Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 99 Wrath And Sylvana Contrast

Chapter 99 Wrath And Sylvana Contrast

Suddenly, Wrath rushed towards Victor, her power as the Witch of Wrath fueling her physical prowess as she delivered a powerful punch to his gut.


Victor was sent staggering backward by the force of the blow, eventually slumping to the ground. He felt the urge to vomit, but all that escaped his lips was a trickle of blood resulting from internal bleeding caused by Wrath's strike.

Wrath, her gaze icy, spared no further assault on Victor. Instead, her attention shifted to Yuki, who had transformed her appearance and now regarded Victor with love and care, much like Wrath had done in the past.

"Hmph! You may leave. I will not pursue you any further. Just ensure you never appear before us again," Wrath declared disdainfully, returning to her seat.

Victor mustered a faint smile. Although he had not obtained their forgiveness, this confrontation was necessary for him to forgive himself, or at the very least, find solace in restful sleep free from the burden of his past sins. He was well aware that his transgressions extended beyond this particular couple; there were countless others whom he had wronged, consigning them to lives of injustice. He would strive to atone for his actions, harnessing his newfound power to redeem himself.

"Thank you," Victor expressed quietly, as he walked towards the exit of the guest common room with the support of Klaus and Yuki.

After Victor's group had left the guest house for about ten minutes, Daniel emerged from a side room accompanied by Michaela. Laughter filled the air as Greed playfully carried Sylvana on her back, pretending to be a gallant steed, while Wrath watched with delight from her seat, a serene smile adorning her face.

Daniel's heart swelled with affection as he approached Greed, the gentle rhythm of Sylvana's giggles echoing in his ears. He reached out and scooped his daughter from Greed's back, eliciting a cute pout from the little girl, who was thoroughly enjoying the playful adventure.

"Sylvana, my little princess, let's not trouble Aunt Greed too much, alright?" Daniel whispered softly to his daughter, his eyes sparkling with love and tenderness. "Promise me you'll be well-behaved, and later, I'll take you to the amusement park. How does that sound?"

Sylvana's eyes lit up with excitement, and she eagerly nodded, her rosy cheeks dimpled with delight. Daniel gently set her down on the table where Wrath sat, her eyes twinkling with joy at the heartwarming scene unfolding before her.

"Papa! Look, I brought some cake for you!" Sylvana exclaimed, her small hands clutching a plate with a half-eaten slice of chocolate cake. Chocolate smudges adorned her cherubic face, evidence of her innocent indulgence in the sweet treat.

Daniel's heart melted at the sight, his love for his daughter swelling with every passing moment. He couldn't help but chuckle softly, leaning in to wipe away the chocolate smudges from Sylvana's face with a tender touch.

"Oh, thank you, sweetheart. But next time, remember not to eat other people's treats or take their share of cake, alright?" Daniel advised his daughter affectionately, patting her head before gently taking the plate from her tiny hands.

Daniel settled into a nearby chair, while Michaela remained standing, maintaining her vigilant stance as his guardian. He then turned his attention to Michaela, reminding her of their conversation at the hospital.

"As I mentioned earlier, your priority should be guarding Wrath, as she is currently weakened and unable to use her magic," Daniel reiterated.

"Yes, my lord," Michaela nodded in understanding, positioning herself behind Wrath to fulfill her duty.

Greed, who had returned from her role as a horse for Daniel's little troublemaker, joined Envy, a smile gracing her face as she observed the interaction between Wrath and Sylvana, their bond resembling that of true parents.

"Just a moment ago, you mentioned that Wrath can no longer use magic. What happened?" Greed inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Well... The doctors haven't been able to determine the cause or find a solution, but it's like this," Daniel began, recounting the information he had received from the medical professionals.

As Daniel relayed the details, Wrath, who was well aware of what had happened to her body, began to perspire profusely. The sharp gaze of both Greed and Envy fixed upon her as Daniel concluded his explanation, leaving no doubt that they were deeply concerned.

"Huh? Why is Mama sweating so much? Are you feeling hot?" Sylvana innocently asked, observing her mother's perspiration.

"Eh he he, no, my dear. I'm not hot at all!" Wrath awkwardly replied to her curious daughter.

