Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 180 180

Chapter 180 180: <Spoiler>

Daniel pondered the situation further, acknowledging that this might be the swiftest way to bring his wife back to life. While he had significant resources and brilliant minds at his disposal, time was the one thing he couldn't generate. The stasis pod, a product of his team's hasty efforts, hadn't undergone thorough testing, making its long-term stability uncertain.

Although it functioned well in the short term, the possibility of it malfunctioning after a few months or a year was a concern. He couldn't risk his wife's safety on a technology that hadn't been rigorously vetted.

Considering Matsudaira's proposal, Daniel grappled with the idea of entrusting his wife to individuals he had met less than a day ago. He felt uneasy about ensuring Koyuki's well-being and protecting his broader interests.

"I'm open to letting her go with your group. We can arrange transportation for your journey. However, there's a condition attached," Daniel paused, his tone carrying the weight of his decision.

He let the silence linger, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in before he continued.

"One of my mentors will join you. Their role will be to ensure Koyuki's safety and protect my interests throughout the mission. For instance, once she regains her life, she won't return here," Daniel explained.

Matsudaira absorbed Daniel's words, a shiver running down his spine as he grappled with the implications. The futuristic marvels he had encountered—a subterranean city, advanced technological feats—underscored Daniel's incredible capabilities.

Matsudaira wished he could reassure Daniel about Koyuki's eventual return. However, the situation was complex; his mission was authorized by the Shogun, yet its true purpose remained undisclosed, information he couldn't reveal.

"One of your Mentors? Daniel? How many mentors do you have?" Greed asked, curiosity breaking the serious atmosphere within the room.

Daniel's enigmatic teacher was a fact that even Greed, Ragnar, and Envy found hard to believe. Daniel had mentioned that his teacher, Atlanteus, taught him about Atlantean Artifice. Atlanteus had lived during the Golden Age of Atlantis, before 4000 BC. The idea that someone from that time was still alive was astonishing.

"Well…" Daniel pondered for a moment before responding. "Several, I think?" he finally said.

"Well, this is big news, Mr. Emberweave," Envy chimed in.

"Huh? Why?" Daniel turned toward her.

"Why not? The fact that your teacher enabled you to become an Artifice prodigy within 10 years is an achievement in itself. Did Greed ever tell you that in order to tap into your capabilities, even an entire mage's lifetime isn't enough?" Envy explained before continuing.

"That's why I wanted you to teach my people in the Hightower. Your teaching could create connections within the mage council and boost your reputation. But no, you chose to keep your achievements secretive. No mage has ever achieved what you have. Trying to conceal your success like that…" Envy's frustration was evident, as she understood Daniel's trust issues. However, while she comprehended his perspective, she still felt a pang of frustration at the outcome. 

She envisioned the potential prosperity of the Hightower and her faction if Daniel were to openly share his knowledge. How many mages might have abandoned the Path of Knowledge in favor of her faction? The possibilities were tantalizing, yet they remained just that—possibilities that might never come to fruition.

Hearing that, Daniel felt a twinge of regret for having lied about his teacher. He recognized that even if he revealed his true abilities, others wouldn't likely believe him. The idea of explaining his magical card shop and the myriad amazing things he could acquire and actualize in the real world seemed almost fantastical beyond belief.

"So… What do you say?" Daniel turned toward Matsudaira.

"I can only promise to bring one person with us. That's the most I can commit to," said Matsudaira.

"That is good enough," Daniel replied before turning to his daughter, who was still gazing at her mother through the stasis pod glass.

"Sweetie, can you go back to our home and stay with Aunt Greed and Aunt Envy? I need to attend to some business," Daniel addressed Sylvana.

"Okay, Papa," Sylvana nodded.I think you should take a look at

"Will you be able to make it and join us for dinner?" Greed asked.

"Yes, please wait for me. I think I can return and make it in time for dinner with you all," Daniel answered before exiting the room.

After Daniel left, Greed led Matsudaira's group to a comfortable guest apartment within the underground city. The apartment was a testament to Atlantean technological marvels, seamlessly blending modern conveniences with an air of mystique.

