Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 191 Aryan’s new look

Chapter 191 Aryan’s new look

191 Aryan’s new look

— 1 Week Later — josei

The walls of the Ministry of Military's meeting room exuded a sense of gravitas, setting the stage for a high-stakes negotiation. At the head of the imposing table sat Nicholas Sullivan, renowned for his unwavering resolve and strategic prowess as the Supreme General.

On the opposing side, a consortium of influential capitalists representing the pinnacle of Tessia Kingdom's wealth and power awaited Sullivan's response. Leading this assembly was Benjamin Prescott, a name synonymous with dominance, boasting a commanding 60% stake across a spectrum of industries.

The atmosphere was laden with tension as Sullivan, accompanied by a cadre of military advisors, faced off against Prescott's formidable alliance. The impetus for this pivotal moment lay in a disruptive innovation—one that threatened the very foundation of Prescott's empire.

Daniel Emberweave, an emerging technological prodigy, had unveiled a revolutionary method of electricity production. This breakthrough had the potential to generate massive power at a fraction of the cost, rendering traditional methods obsolete and Prescott's business model vulnerable.

The meeting had been convened to address this monumental shift—one that left Prescott and his allies scrambling to protect their interests. In the span of a mere week, Daniel's Astral Tech Corporation had not only declared its intent to provide electricity to the government at an unprecedentedly low rate but had also divulged its production costs, shattering the monopolistic grip that had long been maintained.

As negotiations commenced, Nicholas Sullivan's gaze bore the weight of his dual role—as Supreme General and guardian of the kingdom's delicate balance of power. Across the table, Benjamin Prescott's countenance portrayed a blend of calculated intensity, shrewd foresight, and perhaps a trace of unease.

"Supreme General Sullivan," Benjamin Prescott's voice pierced the silence, conveying authority coupled with a veneer of respect. "We've gathered to address the pivotal issue at hand—an innovation that threatens to destabilize established enterprises, including those under the purview of our consortium."

Sullivan's gaze remained unyielding as he acknowledged Prescott's words with a subtle nod, prompting Benjamin to elaborate, "Mr. Emberweave's electricity production method presents not only a challenge to existing infrastructure but a direct assault on our investments."

Sullivan's response was composed, his tone a mirror to the seriousness of the moment. "Mr. Prescott, I empathize with the concerns shared by you and your associates. Yet, it's imperative to recognize that progress, technological strides, and the well-being of our kingdom's populace are the crux of our deliberations."

Prescott's eyes narrowed, determination evident as he countered, "While we admire progress, we must ensure that it takes place within the confines of a stable economic framework. Mr. Emberweave's approach threatens to disrupt the equilibrium and, in doing so, jeopardizes the livelihoods of countless citizens."

Sullivan leaned forward, fingers intertwined as he regarded the assembly of capitalists. "True, progress is often accompanied by disruption. Yet, we must ponder if this disruption would primarily affect your consortium's interests or the welfare of our people at large. If we evaluate the matter holistically, it's apparent that the benefits for millions far outweigh the potential stock decline for a select few."

The room's tension escalated as Sullivan laid bare his perspective, a stance that reverberated profoundly.

Prescott's gaze intensified, his eyes locked onto Sullivan's. "And what exactly are you implying, Supreme General?"

A knowing smirk curved across Sullivan's lips as he fixed his gaze directly on Benjamin, unwavering and resolute.

"Mr. Prescott, my remaining time in this world amounts to a mere 14 months. At this juncture, I seek to meet my fate with my conscience at ease. Once, I held my head high as I, alongside all of you, exploited the very livelihood of our nation's people. But those days are behind me." Sullivan's eyes now bore a clarity untainted by the greed and arrogance that had characterized his past interactions. This transformation unsettled both Prescott and his entourage.

The figure before them seemed almost like a stranger, a departure from the Nicholas Sullivan of yore

—the corrupted Supreme General who had once spared no effort in amassing personal wealth.

Prescott's voice dripped with anger as he retorted, "So, you believe that a last-minute change of heart will earn you a ticket to heaven? Do you think those you once exploited will suddenly sing your praises? Your name is already tainted beyond redemption! Gratitude is a sentiment you won't find in their hearts."

Sullivan's response was laced with an air of composure, his demeanor unflappable in the face of Prescott's rage. "Oh, Mr. Prescott, I have no illusions about the afterlife. In fact, I'm convinced I'll be the one welcoming you all at the gates of hell. As for gratitude, that's not my motivation. My aim is simple—to find solace in my own conscience."

He paused, letting his words hang in the air before continuing, "Now, gentlemen, if you're not willing to revise your prices to a more reasonable extent, I'll extend further concessions to Mr. Emberweave for the construction of additional power plants. Consider this the final verdict." Sullivan's tone carried a domineering authority, leaving no room for negotiation.

