Miracle Doctor Abandoned Daughter The Sly Emperor's Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Ye Ling Yue could still vividly recall how close the boy came to meeting his end at the marshes back at Da Xia. The extreme cold she felt when touching that body, the strange vine like tattoos spreading across his skin, these are things in which she never wants to experience or witness again. That’s why she’s so adamant about the idea of bringing Feng Shen along into the Star Cave, it’s exponentially many times more dangerous.

So what if Feng Shen’s health has gotten better than the last venture they held, it doesn’t change anything, the risk was still there.

“Ling Yue, this time you are mistaken, I am in favor of letting His Highness join us. I heard the Star Cave is filled with traps and confusing labyrinth formations. Since he is so proficient in this subject, adding in a Dao Nu as well to act as bodyguard, the benefits will greatly outweigh the cons. Besides, don’t you have the invisibility and flying pills you created? I doubt any harm would befall us this time with all those measures in place.” Pushing open the driver’s curtain, Lan Caier suddenly pops her head into the carriage space to startle the daylights out of the unsuspecting female occupant.

Why do I feel like Sister Caier is acting particularly strange recently?

Regardless of her own opinion though, Ling Yue couldn’t deny the fact that Feng Shen was indeed well-versed in the art of trap solving and labyrinth formations. This was something she learned after moving into the Phoenix Manor.

For example, the boy favors a quiet setting for himself, therefore the guards are only distributed along the outer perimeter of the estate. The reason was no other, it’s because various traps and labyrinth arrangements were set to fend off intruders. Unless one knew how to solve it, its very likely they would get lost after entering, hence the reason why Ling Yue would refrain from snooping around the estate at night. It’s very easy to lose one’s direction like that.

“No, it is still too dangerous,” she remains adamant about the idea and refuses to relent.

“Ling Yue, I’m not only doing this entirely out of selfless reasons. For many years now I’ve searched through high and low for ways to cure myself, this is just one of the many attempts along that path.” Sounding a tad begrudged by the dictatorship of his future wife, Feng Shen mourns his own predicament.

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The Star Cave was originally left behind by an ancient alchemist known as Yuhua. For that reason, there are countless treasures hidden within its confines. Knowing this, the king as well thought to seek a cure from within, sadly, it was to no avail and yielded nothing over the years.

Under the sorrowful eyes of the boy and the endless lobbying by Lan Caier, Ling Yue could only agree in the end. She’s only one girl, its impossible to go against these two when they team up like this. As a result, her team has now gained another two members, raising it to a total of five. This also meant she’s now required to provide five reincarnation pills to enter the Star Cave.

For the remainder of the time until the expected date, there were nothing eventful taking place. Neither Xue Pian Ran or Hong Ming Yue bothered to come make trouble again so it was a plus for everyone.

Then finally, the day has come.josei

When Ling Yue got off the carriage, she was promptly called out by someone from the Da Xia’s delegation party.

“Ling Yue, it really is you, I’m so happy to see you again!” Feng Xue and others from the school only recently learned of Ling Yue’s presence in North Qing after the civil selection roster came out.

Though the girls have been separated for some time now since their school days, the bond remains strong and nothing about the situation could change that.

“Here are some invisible and flying pills. Feng Xue, although we are not on the same path for this but you must still be careful. The Star Cave is filled with dangers so you and Liu Cheng (boy) must watch over yourselves. Use them if a crisis arises, they will be of great help during dangerous situations.”

The cultivation of Feng Xue and Liu Cheng may be adequate to earn them a spot from Da Xia, but compared to the teams of other nations, they’re hardly a match. Dan realm masters are still Dan realm masters, the competitions are sporting reincarnation level martialists, an entire tier higher!

Discerning this much, Ling Yue decides to check up on the other teams while there’s still time.I think you should take a look at

Unlike her own who only had five team members, also probably the weakest as well, she could see the other delegation parties are all fully manned at eleven personnel’s. Naturally North Qing held the strongest lineup, all reincarnation masters of various degrees with the exception being Princess Qing Bi.

The other team noticed their presence as well. Most notable reaction was the contemptable looks shooting at Ling Yue when she stood beside Feng Shen, the famed Phoenix Lord of North Qing.

It’s no secret a Da Xia woman has moved into the boy’s home; in fact, it’s been making waves across the capital city.

Xue Pian Ran’s the Sacred Maiden of the Dan palace. She’s kind and beautiful, a high standing woman all around in the eyes of the public. Therefore, it’s no wonder there would be many powerful young males and females alike supporting this popular figure. In fact, when the news first broke out years ago that the pair would be matched together, many criticisms were directed at Feng Shen, claiming a ‘medicine pot’ like that doesn’t deserve her.

But then things all change once Ling Yue got into the picture.

Although the girl did manage to create the rainbow variant at the civil selection contest, but her proud attitude and refusal of the invitations from various highly respected powers had left her with a bad image to the point where it’s gotten to the king’s ear.

“I feel so wronged for the Sacred Maiden, to be dragged down by a medicine pot. Now she’s even being bullied by a woman of unknown origin.”

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“Humph, we couldn’t do anything while inside the Dan Palace, but it’s the Star Cave Venture today. Watch how I will handle that shameless woman.”

“I say, just look at that sniveling foxy face of hers. A true wife stealer of the highest order.”

Many among the North Qing’s group were already grinding their molars in anticipation. They couldn’t wait to have a go at their target.

As for the latter, she was touching her own face at the moment, wondering if her new looks are really that foxy to warrant such remarks.

But as any princess in a fairy tale, there’s always a knight in shining armor of some sort. In this case, it’s Feng Shen himself. At his glaring glance, those who dared to talk behind their backs instantly shrank away like cowards that they are.

“Feng Shen, do you really intend to enter the Star Cave? If you really want to participate then I suggest you join our side instead. This way we could protect you along the way.” The boy’s good brother Cong Lu was also present, that’s why it didn’t long for him to come over to offer this suggestion.

“That’s right Brother Feng Shen. Look at your side, the team is only full of unreliable mongrels. Whether or not they can even make it out alive is up for debate, you mustn’t do something so foolish.” Pouting like a brat, Princess Qing Bi also joins in to have her say.

As nasty as that description was, it’s partially true from the outside. Five people only, one supposedly a helpless boy without any combat power, a small girl no bigger than three feet in height whom carried around a baby fox, if there’s one that’s slightly reliable from first glance then it would have to be Dao Nu who’s a second element reincarnation master.

Among the thirty-nine teams taking part, theirs were undoubtedly the worst in both quality and quantity. Forget about finding treasures, it be a miracle for such a lineup to even make it out alive.

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