Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 213 Michaela Deepest Desire

Chapter 213 Michaela Deepest Desire

213  Michaela Deepest Desire

In the depths of Michaela's mindscape, an awe-inspiring vision unfolded. It was a manifestation of her deepest desires, a utopian realm where the brilliance of technology and the equality of humanity merged seamlessly.

The centerpiece of this surreal mindscape was a sprawling metropolis, Sector Alpha City, but instead of a city that she used to see everyday, in this realm, it elevated to unparalleled levels of advanced architecture and technology. Skyscrapers of glass and chrome soared to dizzying heights, glistening in the ethereal light of a resplendent sky. The city's design was a testament to the limitless possibilities of human achievement, a symbol of the prosperity and harmony Michaela envisioned under the benevolent rule of her beloved lord and Savior, Daniel Emberweave.

In this ideal world, the city was not merely a testament to technological marvels but also a beacon of social justice. Equal access to healthcare and education was the foundation upon which this society thrived, regardless of one's economic status. The streets bustled with people from all walks of life, their faces illuminated by genuine smiles, knowing that they were part of a community that cared for each other deeply.

Crime was virtually nonexistent, a testament to the harmony that permeated every corner of this utopian city. The citizens embraced their roles in society, each contributing to the greater good with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It was a world where hope abounded, where the pursuit of happiness was not a mere dream but a daily reality.

And in the heart of this extraordinary city, a monument stood tall—a statue of Daniel Emberweave, their lord and Savior. It was a symbol of gratitude and reverence, a reminder of the man who had led them to this paradise. The people praised him with unwavering devotion, recognizing him not only as their ruler but as the embodiment of their collective aspirations.

This was Michaela's ideal world, a dreamscape where her romantic yearnings for Daniel intersected with her vision of a harmonious society. It was a place where love, equality, and progress converged, painting a vivid portrait of the depths of her feelings for Daniel Emberweave and the boundless hope she associated with his presence. josei

Daniel, who had just entered this realm, stood in awe at the sight before him. However, despite the simulated city where everyone lived in harmony and happiness, there was no sign of Michaela.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered, casting a pall over the once-bright utopian city. The atmosphere shifted from a brightly lit dreamland into a gloomy, decrepit version. The polished and shining alloy buildings of the utopian city rusted and decayed before his eyes. Smiles faded as people's health visibly deteriorated.

Within a matter of moments, the vibrant city of life transformed into a city of death and decay. There were no longer any living souls among the once-thriving populace. Only corpses and the stench of decay remained in this metropolis of death.

Amidst this grim transformation, a familiar figure emerged. Michaela walked toward Daniel's monument, her posture and slow gait indicating her inner turmoil and guilt. She knelt before the monument, mourning and blaming herself. The souls of the city's denizens pointed accusing fingers at her, labeling her a sinner in their spectral chorus of condemnation.

The scene shifted to a familiar room, one he had known before. It was a room within Wrath's safehouse, a place she had once granted him. A room that had long ceased to exist, destroyed along with its building when the bomb had fallen.

In this room, he saw Michaela. She greeted him with a smile, the same one she remembered from her memories of him. That smile conveyed a multitude of emotions, including reverence, sincerity, loyalty, and even love.


and even love.

The scene transitioned once more, this time to the medical center where Wrath, or Koyuki, was speaking to him. It was the moment when Michaela had helped him keep his secret.

"But the contract works both ways. What do you need to do for her to serve you?" Wrath asked Daniel, who stood not far from her, seeking clarification.

Daniel contemplated lying, but as he looked at Michaela, he realized that lying might make her uncomfortable, and it could unintentionally reflect on her face. Wrath would undoubtedly catch on, and she would never stop asking or trying to uncover the truth. Daniel preferred to keep the sources of his power a secret, as explaining it to others would be troublesome, and he wanted to prevent anyone from discovering how to stop him from using this power.

Michaela gazed at her lord, offering a smile before turning to address Wrath.

"His obligation is to create a place that serves as a beacon of hope, a paradise on Earth, offering shelter to the oppressed. Until that happens, I will always assist him, stay by his side, and take care of him for the rest of my life," Michaela stated.

