Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 182 A Dinner With Two Witch

Chapter 182 A Dinner With Two Witch

Vlad sought clarification, "Anything else, my lord?"

Daniel replied, "No, that's all I've got for now. If anything comes up, feel free to improvise it and let me know later. I want to make sure our backstory is airtight. I don't need curious mages sniffing around and poking holes in it."

"No problem, my lord. If those bothersome insects dare to intrude where they are unwelcome, simply grant the command, and I, this very monster, shall unleash my might to deal with them," Vlad proclaimed, his self-assured grin complemented by a bow steeped in the mannerisms of a nobleman from a bygone era.

After everything was said and done, Daniel led Vlad and Atlanteus out to the real world where Daniel had left in the middle of the forest.

"Count, I need you to change your attire to something contemporary. Could you provide me with your measurements?" Daniel inquired, pulling out his phone to send a message to Maria about procuring appropriate clothing.

Vlad shook his head in response. "That's unnecessary, my lord."

As he finished speaking, Vlad's form underwent a remarkable transformation, turning into a liquid that retained his shape. His armor seamlessly morphed into an elegant red suit complete with a dark necktie, black shirt, and stylish black pants. His captivating mustache remained, adding to the air of a charming middle-aged gentleman with a touch of dandy flair.

Witnessing Vlad's astonishing metamorphosis, Daniel couldn't help but whistle in admiration before shifting his attention to Atlanteus, who was set to take on the role of his mentor.

"Teacher, would you mind sharing your clothing measurements?" Daniel asked Atlanteus, opting for the title since he intended to have Atlanteus serve as his instructor; familiarity would be advantageous.

"Ah, don't fret, lad. You can just tell people that I'm a stubborn old man who refuses to embrace new attire," Atlanteus replied with a hint of jest, fully embracing his role as Daniel's teacher.

"But, teacher, your power armor won't fit inside the car," Daniel pointed out.

"That's a valid point," the old man agreed, acknowledging the practicality of Daniel's observation.

Vlad interjected with annoyance evident in his tone. "Just get out of that armor, old man. You're not going to tell me you're naked under all that, are you?"

"That slipped my mind," Atlanteus conceded, quickly disengaging from his power armor.

Fortunately, Atlanteus' power armor was more streamlined compared to the bulky sets Daniel had designed for the Atlantean vanguard. Otherwise, he'd have required heavy machinery to remove the imposing suit.

A few minutes passed, and Atlanteus successfully divested himself of the power armor, revealing a form-fitting bodysuit designed to be worn beneath the armor. This suit enhanced mobility, reflexes, and dexterity when operating the power armor.

Daniel efficiently stowed away the power armor in the universal pocket within his suit, eliciting a surprised reaction from Atlanteus. After all, the Universal Pocket was a product of Atlanteus' ingenuity during his tenure as a Grand Artificer in the days of Atlantis. josei

Following their preparations, Daniel guided Vlad and Atlanteus to a waiting car positioned outside the forest. The drive took them through the cityscape and the dock area, eventually arriving at a nondescript building that concealed the entrance to the underground base. As they descended in the elevator, a mix of anticipation and curiosity hung in the air.

Upon the elevator's arrival at their destination, the doors opened, revealing a sight that left them both in awe. An expansive underground base sprawled before them, an intricate fusion of modern technology and Atlantean magic, creating an environment reminiscent of a bustling metropolis. Vlad's eyes widened with amazement, while Atlanteus stood in silent wonder, his familiarity with the combination of elements evident in his expression.

Daniel's underground haven was the synergy of futurism and Atlantean magical technology. Soft artificial sunlight bathed the surroundings, casting a warm glow, and an artificial sky overhead shifted its hues to mimic the natural progression of time. The faint breeze carried the sensation of the outdoors, further enhancing the illusion.

Vlad couldn't hide his appreciation as he observed the intricate machinery and architectural marvels that surrounded them. For Atlanteus, the base evoked a profound connection, the echoes of Atlantean magical technology resonating with memories of an era long past.

