Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 141 A Family Field Trip

Chapter 141 A Family Field Trip

After thoroughly inspecting the perimeter and inner area of the land plot, the lackey in the Hawaiian shirt found nothing suspicious. He promptly relayed the information to his boss through the phone, confirming that all seemed to be in order.

Upon receiving the update, the boss issued another command, which the lackey acknowledged with repeated nods. Oblivious to the fact that his actions were being observed by Daniel's guards, he exited the land plot and set out to carry out his superior's orders.

Unbeknownst to the lackey, Daniel's guards had already witnessed his departure and promptly reported it to Daniel himself. While Daniel had no intentions of inviting trouble during this family trip, he had instructed his soldiers to maintain vigilance around the perimeter of the VTOL. He emphasized the importance of notifying him immediately if anyone approached within a 10-meter radius of the aircraft, as this would trigger the activation of a second array designed to deter intruders.

— Disneyland —

Under the radiant sun of a perfect day, Daniel's family embarked on a heartwarming adventure in the enchanting realm of Disneyland. Sylvana, the adorable and mischievous little troublemaker, couldn't contain her excitement as she skipped along, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

With each step they took, the air buzzed with joy and laughter. The family ventured into the vibrant world of rides, where Sylvana's infectious giggles filled the air as she experienced the exhilaration of each attraction. From the gentle swirl of the teacup ride to the thrilling twists and turns of the roller coasters, Sylvana fearlessly embraced every moment.

Beside them, Michaela, the steadfast archangel in her human form, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. Her presence provided an added layer of security, ensuring that Daniel's family could immerse themselves fully in the enchantment of Disneyland.

As they embarked on the more intense rides, Sylvana's excitement reached new heights. She eagerly led the way, dragging Michaela along with her. The usually composed archangel couldn't help but get caught up in Sylvana's infectious energy, her serious facade slipping away for a moment as she let out a genuine laugh of pure joy.

At the entrance of the roller coaster, Daniel noticed the height limit sign, which indicated that Sylvana fell short by about 20 centimeters.

"Sweety, I'm sorry, but you can't ride the roller coaster," Daniel explained gently to the disappointed Sylvana.

Confusion filled Sylvana's eyes as she innocently asked, "Why, Papa?"

Daniel pointed to the sign, indicating the minimum height requirement.

Seeing this, the determined little troublemaker pattered over to the sign and stood beside it, comparing her height. It became evident that she was more than 20 centimeters shorter, no matter how much she tried to stretch on her tiptoes.

"Papa..." Sylvana pleaded, using her puppy eyes to appeal to her father's sympathy. However, Daniel remained firm, prioritizing her safety.

"No," Daniel firmly replied, denying her request. But then, a compromise formed in his mind.

"How about this? We'll extend our field trip for two more days, so you can enjoy other attractions in Hong Kong. Besides Disneyland, there's Victoria Peak and Ocean Park," Daniel suggested, hoping to soften the disappointment.

"Yaaay!" Sylvana exclaimed, jumping in glee and showering Daniel with kisses on his cheek. "I love you, Papa!"

pandasnovel.com Daniel chose to stay on the ground with Sylvana, ensuring her safety, while Koyuki, who had never been to Disneyland before, eagerly joined the roller coaster ride along with Michaela, who was assigned to protect her.

At one point, they ventured onto a thrilling roller coaster that tested the limits of their bravery. As the coaster climbed to its highest peak, Sylvana watched with wide eyes, feeling a mixture of awe and anticipation.

The coaster plunged into a breathtaking descent, and Michaela's composed demeanor shattered. Her angelic wings instinctively burst forth for a brief moment, a flash of ethereal beauty against the backdrop of the exhilarating ride. With a quick movement, she swiftly retracted and dematerialized her wings.

Fortunately, being seated at the back of the roller coaster car shielded her from prying eyes, and no one noticed anything amiss. The feather she dropped floated gracefully to the ground, remaining unnoticed by Daniel and the rest of the family caught up in the thrill of the ride.

As the day drew to a close, the family gathered for a leisurely dinner, savoring each bite while reminiscing about the day's adventures. They shared stories, laughter, and heartfelt moments, their connection growing stronger with every passing minute.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

After the excitement of the day, Daniel led his family to a luxurious and elegant restaurant for a fine dining experience. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and sophistication, with soft music playing in the background and the aroma of delectable dishes wafting through the air.

