Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 299 Another Plane Crash

Chapter 299 Another Plane Crash

Daniel, swept by the wind, fell into the chaotic sea below. The large and powerful tide sought to carry him away and devour him into the deep abyss, but Daniel immediately unleashed his Hecatonchires Avatar, resisting the tide that pushed him toward an unknown island.

As Daniel neared the island, the mana he had supplied to the Hecatonchires Avatar was suddenly interrupted and immediately cut off, akin to the electricity light that gets its breaker shut off.

Daniel's body fell to the sandy shore below, losing a bit of balance as he hadn't prepared himself for landing.

"What the hell happened?" Daniel exclaimed, looking at his hands, realizing he couldn't feel any mana. He delved into his mindscape and observed that none of his cards could be used, as mana couldn't be drawn from the source in both his body and the land surrounding him.

Initially, he thought it was a similar case to when he was in Russia, outside the mana drawing range of Sector Alpha City and the Tessia Kingdom.

However, this was not the case, as even artifact cards that only used non-elemental mana couldn't be activated. He was sure he had enough supply of 'Mana Vial' in his Universal Pocket within his trench coat.

Lastly, his Universal Pocket couldn't be used at all, requiring only a small amount of mana to activate. Yet, he didn't feel any trace of mana in the air at all.

This could only mean that the island was strange, or something had used all the mana in the surrounding area. The storm he faced in the sky was also peculiar, as he sensed a considerable amount of mana driving it to wreak havoc in the surrounding area. It was surely not a normal storm.

Deciding to set aside these thoughts for the time being, Daniel opted to rest. He built a simple shelter with wood, leaves, and some VTOL scrap that had fallen on the nearby shore, intending to wait for morning to explore the island and find better shelter, food, and water sources.

— Morning - ??? Island —

As the morning sun bathed the small, abandoned island in its golden glow, Daniel emerged from the improvised shelter crafted from the VTOL wreckage. The island, stretching about three kilometers in length, now appeared serene and tranquil, as if the tempestuous storm from the previous night had been nothing more than a fleeting illusion.

The landscape unfolded with a blend of tropical greenery and sandy expanses. Palm trees swayed gently in the morning breeze, and the distant waves provided a calming symphony. The island, seemingly untouched, presented itself as a peaceful refuge amidst the vastness of the ocean.

Surveying his surroundings, Daniel took note of the scattered resources that would sustain him during this temporary stay. Coconut trees punctuated the landscape, their fronds offering shade and their fruits serving as a potential food source. Wild berries adorned low shrubs, introducing vibrant splashes of color to the island's natural palette.

Approaching the shoreline, Daniel readied himself to harness the island's bounty. Armed with makeshift tools salvaged from the VTOL wreckage, he ventured into the vegetation to hunt small game, accompanied by the rustling of leaves and occasional bird chirps.

At the water's edge, he fashioned a simple fishing spear from available materials and tried his luck in the shallows. The coastal waters revealed an array of small fish, presenting a sustainable source of protein.

Moving to the island's central freshwater spring, Daniel collected water in improvised containers salvaged from the wreckage. Acknowledging the importance of purification, he set up a small fire using dried coconut husks and boiled the water before consumption, ensuring a safe and clean source.

As he gazed at the expansive horizon of the endless sea with no land in sight, Daniel couldn't help but release a sigh.

"Ugh… How can I get out of here?" he muttered, expressing his frustration.

The prospect of prolonged isolation led him to contemplate desperate measures like creating a makeshift companion named Will out of a coconut!? A notion he found absurd and undesirable. The need to find an escape soon weighed heavily on his mind.

In an abrupt twist of fate, the tranquil scene on the small, abandoned island was shattered by the sudden onset of a storm. The peaceful morning gave way to an ominous spectacle as a private jet, caught in the ferocious tempest, became a victim of nature's wrath. Fierce thunderbolts lashed out, ravaging the aircraft's body, sending shockwaves through the air.

The once proud private jet now descended uncontrollably, hurtling toward the sea below. But, to the island's disbelief, the doomed aircraft wasn't destined for a watery end—it was hurtling directly towards the very shores where Daniel had sought refuge.