Following that, Greed guided Envy and Sylvana to a lavish condominium located at the rooftop of the underground city, where Daniel's home was nestled. With Sylvana engrossed in watching cartoons, Greed and Envy set about preparing a delightful dinner, the aroma of the cooking filling the elegant space as they waited for Daniel's return.


Daniel emerged from the underground base and drove his car to a secluded forest nearby. Parking the car at the side of the road, he locked it and ventured deep into the woods. Despite his immense power, he was aware that a hidden team from Penthesilea was tracking him for protection. The recent events involving Koyuki had left Penthesilea riddled with guilt, prompting the establishment of exclusive teams to safeguard his family members around the clock.

As he moved deeper into the forest, Daniel considered the need for secrecy and a plausible cover story about his teacher's arrival. He wanted to create an air of mystery to account for his absence.

After ensuring that he was alone and unobserved, he summoned a shop door and entered the shop.

"Hello, Mr. Emberweave. How may I assist you today?" The Keeper greeted Daniel with his customary warm smile that had a calming effect.

"Hello, Mr. Keeper. I'd like to use the summoning room you mentioned," Daniel replied, waving a hand in acknowledgment.

"Please proceed to that door to get started. However, please remember that once you've 'actualized' the card, the door to the shop within that room will disappear. Only the individuals you've 'actualized' will be able to exit through the room's door, leading to the outside world."

"Understood," Daniel nodded in comprehension and began walking towards the summoning room. Just as he was about to enter, the Keeper halted him.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Emberweave. Since it has been some time since your last visit, you've accumulated numerous achievement rewards on the achievement board. I recommend collecting your rewards before entering the summoning room. Otherwise, the board won't be able to generate additional achievements for you due to limited space."

The Keeper gestured towards the achievement board, which was illuminated with numerous completed achievements. A significant portion of the board was filled with achievements Daniel had accomplished during the month he hadn't visited the shop. Prominent among them were achievements such as "Create Your Own Faction," "Make a Name for Yourself," "Defeat 100 Demons," "Evoke Fear in a High-Ranking Demonic Being," and "Craft Artifacts and Utilize Magic Without Cards."

However, one achievement that caught his attention was "Capture the Interest of the Most Powerful Witch in History." It was a category only including Envy, the Grand Councilor of the Hightower, and the most potent witch Daniel knew. This revelation slightly unsettled him, given the implication of Envy's interest in him, along with Koyuki and Greed. Three out of the seven deadly sin witches seemed to hold such an interest in him.

Pushing these thoughts aside, Daniel focused on collecting his rewards. He touched the illuminated achievements on the board, and in an instant, new achievements replaced the old ones. Simultaneously, his available magical points for trading within the shop increased.

As the reward collection concluded, Daniel found himself with an impressive total of 150,000 magical points at his disposal, ready for various trades and activities within the shop.

"Oh, Mr. Emberweave, before you commence the actualization of the Unique Sentient Being from your card, please be aware that in order to prevent the fabric of reality from fracturing, as it did last time, the shop will need to deduct a portion of your magical points. The severity of the impact caused by the individual you actualize from the card will determine the number of points the shop requires to prevent any disturbances. If you lack the requisite points, you won't be able to proceed with the actualization," the Keeper advised Daniel as a precaution before he entered the room.

"Understood, Mr. Keeper. I'll keep that in mind," Daniel affirmed, acknowledging the Keeper's guidance before stepping into the summoning room.

As Daniel entered the room, his focus shifted to the task at hand. His first choice for actualization wasn't Atlanteus, but rather the card representing one of the most formidable vampires in his card game lore—Vlad Dracula. Curiosity piqued, he sought to gauge the point deduction this particular actualization would entail, especially given his knowledge of Dracula's historical existence.

Daniel's consciousness sank into a realm of his own mind, a mental landscape where the card he could actualize materialized before him. With a determined focus, he selected the Dracula card, allowing it to hover in front of him, ready to initiate the process.

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