Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 43 Klause’s Dilemma

Chapter 43 Klause’s Dilemma

After Klause's conclusion, despair filled the attendees. They were faced with the reality that they had no feasible options to take down Magitek.

Victor's attention, however, was diverted to Klause's disrespectful tone towards him in comparison to Ragnar. Gritting his teeth, Victor seethed with anger towards Klause, who showed him no respect. How dare he speak to him in that manner!

[Just you wait Klause! I don't care about your ability anymore! Let's see if you will still laugh and mock me after I'm done with you!] Victor thought to himself, his pettiness evident as hatred seethed out and was noticeable in his eyes.

Klause noticed the expression, but he could only wear a mocking smile. He knew Victor despised him, but he was indispensable to the royal court mage. Without Klause, the Royal court Mage of Tessia Kingdom would have long crumbled and been annihilated.

Whether Klause believed Victor should prioritize long-term gains as a king or he underestimated Victor's pettiness altogether, he had misjudged Victor's character. This… is a mistake on his part.

Ragnar noticed the hatred in Victor's eyes and gave him a warning. "Victor, don't do anything you'll regret later. You've already created two devils with the sole purpose of hunting you down. Don't create a third," said Ragnar in a solemn tone.

Ragnar's warning brought Victor back to his senses. He turned to Ragnar and replied, feigning subservience, "Of course, Lord Stenmark. I wouldn't do that."

Unbeknownst to Ragnar, Victor had a solution that would perfectly deal with the current situation, allowing him to get rid of Klause and solve the Magitek problem once and for all. However, he needed a bit of help from the outside.

Victor addressed the attendees in the meeting room, acknowledging their powerlessness against the Magitek.

"I propose we bring him to the negotiation table," He suggested.

"I've heard that Mr. Montgomery has come into possession of several Atlantean Artifact Weapons. I'll bid for one of them and offer it to Magitek. I'm confident he'll be grateful and forget our past grudges." Victor spoke with unwavering confidence. After all, what mage wouldn't want an Atlantean Artifact, especially one that could be used as a weapon?

However, upon hearing Victor's suggestion, Montgomery couldn't help but chuckle. The truth was that those Atlantean artifacts were made by Magitek himself.

Victor noticed Montgomery's chuckling and felt a twinge of annoyance. He thought he had come up with a perfect solution.

"Pardon my interruption, Your Majesty," Montgomery said before continuing, "but... Mr. Magitek is the one who made those artifact weapons."

Montgomery's revelation shocked everyone in the room, even Klause, who usually maintained a poker face.

"What did you just say?" Ragnar asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

Did Montgomery, who valued his reputation more than anything, just reveal that the modern-day mage knows the secret of the Atlantean Artifact creation technique? Wasn't this technique lost forever since the sinking of Atlantis?

Montgomery looked at Ragnar and repeated himself.

"You heard it right, Lord Stenmark. Mr. Magitek knows how to create the Artifact using the Atlantean technique. Moreover, he was even more amazing when it came to creating Artifacts which I can't tell you more about. I don't want Wrath to come after my life," said Montgomery.

What Montgomery had held off was that Magitek had the ability to create an Artifact capable of rewriting causality, an effect that could rival legendary weapons of old such as Excalibur and Durandal.

Upon hearing that the secret was something highly valued by Wrath, Victor's countenance became solemn, and a hint of obsession tinged his eyes.

"What did you hold off on? I command you to tell me," The King demanded, trying to assert his authority.

Montgomery could only smile in response. Despite being a citizen of the Tessia Kingdom, as a member of the Hightower Council, he knew a small king such as Victor had no power over him.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for any offense, but you do not have the authority to command me. I am a member of the Hightower Council and answer to its jurisdiction," Montgomery replied calmly, emphasizing that the King had no power over him as he stood up.

Anger boiled up inside Victor's heart, What was this day!? Why does everyone want to defy him!?

"You are my citizen! I command you to speak! Or I'll…" Victor wants to use his power as a king to arrest him, he has an army of soldiers, even though they are normal people, but with sheer numbers. He believed he could take down Montgomery. After all, a bullet to the head could still kill a mage.

Victor's anger boiled up inside him. Why did everyone seem to be defying him today?

"You are my subject, and I am your king. I command you to speak! Or else!" Victor declared, trying to assert his power.

But in truth, he knew that Montgomery was more powerful than him. Still, he believed that he could send an army of normal soldiers to take him down. After all, even a mage could still be killed with a well-placed bullet.