"Huh?" Sylvana tilted her head adorably, not fully understanding her mother's response.

"Wrath..." Envy called out, her tone growing colder, while Wrath turned toward her with an awkward smile.

"Yes, Aunt Envy?" Wrath responded, her forehead now beaded with cold sweat.

Seeing that Wrath had turned to her, Envy continued in a stern voice, "Since you dared to give away your magic and blood essence to others in exchange for Mr. Magitek IDs, you should be aware that when Lord Stenmark thwarted the Willow Clan's plan to obtain them, they will undoubtedly seek an opportunity to take your magic and blood essence once more."

"Huh? Koyuki... you did what!?" Daniel exclaimed, rising from his seat alongside Envy.

Witnessing her father's and the woman her mother called Aunt Envy's anger directed at her mother, Sylvana felt uneasy. She didn't want her mother to be scolded.

"Papa, Auntie, did Mama do something wrong?" Sylvana innocently asked, seeking clarification.

Witnessing the innocence of the child and her genuine curiosity, Envy's heart melted, prompting her to explain kindly.

"Well, your mama gave away something very precious that cannot be replaced to some bad people. When those bad people have it, they become stronger and more likely to do even worse things. That's why Auntie is upset with your Mama. As for your Papa, I think he's just concerned about your Mama's safety. You see, your Mama sometimes has trouble making good decisions and ends up getting hurt." Envy patiently explained to Sylvana.

"Ugh..." Wrath groaned upon hearing Envy's remark about her decision-making abilities.

Sylvana then turned to her father, seeking confirmation after hearing the explanation from the woman in the purple dress.

"Yes, just as Auntie said, your mama tends to get herself into trouble and end up getting hurt," Daniel nodded, offering his support to Envy's statement.

"So does this mean Mama is a bad kid?" Sylvana innocently asked.josei

Daniel's face contorted with complexity as he tried to find the right words, but Envy spoke up before he could respond.

"Well... little one, your Mama is not a bad kid. She can be stubborn, disobedient, and impulsive. She often acts without thinking about the consequences and ends up getting hurt. I'm angry at her not because she is a bad kid, but because I love her and worry about her. Do you understand, little Sylvana?" Envy asked, her smile conveying both warmth and concern.

"So, mama is not a bad kid but she likes to cause mischief and get hurt because of it because she is not good at thinking! Am I right? Auntie." Little Sylvana asks proudly as if she had solved the mystery of the universe.

"Yes! That sums it up." Envy smiled brightly, patting little Sylvana's head before turning her gaze to Wrath, who appeared on the verge of tears after being told by both Envy and her daughter about her lack of foresight.

Afterward, an amusing contrast unfolded before their eyes. Wrath found herself subjected to a relentless two-hour scolding session from both Envy and her husband. The severity of their reprimands was evident, as Envy's sharp words pierced through the air and Daniel's stern expressions mirrored his disappointment. With each scolding remark, Wrath's face contorted in a comical mixture of guilt, regret, and frustration.

Meanwhile, little Sylvana remained blissfully unaware of her mother's predicament. Unfazed by the ongoing scolding, she continued to enjoy her cake, savoring each delightful bite. Greed, ever the playful aunt, seized the opportunity to create joyful memories with her niece. She whisked Sylvana onto her back for a playful piggyback ride, their laughter filling the air like sweet music.

As Wrath endured the scolding storm, Sylvana's innocent giggles reverberated in stark contrast. The mirthful twinkle in her eyes and the joyous peals of laughter seemed to taunt her mother's solemn state. It was as if Sylvana had been granted immunity from the consequences of her mother's actions, blissfully unaffected by the weighty atmosphere.

Finally, as the excitement of the day began to take its toll, Sylvana's little body succumbed to drowsiness. Greed, her playful energy tempered by tenderness, cradled the sleepy Sylvana in her arms and carefully placed her on a nearby long sofa.

In that heartwarming moment, as Sylvana peacefully drifted into dreamland, the tension dissipated. A faint smile tugged at the corners of Wrath's lips, momentarily alleviating the weight of her scolding as it was slowly coming to an end.

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