Hearing Michaela's words, Wrath was stunned. She knew that angels never lied, and as she looked at Daniel, she realized the enormity of the task ahead. But as Michaela's sentence drew to a close, it almost sounded like a marriage proposal.

"Oh, Danny, that's quite a tall order if you ask me. You have your work cut out for you," Wrath exclaimed.

The scene unfolded just as Daniel remembered it, but as he observed, Michaela's smile held a sweetness and dreaminess. Yet, it was also tinged with a subtle disappointment, a recognition that this moment was a fabricated lie she had crafted for her beloved lord to protect his secret. Hidden within her heart's small chamber, there lingered a glimmer of hope, that perhaps her lord might one day turn this lie into reality.

Daniel couldn't help but notice that this particular memory within Michaela's mind was exceptionally vivid and lifelike, even more so than the memory of their first encounter. It became evident that, from Michaela's perspective, this event held profound significance, one she revisited in her mind time and time again.

In the blink of an eye, the scene transformed once more, like clouds shifting. Daniel now found himself standing on a vast, green grassland that stretched to the distant horizon. Not far from where he stood, atop a green hill, sat a solitary house, its presence complemented by a grand tree nearby. This tree was of considerable size, casting its ample shade over the entire house, and it even boasted a charming treehouse perched in its branches.

The cheerful laughter of children reached Daniel's ears, emanating from the house atop the green hill. In a matter of moments, a group of children burst from the house, each bearing distinctive features.

Some possessed white wings, while others displayed silver hair. Among them were children with hair like flames, vividly red. Yet the one who struck Daniel as most familiar was an older girl, seemingly around 14 or 15 years old. She was the matured version of Sylvana, and it was evident she was looking after the other children, assuming the role of their eldest sister.

Daniel strolled leisurely towards the house, relishing the delightful sounds of children's laughter as they darted past him, seemingly oblivious to his presence. This was to be expected, as this scene was nothing more than a reflection of Michaela's secret yearnings—a dream she harbored, hoping that one day it might become a reality.

Passing through the group of children, Daniel entered the house and found himself amidst a heartwarming and bustling home. Three women occupied the space. Koyuki sat on a sofa, her bulging stomach a testament to her advanced stage of pregnancy. Greed, too, was visibly pregnant, and from their conversation, it was clear that this was her first pregnancy. Michaela, with her smaller belly, served the other two women, her countenance radiating contentment with her life.

Although Daniel stepped into the room, it seemed the three women should have noticed him, but they remained entirely oblivious.

"It appears this is merely a manifestation of Michaela's dream, not her conscious self. But where is her consciousness?" Daniel murmured to himself.

As he spoke, Michaela's gaze abruptly locked onto him. Her eyes widened as if she had seen something that should never exist. Her expression contorted, conveying deep embarrassment, as if Daniel had glimpsed the most private recesses of her mind. In a swift motion, she turned to flee, but Daniel was faster, capturing her hand before she could escape.

"Michaela!" Daniel called out as he clutched her hand.

The idyllic scene of the warm and lively home dissolved like dissipating clouds, and Michaela's slightly expanded stomach returned to its usual state. Her dream had vanished, and now, Michaela's consciousness turned slowly toward Daniel, who still held her hand.

"My lord... I'm sorry," Michaela uttered, uncertain of what words to speak to her beloved lord now that he had witnessed the deepest desires of her heart.

"Why? Sorry for what?" Daniel inquired gently, his eyes filled with understanding.

"For not protecting Lady Koyuki well enough... If only I had overloaded my angelic power and gone all out from the start, she might not have fallen into Satan's hands," Michaela expressed with regret.

"But it might not have been that simple," Daniel responded calmly. "There's no guarantee that you would have succeeded. If you had pushed yourself to the limit, what would have happened to Koyuki and Sylvana if your plan failed, and you perished before Satan?

You would have used up all your angelic power and life force. Even worse, who would protect them after your demise? Satan didn't come alone; he brought his entire hellish army. I saw what happened. What you did back then was the best possible scenario. You annihilated his entire army, leaving no stragglers to harm Sylvana or Koyuki. Yes, you fell before Satan, but you bought enough time for me to come to the rescue. Michaela, you can't control everything," Daniel said, his words an attempt to soothe her and help her accept the outcome that had been beyond her control.


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