Intriguingly, the base bore the name "Atlanteus," a tribute to 'Atlanteus' enduring legacy even though Atlantis Era was long gone. A subtle smile tugged at Atlanteus' lips, the significance of the name not lost on him. The bridge between his era and Daniel's technological present was palpable, cultivating an unspoken connection between the two.

"This is quite a marvel you've created lad," Atlanteus finally spoke, his voice laced with appreciation and an unspoken bond between the two timelines.

Vlad nodded in agreement, his admiration evident, as they ventured further into the depths of the base.

Upon their arrival at the base, Daniel reached for his phone and dialed Penthesilea's number. He coordinated with her to ensure the smooth reception of both Atlanteus and Vlad. Their quarters had been arranged in advance, ready to welcome them as guests. With the arrangements confirmed, Daniel bid them temporary farewell, explaining that he needed to head home for dinner with his young daughter.

Upon his return, the heartwarming sight that greeted Daniel was exactly what he had envisioned. His mischievous little daughter, brimming with excitement, engaged in a lively board game with Greed.

Inside the kitchen, the orchestrator of their dinner was Envy, who had taken up the role with her motherly nature that she did raise most of the Witch of 7 Deadly Sin herself. The absence of Daniel's wife, still ensconced within the Stasis Pod, invoked a bittersweet nostalgia. Memories of a time when life was simpler and perhaps a bit chaotic, with his wife's spirited impulsiveness often leading to trouble. Yet, her absence now made him acutely aware of the void she left behind.

While her spontaneity had its challenges, the longing for her presence revealed the depth of his affection and the profound impact she had on their lives.

As soon as his little princess caught wind of her father's return, her excitement knew no bounds. With the energy of a child driven by pure delight, she swiftly abandoned her board game and dashed toward him. Like a whirlwind of joy, she embraced him tightly, her enthusiasm and affection evident in the way she clung to him like a young koala.

"Papa, you're back!" Her joyful exclamation filled the air, a heartwarming melody that resonated with the love they shared.

As the scene unfolded, Greed's responsible demeanor emerged. She reminded Sylvana to properly gather her belongings and store the board game, her words tinged with a gentle scolding. "Sylvana, dear, remember to put away your board game properly. Leaving it out like this isn't a good idea."

Swiftly, Greed guided her niece to ensure the game was safely put away, emphasizing the importance of tidiness and organization.

Daniel cast an admonishing glance at his daughter, a playful reminder to follow rules. He then instructed her to assist Greed in tidying up, both as a lesson and a gesture of shared responsibility.

Observing from the dining table, Daniel's gaze shifted to the kitchen where Envy wielded her culinary prowess. With the finesse of a seasoned chef, she added the final touches to the dinner, her actions imbued with a sense of mastery that spoke volumes of her expertise.

As the aroma of Envy's cooking wafted through the air, Daniel seated Sylvana at the dinner table, her anticipation palpable. It was clear that the enticing scent had captivated not only Sylvana but also Greed, the latter sporting an eager smile that mirrored a child eagerly awaiting a mother's home-cooked meal. It was a stark departure from her usual image as the CEO and founder of a trillion-dollar conglomerate.

"What... what are you looking at?" Greed stammered, a blush creeping onto her cheeks under Daniel's discerning gaze.

"Oh, it's nothing," Daniel replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "I'm just surprised to see you this excited about a meal. Weren't you used to having five-star chefs at your beck and call?"

Greed's smile widened as she explained, "Well, I was raised by Aunt Envy. Despite her role as the Grand Councilor and our differing values, I always cherished her. While my personal chef is excellent, Aunt Envy's cooking is just as good. You'll understand once you taste it. Besides, there's always a special place in your heart for your mother's cooking, right?"

However, Daniel's response was different from what Greed expected. Rather than agreeing or feeling nostalgic, his expression shifted to one of discomfort. It was clear he didn't want to dwell on his past, particularly his time living with his adopted parents.

"I'm sorry, but... My so-called parents who adopted me never cooked homemade meals. I was always the one cooking for them, or they ordered takeout. They never saw me as their son; I was just a money-making machine and their servant," Daniel explained, his voice carrying a mix of bitterness and complexity.

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