Daniel, who had just established a semblance of routine on the island, looked up at the darkened sky, perplexed by the sudden turn of events.lights

"What the hell with this shitty weather?" Daniel uttered in frustration as he finished munching on the last fish he caught.

The private jet, battered and broken by the fierce storm, crashed with a thunderous impact amidst the dense foliage of the inland island. The once pristine aircraft now lay asunder, its sleek body sprawled across the forest floor. A long gully, carved by the force of the crash, marked its chaotic descent through the trees.

The wings of the jet, now twisted and contorted, extended into the surrounding foliage like broken limbs. The engines, which once roared with power, now hissed and emitted occasional puffs of smoke. The tail section, bent at an awkward angle, betrayed the violence of the impact.


The forest, now disrupted by the intrusion, bore witness to the aftermath. Trees stood at odd angles, their branches broken and foliage displaced. The ground itself was scarred by the gully, a testament to the force that had reshaped the landscape.

The crash site became an unintentional clearing in the heart of the forest, the echoes of the impact reverberating through the serene surroundings.

Daniel rushed towards the crash site with the urgency of providing aid and checking for any salvageable communication equipment to contact the outside world.

The crash site, now consumed by flames, created a nightmarish spectacle against the backdrop of the serene island. Thick plumes of smoke rose into the air, staining the sky with an ominous darkness. The once majestic private jet, now contorted and mangled, crackled and hissed as the fire devoured its structure.

The flames danced and flickered, casting an eerie glow on the surroundings. Through the shattered windows of the plane, fiery tendrils snaked out, creating an unsettling visual against the warped and malformed hull. The hull, distorted by the impact, bore witness to the violent force that had torn through the aircraft.

The smoke, a chaotic mix of gray and black, curled and spiraled into the sky, adding an oppressive layer to the already somber atmosphere. The air carried the acrid scent of burning wreckage, a stark contrast to the island's usual tranquility.

Approaching the inferno cautiously, Daniel felt the intensifying heat with every step. The crackling flames and occasional popping of burning materials echoed through the forest, creating a discordant symphony of destruction. His primary objective was to check for survivors.

Despite being unable to use mana, Daniel's various enchantments, enabled him to forcefully pull open a door stuck from the malformation of the plane hull. As the door swung open, a rush of smoke billowed out.

Inside the cabin, amidst the smoke and fire, Daniel identified five bodies. Three were already lifeless—the two pilots with faces and throats cut by shards of glass and a flight attendant impaled by a crooked handrail.

The two survivors included a delicate-looking girl with blue hair and a woman in her mid-thirties, still dressed in business attire, exuding a stern demeanor.

Daniel quickly assessed the situation and realized the urgency of pulling the survivors to safety. With determined strength, he reached into the smoke-filled cabin and carefully lifted the delicate blue-haired girl first. Her fragile frame made Daniel handle her with utmost care.

Moving swiftly through the tangled wreckage, Daniel placed her at a safe distance from the burning jet. He then returned to the plane to rescue the woman in her mid-thirties. Despite the sternness of her appearance, Daniel treated her with the same gentleness.

Once both survivors were at a secure distance, Daniel carefully laid them on the ground. Assessing their conditions, he noted that both were unconscious. The blue-haired girl seemed to be in shock, her features pale and eyes closed. The older woman displayed signs of injuries, likely sustained during the crash.

Daniel quickly improvised first aid with whatever he could salvage from the plane wreckage. He tore a piece of cloth to fashion makeshift bandages for the woman's injuries, using his knowledge and experience to provide the best care he could without the aid of magic.

"Goddamn it! If I were able to use mana, this would be faster than this," Daniel complained to himself as he assisted the two.

After ensuring that the two were stable, he returned to the wreckage, where he found a few fire extinguishers.

He attempted to use them to contain the flames, recognizing the need to preserve electronic parts and communication equipment. Where the fire extinguishers proved insufficient, he swiftly utilized his Atlantean steel blade to cut and separate the sections he needed to conserve from the engulfing fire.

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