Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 170 The Romanov

Chapter 170 The Romanov

A myriad of shield fortifications and reinforcement spells surged forth from the mages, each manifestation distinct yet intertwined in purpose. The very ground seemed to respond as an earthen dome materialized, a sudden bulwark rising from the surroundings to encapsulate Satan. Concurrently, the mages wove intricate spells of reinforcement and hardening, interlocking their magic to fortify the earthen sanctuary. Mana flowed relentlessly, a ceaseless stream channeled into the reinforcing incantations, a concerted effort to bolster the structure.


The detonation reverberated with a deafening roar, flames and unleashed energy ravaging the earthen dome and the ancillary spells that lent it support. The concussive shockwave disrupted the concentration of the mages, who found themselves reeling from the abrupt rupture. Some clutched their heads in torment, while others gripped their hands, the very conduits of their spellcasting, contorted in anguish.

Yet, the earthen dome and the labyrinthine spells it harbored had not been in vain. Their collective power succeeded in diminishing the explosion's fury, confining the devastation to a mere patch of ground not exceeding ten meters. The containment effort had triumphed, safeguarding all but the mages themselves, who bore the brunt of the backlash. Thankfully, amidst the injured and the suffering, no lives were lost.

Observing the aftermath of Satan's self-detonation, Daniel's expression soured with a tinge of regret. He couldn't help but sigh, acknowledging that his chance to apprehend Satan had slipped through his grasp. The painstaking effort he had invested to weaken Satan had been thwarted by the untimely shift to Russia, a relocation that severed the mana connection he had established in Tessia Kingdom.

Daniel's cautious nature demanded a margin beyond the maximum. He aimed for a 120% assurance, acutely aware that he could never fathom every concealed card in Satan's possession. This deliberate over-preparation encapsulated a facet of Daniel's personality, a trait that could both serve him and undermine him in equal measure.

After the mages regained their faculties and mobility, they ventured to inspect the aftermath of Satan's self-inflicted detonation. Their faces blanched at the sight of the creeping demonic corruption, a vile stain that insidiously spread. The very land and grass seemed to wither, as if vitality was being mercilessly drained from their essence.

One of the mages, addressing Daniel in English, inquired, "Can you cleanse these things?"

In response, Daniel delved into his mindscape, identifying a card capable of unraveling enchantments. His choice fell upon a card that should have the same effect as sanctifying holy power, a force attuned to purifying the soil.

In an instant, the ambient holy energy converged upon the tainted earth, incinerating the lingering vestiges of demonic corruption. The mages released sighs of relief, their anxiety dissipating like morning mist.

Drawing closer, the leader of the mage group approached Daniel with an air of deference. "Paladin, we kindly request that you reside within the guest quarters for now. I will promptly notify the Tsar and seek his audience. This incident warrants a special discussion."

Daniel nodded in acquiescence, his concerns for his wife and daughter tugging at his thoughts. Realizing he couldn't immediately return to Tessia Kingdom, he resolved to contact them, ensuring their safety before focusing on tomorrow's impending return.

Within the luxurious guest room, Daniel dialed his phone to the base. As the call was answered on the other side, a cacophony of excited voices mixed with relief erupted in the background.

"He's calling! Quiet down! Our lord is on the line!" Penthesilea's voice intervened to hush the commotion before she herself answered the call.

"Yes? My Lord, there might be a malfunction with our tracker. It's showing you're in Russia right now," Penthesilea stated, promptly instructing the technicians in the command room to verify the tracker's accuracy.

"No, the tracker is correct. I am indeed in Russia, to be exact, I'm in the Kremlin Palace right now," Daniel explained with a smile, then shifted his focus to inquire about his family.

"How is Koyuki? Is she safe?" Daniel's concern was palpable in his voice.

Penthesilea fell silent for a moment before cautiously responding to Daniel's question.

