Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 115 Magitek VS Grand Paladin 4

Chapter 115 Magitek VS Grand Paladin 4

The two drones hurtled towards the Paladin, their enchanted blades spinning at a terrifying speed, poised to tear apart anything in their path.

Christopher swiftly launched two sets of blades at the drones, disrupting their flight trajectory. Utilizing his superhuman speed, he retreated, creating a significant distance between himself and the approaching drones. However, as he readied another set of blessed blades, he realized that each set contained only two blades instead of the usual three.

"Tch!" Christopher clicked his tongue in frustration, realizing that his supply of blessed blades from the Vatican Armory had been depleted.

[It might be more taxing on my magic vein, but I need to make it count!] The Paladin thought, determined to utilize his precious energy effectively. Channeling his mana and faith power, he infused two blades with heightened energy before hurling them towards each of the drones.

Meanwhile, Daniel crouched down, seeking cover as a mini construction golem, kept handy for emergencies, diligently repairing the malfunctioning part of his large-caliber handgun. Without access to his universal pocket, which he had left in his office with Koyuki, he relied on the physical items he had brought concealed within his long coat.

He focused his attention on the clash between his two modified blade wall drones and the Grand Paladin, analyzing their power and toughness. According to the specifications, the drones boasted a commendable combination of 5 power and 4 toughness, impressive attributes in the real world. However, Daniel was aware that the depths of the Curtained World surpassed his initial expectations, leading him to doubt that these drones alone could vanquish the Grand Paladin.josei

Nonetheless, his objective was for the drones to at least stall the Paladin's progress, granting him enough time to complete the repairs on his handgun with the assistance of his mini-construction golem.

With immense speed and precision, the powered imbued blades soared through the air like flashes of lightning, leaving behind a dazzling trail of white light as they hurtled toward the two drones.

Boom! Boom!

As the blades struck the drones with a thunderous collision, an cataclysmic explosion erupted within the confines of the abandoned building. The sheer force of the blast reverberated through the chamber, unleashing a wave of devastation that shook the surroundings to their core. The impact was so immense that it reduced disrepair parts of the already crumbling ceiling to mere rubble, sending them cascading down to the floor below.

But within the swirling veil of smoke and flames, the distinct buzzing of the drones persisted, albeit with a slight clunk undertone. Despite the visible signs of damage and malfunction, the machines continued their relentless pursuit. While their speed had been diminished by the explosion, their cutting power remained undeterred, poised to reduce the Grand Paladin to nothing more than a mangled mess of flesh.

[Impossible! That explosion had enough force to tear an average tank to pieces, yet these two drones only experienced some minor malfunctions?] The paladin was astounded, his blade imbued with holy power that could vanquish a demon in a single strike, yet it had merely caused the drones to malfunction slightly.

"God damn it! It can't be helped," the Paladin cursed under his breath, frustration seeping into his calm demeanor. However, he quickly composed himself, recognizing that he had no other choice but to resort to his imperfected technique. 

With a hint of reluctance, he assumed a new stance, his left arm positioned to the side, gripping a blade, while his right arm wielded another blade. Despite the surprises Daniel had repeatedly sprung upon him, he focused his mind and steeled himself to deflect the rapidly approaching drones.

Clank!!! Clank!!!

The Grand Paladin used all of his power to deflect the two drones away from him while he was still standing in place and didn't dare to move as his technique needed a lot of concentration.

"O Almighty Lord, in Your name I stand, a vessel of Your divine wrath!

Unleash upon me the fervor of Your righteous fury!

Grant me the strength to cleave through the darkness that besets me!

I beseech You, my Lord, to ignite my blade with holy fire!

Let it blaze with the intensity of a thousand suns!"

As the grand paladin fervently prayed aloud to the heavens, the surrounding area began to respond to his plea, with the light element shimmering and stirring. Meanwhile, Daniel, observing the scene, prepared another trick. Hidden behind cover, he readied his stake launcher concealed within his sleeves, charged to maximum power, and unleashed it upon the grand paladin.

