Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 1186 - Someone Might Steal Your Man

Chapter 1186 - Someone Might Steal Your Man

Song Qi had set a password for her computer and some of her more important documents were further encrypted by professionals.

Before long, Song Qi located her invisible folder. After entering the password, she realized that the pictures and audio file were gone. She instantly looked worried.

When the files disappeared from Song Qi’s cloud, she could still convince herself that it was a security issue. However, the files had disappeared from her computer altogether.

Song Qi tightened her grip on the mouse just thinking about it. She refused to believe what she was seeing and searched through every drive on her computer in the hope of locating the files somewhere else.

She could not find anything on any of the drives.

Song Qi flung the mouse aside frustratedly and rubbed her brow. After sitting quietly for a few minutes, she put down her hand. Even though there was bright light hanging overhead, her mood was absolutely foul.

Song Qi had underestimated the girl. She was surprised that Huo Yao was capable of stealing her data without leaving a trace. No wonder Huo Yao did not react when she sent her the pictures previously. She was planning to do this all along.

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