Montgomery glared at Victor with a deadly look and challenged him.

"Or else what, Your Majesty? I suggest you think long and carefully before speaking your next words."

As the situation threatened to spiral out of control, Klause, the Director of the Royal Court Mage, stepped in to intervene. Even though he didn't like Victor, It was still his responsibility to maintain order within the mage societies of the Tessia Kingdom.

Klause cleared his throat to get the attention of both Montgomery and Victor.

"Gentlemen, we have reached a conclusion. The Royal Court Mage will attempt to contact Mr. Magitek and invite him to a negotiation at the Prosperity Hall auction house. Mr. Montgomery, can you provide us with a VIP room at your auction house?" Klause asked, directing his question towards Montgomery who was already ignoring Victor.

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Hoffmann," Montgomery replied graciously, accepting the offer, knowing that he would receive a generous remuneration from the Royal Court Mage for his cooperation.

Despite Klause diffusing the situation for him, Victor did not feel grateful or at least indifferent. He felt ignored and treated like a clown.josei

This brought him a sense of shame and disgrace. Victor had led a life of smooth sailing since he was born. His father was a ruthless king who would do anything to gain an advantage. Despite his father's ruthlessness, he was able to maintain a benevolent facade and an image of a great king to the point that many blind fools became devoted fanatics of the royal family.

Although his father was not a mage and his family was oblivious to the Curtained World at the time, he was still able to maintain significant influence within the Tessia Kingdom's underworld.

His life took a drastic turn when a mage from the Hightower came to the country and struck a deal with his father.

The king agreed to send people to be used as live experiments and human sacrifices, in exchange for the mage's promise to introduce the royal family to the Curtained World and make Victor a mage.

At the time, he was only 14 years old and deemed safe to undergo the Magic Vein Opening ceremony.

Since then, Victor's status as the son of a god had been solidified, and he had become accustomed to getting whatever he wanted. No one dared to defy him, and any woman he fancied never refused him.

After reminiscing about his past, Victor realized that the current situation was unacceptable, and he needed to correct it. But first, he needed to return to his chamber, the only sanctuary where he could let his heart out.

Victor addressed everyone in the meeting room.

"We have reached a conclusion. The meeting is adjourned," he said impatiently before abruptly walking out.

The soldiers quickly formed up and played the royal fanfare that was traditionally used when the king left a room.

"His Majesty The King has ascended!" one of the high-ranking soldiers announced loudly as Victor disappeared down the hallway.

After Victor had left, the Willow Family Patriarch hastily exited the room, along with those who had committed unforgivable acts against Koyuki, also known as Wrath.

If the negotiations went poorly, they would need to relocate their base to a place where Magitek could not find them, possibly even outside of Tessia Kingdom. As a result, they needed to submit a petition to the Hightower requesting permission to relocate.

After all the people from Victor's camp had left, including the soldiers, Ragnar turned to Klause and spoke up.

"Mr. Hoffmann, you should be wary of Victor. His eyes do not look good, and I'm sure he's scheming something against you," Ragnar warned Klause.

Klause smiled wryly at Ragnar's suggestion and bowed in thanks for the concern.

"Thank you, Lord Stenmark, but I am well aware of my worth and the opportunities available to me. As for Victor, he may be ignorant and arrogant, but he knows the value of my skills. Without me, the Royal Court Mage would not survive a month, and he is aware of that fact."

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom Ragnar frowned, still concerned for Klause's well-being.

"If it's that bad, why don't you resign? The Hightower HQ is always looking for a mage of your caliber."

Klause remained silent and offered only a faint smile in response to Ragnar's warning.

Observing his reaction, Ragnar drew a conclusion. "Is it because of the Favor Contract?" he asked.

Klause nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I owe the royal family a favor, and I still cannot fully repay it. I must continue to serve them for another four years until my obligation is fulfilled."

Ragnar felt helpless upon hearing about the Favor Contract.

In the Curtained World. The phrase "Favor For A Favor" was not just a phrase for mages, but was considered the most sacred of all contracts and was protected by Hightower Law. Anyone who broke the contract would face severe punishment.

Realizing that his authority alone couldn't help Klause in this matter, Ragnar could only sigh. The power to revoke the contract rested solely with the three Grand Councilors of the Hightower, who could exercise this right once every 100 years. It was unlikely that they would use it for Klause.

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