Prescott's eyes bore into Sullivan with a fiery intensity, a look that could have set a man ablaze if it had the power. "This is far from over, Supreme General. Remember my words. Our paths will cross again," he threatened, his voice heavy with venom as he exited the meeting room, trailed by his associates.

With disdain etched on his face, Sullivan watched as Prescott and his associates disappeared behind the closing door. After ensuring that no eavesdropping devices lingered, he took out his phone and dialed Daniel's number. As the call connected, Sullivan's voice held a mixture of seriousness and irony.

"Mr. Emberweave, as anticipated, they have made their appearance. I've delivered your verdict—

advising them to lower their prices. To say they're displeased would be an understatement. If they could eliminate me without consequences, I have no doubt they'd have tried already."

On the other end of the line, Daniel's chuckle resonated before he responded, his confidence evident. "Supreme General, I appreciate your handling of the situation. Their next probable move is to approach King Lucian himself. Little do they know, the king doesn't dare raise a finger against me. Without the support of the people, they stand alone in this."

Lucian that has him so wary of opposing you?"


A moment of silence hung between them before Daniel's enigmatic response. "Trust me, Supreme Sullivan's curiosity got the better of him as he inquired, "May I ask what you've done to His Majesty Lucian that has him so wary of opposing you?"

A moment of silence hung between them before Daniel's enigmatic response. "Trust me, Supreme General, you're better off not knowing."

With that, the call was abruptly ended, leaving Sullivan both intrigued and slightly frustrated. He mumbled, "Well, I suppose I was just asking. Maybe it's better not to know too much," before tucking his phone back into his pocket.

Amidst the opulence of Daniel's office, prototypes of his ingenious creations were strewn about, creating an organized chaos that seemed to mirror his innovative mind. Tables, prototype cases, and even the floor hosted these cutting-edge technologies, showcasing his unwavering commitment to progress, while sending a subtle message that he didn't give a damn about the Prescott group.

As he settled into his luxurious leather chair, Daniel's attention was immediately captured by a holographic display projecting a meticulously detailed report on his groundbreaking power plant innovation. The data and graphs danced before him, highlighting the remarkable strides he had made in revolutionizing the energy sector. The numbers provided irrefutable evidence of the substantial reduction in production costs and the remarkable increase in output efficiency—a clear demonstration of his defiance against Prescott's monopoly.

Beside the holographic display, a tablet lay with a comprehensive plan from his research department. The strategy outlined a bold expansion into various domains, including affordable high-performance prosthetics, cutting-edge mobile phone technologies, and a new communication branch aimed at undercutting Prescott Enterprise. Each initiative was a strategic punch aimed at bettering the lives of the people while giving Prescott enterprise a big middle finger.

Releasing a sigh tinged with satisfaction, Daniel leaned back in his chair. His gaze swept beyond the holographic display and tablet, taking in the prototypes that surrounded him.

In that moment, Aryan Sharma entered his office, holding two tablets in his hands. Aryan's appearance had undergone a transformation—he now sported a skinhead haircut, an unexpected style that surprisingly suited the Indian heritage man. It was as though something had triggered him to seek change, perhaps an attempt to distance himself from a particular memory.

Handing Daniel one of the tablets, Aryan launched into a detailed report regarding the challenges they had faced since officially selling electricity to the government. The hurdles ranged from an influx of lobbying letters and countless invitations to exclusive clubs and bars, to a deluge of death threats and numerous sabotage attempts on their power plant. Fortunately, these acts of sabotage were swiftly thwarted by Penthesilea's task force, leaving the greedy schemes of Prescott's group in tatters.

"Mr. Emberweave, you could have informed me about our involvement with PM Company. With that knowledge, I could have arranged for better security from your PM employees to protect our staff. Instead, I had to discover it on my own," Aryan remarked with a hint of frustration.

This sentiment arose from Aryan's attempt to employ the services of the Veneziale Gang to safeguard company assets. During this endeavor, he had encountered individuals wearing stealth suits—a technology introduced to him by Daniel he introduced their new research department director, Ms. Lucy.

Speaking of Ms. Lucy, Aryan's heart ached as he confronted the harsh reality that she was also romantically involved with Mr. Emberweave.

"Yeah… Sorry about that, Mr. Sharma," Daniel said with a light laugh, He can't tell Aryan that the task force from Penthesilea was, in fact, his private army. This is why he referred to it as his PM (Private Military) company.

"By the way…" Daniel began, changing the subject. "Why the skinhead? What happened?" It was a part-distracting, part-curious inquiry—80% curiosity and 20% an attempt to veer the conversation away from the topic of his private army.

Upon hearing this, Aryan's lips curled into a dry smile, as if a flicker of a failed first love passed through his mind. Daniel was taken aback by Aryan's atmosphere, resembling the aftermath of a heartbreak in a Korean love drama, where the second male lead's heart was shattered by the female lead.

"It's just… I wanted to forget someone, Mr. Emberweave," Aryan replied, his smile tinged with loneliness.

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