With a swift and precise motion, the silver stake pierced through the grand paladin's left rib, causing crimson blood to seep from his wounded body. Yet, not a single grunt of pain escaped his lips, and he remained resolute in his prayer.

As the grand paladin's prayer echoed through the chamber, the two drones that had been momentarily swatted away circled back, fixated on cutting the noble warrior's neck.


The first drone was deflected away harmlessly by the paladin's swift counterattack. However, the second drone seized the opportunity presented by the slight delay caused by the wound from Daniel's silver stake, striking at an unexpected angle and shattering the paladin's blade in the process.

Undeterred, the grand paladin swiftly swatted the second drone aside with his bare hand.

Splash! Clank!

His hand and half of his right arm were now a shredded mess, with blood splattering the floor and dyeing his cloth a deep crimson red. Yet, the grand paladin remained steadfast in his praying, his unwavering faith undisturbed by his grievous injuries.

"Burning away the impurities and heresy that dare oppose You!

Through Your boundless grace, I am but an instrument of Your divine will!

As I wield this sacred weapon, I am but an extension of Your divine hand!

May Your angelic hosts descend upon this blade, warriors of heaven,

And smite the unholy with unwavering zeal and relentless fervor!"

Within the Curtained World, if you were to ask any leader of a force which group they least desired to engage in conflict with, without hesitation they would respond, "The Vatican Secret Exterminator Unit."

The reason behind such trepidation lies in the fact that this force is comprised solely of battle-hungry religious fanatics, undeterred by the extent of bodily harm they may endure. This distinction arises from the unique training undergone by the members of this secretive unit, distinct from that of mages who harness their power through magical emblems and their magic veins.

In the heat of combat, the magic veins of the Vatican Exterminators serve only as conduits within their bodies, channeling the divine strength bestowed upon them through baptism by the true divine being. Thus, their magic veins brim with faith power rather than the magical mana wielded by mages. It is this stark contrast that instills sheer terror in observers who witness Daniel wielding faith-based magic, for faith and conventional magic are not compatible within a single individual. Faith power cannot metamorphose into other forms but rather bestows the user with superhuman strength, speed, and endurance.

Consequently, when a faith-based magic user strives to employ methods surpassing the capabilities of their imbued bodies and faith-infused weapons, they must entreat the divine forces in the heavens through prayer. However, this act leaves them vulnerable and exposed, susceptible to one-on-one combat.

"I offer myself willingly, for I am Your devoted servant and champion!

In Your name, I shall vanquish all darkness and purge the impure!

A—------- ME—---------NNNN!!!!"

With each fervent proclamation, the Paladin's voice grew stronger and more impassioned. His faith radiated from him, permeating the air with an aura of unwavering devotion and fanatical zeal. The very atmosphere seemed to tremble as the divine power he had invoked surged through his being, infusing his blade with an otherworldly brilliance.

The pillar of light descended from the heavens, casting its radiance upon the abandoned building, reminiscent of an early evening scene on a smaller scale. Though it did not illuminate the entire city like Daniel had done before.

In the grand paladin's left hand, the blade shimmered with an intense holy power, its brilliance extending to the length of a typical longsword. It appeared as a blazing fire, ready to purge all impurities.

"Raaaaarrrgggggghh!" The grand paladin unleashed a fierce roar as he confronted the returning drones, their intention to finish him off. With a mighty swing of his holy sword, the two drones were incinerated, reduced to holy particles that dissipated into nothingness.

With unwavering momentum, the grand paladin charged towards Daniel, who had taken cover. Squinting his eyes, Daniel emerged from his hiding spot, taking aim with his fully repaired large caliber handgun.


The first bullet hurtled towards the grand paladin's left arm, only to be consumed by the protective aura surrounding the holy blade, leaving no trace of impact. Adjusting his aim, Daniel directed his next shot at the paladin's legs.


Another bullet flew towards the grand paladin's leg, but despite the severity of his injuries, the noble warrior managed to partially block the bullet, causing it to disintegrate in a burst of holy energy.

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