"Miss Koyuki... According to Grand Councilor Envy, her soul and body are in a dormant state. She isn't deceased, yet she isn't truly alive either. There are further details I'm trying to comprehend, but the crux of the matter is that her body would deteriorate if left untouched. Her soul isn't residing in her body; it's in a suspended state between the realms of the living and the dead. That's why we've placed her body within a stasis pod in the medical center at the base," Penthesilea elaborated.I think you should take a look at

Daniel let out a sigh of relief upon hearing this, understanding that his sole resurrection card had been consumed when he used it on Murphy's daughter, Molly. Consequently, he had no means to ensure his wife's well-being if she happened to be in a precarious state.

Ordinarily, spell cards could be reused indefinitely after each use, unlike creature cards, which vanished permanently upon activation. From his understanding, the spell cards represented magical phenomena and could be recycled as long as he possessed both mana and the respective card.

This predicament left him in a state of uncertainty, given that the resurrection spell had permanently vanished once utilized. Was this a manifestation of the rules of reality intervening to prevent excessive exploitation of such power? This remained an enigma, as even the extensive knowledge of the archmage failed to contain such information. Yet, based on his understanding of the archmage's knowledge and his own deductions, it appeared likely to be the case.

"Thank you. I'll be returning to the base tomorrow to assess the situation and determine what can be done. Is Grand Councilor Envy currently at the base?" Daniel inquired again, this time seeking information about Envy, who had arrived here as the representative of the Hightower, not as an ally of the Witch as she had been before. This change in allegiance gave rise to numerous matters he wished to discuss with her.

"Yes... Should we arrange a VTOL to pick you up?" Penthesilea asked.

"Yes, please. I'll confirm the landing area tomorrow after my discussions with the Romanov. Take care," Daniel replied before ending the call.

"Likewise, my lord. Please take care," Penthesilea responded with a faint smile before ending the call on her end as well.

The night passed without incident, but Daniel found it difficult to drift into slumber. Despite the exhaustion from the intense battles, a heavy weight still lingered in his heart, a nagging feeling that he hadn't done enough and hadn't yet fully succeeded, robbing him of a restful sleep.

As the morning sunlight filtered through, he took a refreshing shower and indulged in a hearty breakfast provided by the maids. Penthesilea had also sent him a concise yet informative history of the Romanov dynasty in both the mundane and Curtained World after she had sacrificed her rest time to consult with lots of experts at the base. Now, it was time for his audience with Dimitri Romanov, the reigning tsar of the Romanov dynasty.

From the briefings he had received, Daniel understood that Dimitri Romanov was a Tsar of average political acumen and managerial skill. Despite his royal status, Dimitri was renowned as a loving father and a proficient mage. His magical abilities could be considered above average, perhaps surpassing 1 in 10 mages with similar skills. He wasn't exceptional, yet not lacking either.

There were two factors that had enabled the Romanov dynasty to maintain its standing amidst other prominent dynasties like the Windsors and Qings. First was Anastasia Romanov the Third, the sole daughter of Dimitri. A prodigious mage, she possessed remarkable skill in magecraft and was a Sorcerer born with innate magical power, eliminating the need for an awakening ritual.

Anastasia's potential seemed boundless, as sorcerers in the Hightower typically held positions no less than that of a Councilor. Many eventually ascended to the rank of High Councilor, unless hindered by laziness or other factors.

The second was a unique form of magic exclusive to the Romanov royal lineage: Astraheim Magic. This spellcasting system was rooted in cosmology, harnessing the alignment of stars and planets to amplify spells or even manifest magical phenomena. Astraheim Magic stood as the Romanov's saving grace during the communist uprising. The first Anastasia employed it to sway 80% of the mob's minds, transforming them into staunch supporters and tipping the scales.josei

Hence, the talented female mages of the Romanov Dynasty commonly adopted the name Anastasia, an homage to the original Anastasia who had sacrificed her life force to fuel this formidable magic.

While Astraheim Magic possessed formidable power, rivaling even ancient magical practices, its cost was significant. It consumed the user's life force to channel its potency and establish a connection with the stars. Even with the long lifespans of mages proved inadequate to sustain such magic, leading the First and Second Anastasia to pass away from old age, akin to ordinary humans.

Daniel stood before the grand entrance of the palace's audience hall, poised and patient, awaiting his turn to meet the Tsar. After a brief wait, a signal from one of the palace servants indicated that it was now his time to enter.

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