As they sat around the table, exchanging stories and laughter, their hearts were filled with a deep sense of contentment. Daniel and Wrath shared a tender gaze, grateful for the love and happiness they found in each other. Greed, always the life of the party, regaled them with amusing anecdotes, her infectious laughter brightening the mood.

Sylvana, still buzzing with energy from the day's adventures, savored each bite of her meal, occasionally chiming in with her own adorable and mischievous remarks. The family shared in the joy of being together, cherishing these precious moments that would become treasured memories.

The evening slowly unfolded, the ambiance of the restaurant casting a spell of tranquility upon them. They savored the delectable cuisine, sipped on fine wine, and embraced the simple joy of being surrounded by loved ones.

As the night wore on, and the warmth of the evening settled within their hearts, Sylvana's excitement began to subside. Her eyelids grew heavy, and Daniel, ever the loving father, gently cradled his sleepy daughter in his arms. Wrapping her in a warm embrace, he whispered tenderly, "Goodnight, my little princess."

With hearts full and souls at peace, the family made their way back to their accommodations, a luxurious 5-star hotel nearby. Greed, with her connections and ownership stake in the hotel, ensured they received a VIP welcome and impeccable service.

Arriving at the hotel, Daniel carefully laid Sylvana on the soft bed, tucking her in with gentle care. She quickly succumbed to the embrace of slumber, her dreams carrying her away to a world of enchantment and joy.

As the family settled into their own beds, a sense of gratitude filled the air. They reflected on the day's adventures, the laughter shared, and the love that enveloped them throughout. In the stillness of the night, they found solace and comfort, knowing that their bond as a family was unbreakable.

With hearts full of love and minds at ease, they drifted into a peaceful sleep, ready to embrace the new day that awaited them.

— Meanwhile - Tessia Kingdom —

Within the opulent confines of the Tessia Royal City's grand manor, a meeting was underway. Benjamin Prescott, exuding his wealth and influence, occupied the largest sofa in the guest room, asserting his dominance. Four loyal bodyguards stood nearby, ever vigilant against any potential threats. Given the multitude of enemies Prescott had acquired over time, such precautionary measures were customary.josei

Antoine Leclerc, Prescott's trusted lackey, stood dutifully behind him, accompanied by his own steadfast bodyguard. Seated across from Prescott was a formidable figure—a ruthless Russian man in a tailored suit. Two imposing henchmen flanked him, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

This man was Vladimir Sokolov, the leader of a notorious Russian mafia organization. He had sought refuge in the Tessia Kingdom after incurring the wrath of the Romanov royal family in his homeland. His audacious actions had prompted a relentless pursuit by the royal guard. It was no secret that Sokolov's gang was the same one that Don Veneziale had encountered at his club.

The meeting, facilitated by Leclerc's family connection, held the potential for mutually beneficial arrangements, although the underlying tension in the room was palpable.

"You must be joking, right? You said that you would give me 5% of your TRD (Tessia Resources Development) company if I could destroy Daniel Emberweave's company reputation or steal his core technology and give it to you," Sokolov skeptically remarked, his strong Russian accent laced with disbelief.

Prescott's gaze shifted to Leclerc, who flinched and quickly interjected in an attempt to diffuse the tension.

"Mr. Sokolov, we are not joking. We assure you, our sincerity is genuine," Leclerc pleaded, but Sokolov emitted a derisive snort, effectively silencing him.

"Heh! Sincere? Do you think I'm a fucking idiot like most of the royalists in this damn country!?" Sokolov's voice boomed, his hand crashing down on the table with force. The bodyguards in the room reacted instantly, guns drawn and aimed at Sokolov and his henchmen, who maintained an air of nonchalance, treating the guns pointed at them as mere fucking toys.

Gritting his teeth, Sokolov spat out a profanity-laden retort in Russian, "Proklyatyy svinya!" (Translation: "Fucking pig!")

"According to the Syndicate Union, that Daniel Emberweave is a goddamn S Rank Target. This deal fucking reeks of fishiness! You think I'm fucking clueless? Huh, Leclerc?" Sokolov growled at Leclerc, his anger simmering beneath the surface, his instincts telling him he was being taken advantage of.

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