leaving only the head of the sixth generation of the Ren family, Ren Han!

Zhuge Liang stood in front of Liu Bei as he looked at Ren Han, shaking his head gently. He said, “This is truly a critical moment…”

“Zhuge Liang, Marquis Zhongwu of Han” cast skill “Light of the Seven Stars”! User’s Defense drops immediately to 0 while dealing seven consecutive attacks on the enemy. Each of the seven attacks deals 2x the damage of the previous attack.

Zhuge Liang, who had been sitting on a wheelchair, gradually turned into ashes and disappeared. In the meantime, Ren Han received possibly the strongest set of attacks in the entire game!

Zhuge Liang had an Attack of 35, which meant that the first attack was 35, the second would be 70, the third 140, the fourth 280, and the fifth 560!

On the other hand, Ren Han had a Defense of 200+200*50% which amounted to a total of 300 points. After the fifth attack, Ren Han fell into a critical state!

Liu Bei walked up to Ren Han and sighed. He said, “The present generation had not been able to prevent the decline of the Han Dynasty. But I, without first ensuring I have sufficient capability, set out to restore justice to the Han Dynasty.”

“Emperor Zhao Lie of Han” cast skill “Gender Double Sword”, killing Ren Han.

At this juncture, the last Soul of the Ancestor of the Ren family finally appeared above Ren Han.

That was the first head of the family Rensuo had chosen for the current game save.

It was Ren Woxing.

Ren Woxing looked around the area and saw the massive numbers of Ghost Troops and Ghost Leaders, while all but one of the Ren family descendants were now dead bodies around the entire battlefield. He let out a comforting smile.

“Descendants of the Ren family, all of you carried such a heavy task on your shoulders while being restricted by the most unforgiving shackles. Love, friendship, hopes for the future… all of these beautiful memories could never belong to us.”

“We possess the strongest powers, but yet we are predestined to walk on the most tragic of paths.”

“You may hate me, this surname, this family, and this destiny… but regardless…”

“Please, march on, as you cross over my dead body.”

With that, Ren Han was fully revived for the fourth time!

In the real world, Rensuo was pressing the buttons on the game controller continuously in excitement.

It’s time for me to bring you to death’s door with a 4x single target critical attack!

However, suddenly at this moment, Liu Bei said, “The power of the Souls of the Ancestors of the Ren family is truly remarkable… But what makes you any different for us then? Don’t you also make use of the powers of the spirits, demons, ghosts, and beasts?”

This time, a dialogue box appeared on the screen. In the dialogue box were the words “Ren Woxing said”.

Rensuo scratched his head and thought, am I supposed to help Ren Han reply Liu Bei’s question?

Rensuo entered:

“Why should I even consider about morality and justice when dealing with a monster like you?! Have a taste of my axe!”

Previously, Liu Bei gave 100 of his 300 Defense points to Jiang Wei and Zhuge Liang, leaving him with only 200 Defense points in the round.

Ren Han had a base attack of 50 points, and there was a 4x critical attack with fire and water attacks!

A system message appeared: “Ren Woxing has killed Emperor Zhao Lie of Han”

“The Shu Han Ghost Army has lost their King and they have vanished”

“☆ Achievement complete – Liberating the Heroic Spirits of Shu Han”

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