Miracle Doctor Abandoned Daughter The Sly Emperor's Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

Originally Hong Ming Yue was unwilling to let Hong Yu Ying tag along this time, but after some repeated back and forth she could only relent. However, the ice beauty did on multiple occasion force a promise from the lovestruck girl to behave on this trip and not lose her composure. But as everyone could see, that promise was instantly thrown out the window upon their arrival.

Grinning at the girl’s brazenness, Princess Qing Bi got all cheeky inside, “Brother Feng Shen, are you coming to receive us?”

What a shameless girl, as if he’s here to pick you up, First let’s not mention how busy Brother Feng Shen is, he doesn’t even care about any of these official matters anyways. Besides, if there’s anyone he’s here to pick then it would be me, his lovely cousin.

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“Apologies Qing Bi, I am not here to pick you up.” Shaking his head, the boy didn’t hesitate to say the truth.

Isn’t to pick me up? If not me then who else could possibly make Brother Feng Shen come in person? Qing Bi was honestly quite startled there for a second.

But before the princess could inquire further, Feng Shen had already taken the liberty to turn his gaze to the road – they could all hear a series of galloping horses coming their way.

First to come into sight was a crimson red steed of excellent shape and size, followed then closely by two powerful military horses. Naturally this would be Ling Yue and Lan Caier, but there’s another unfamiliar figure among their ranks and that was Little Crow in her human form holding a fox-like creature.

“Oh I’m exhausted and starving. Finally, I can get off this bumpy road and rest.” Stretching her arms, the one crying out lazily was none other than Lan Caier.

“Sister Caier, how can you be still hungry when you ate the most amongst us.” Puckering her lips to one side, Little Crow’s reaction seems to be contagious and caused Little Squeak to do the same contemptable look.

“Hey now, I say you two little rascals are trying to rebel or something. I’m the oldest here so its normal that I would eat more than you all.” Without shame or embarrassment, Lan Caier righteously defends herself.I think you should take a look at

“Settle down everyone, up ahead is Di Shing City already so we can all get a good rest tonight.”

Due to how often the three has been bickering along the road, Ling Yue has practically become immune to this scene. However, what she’s not immune to though were the numerous eyes shooting her way from all direction when she tries to dismount.

It’s not the first time the bandages wrapped around her head had warranted her some extra attention, but this would definitely be the first where there are so many eyes at the same time. Then just as Ling Yue was wondering what’s going on, that’s when the reign to her steed was taken from her grasp as well as her hand itself!

“You came.” Just these two words alone from the man, that’s all it took for the emotions to come rushing forward from within the girl’s heart.

It may seem like it wasn’t all that long ago where they were still together, but in truth it’s already been several months since the last back at the Northwestern Plains.

Back then the pair of lovebirds had just gotten into a quarrel. To remedy the situation, Ling Yue even went ahead to write a total of nine-hundred and ninety-nine paper cranes, all containing the one phrase of “Ling Yue like’s Feng Shen” for the lad. So, it’s not hard to imagine how awkwardly embarrassed it must be for the girl herself to be presented with the very one person she practically confessed to.

To be clear, Ling Yue was by no means a delicate young lady nor was she a weak woman who needs others to protect her, that much was clear. But not even she could remain unfazed as their skins continued to brush against each other like intimate individuals.

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