Miss Demon Maid

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Young Dragon

“Letty, do you think I’m beautiful?”

“Yes, you’re very beautiful. Milady.”

Today is a day off and milady is getting ready to go out. Of course, milady is very pretty and she is getting more beautiful every day.

I mix every day some demonic ingredients into her diet so that it doesn’t put a burden on her. Because of that her magical power and cell regeneration ability are enhanced.

The demon material doesn’t only prevent aging. The nutritional value of the firebird egg that a kind person kindly gave me the other day. Has the effect to regenerate any parts that have been distorted by the daily life, so even the parts that have been growing abundantly are in the best form. I won’t say which part.

“….Letty, You’re thinking of something else, aren’t you?”

“Milady’s bosom is a tsundere, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

Anyway, milady is going out today because she sent a letter to thank Mr. Andy for saving her from a dangerous situation at the academy. And she was invited not to the Knight’s barracks but to the Marquis de Mercia’s family home, where Mr. Andy is staying today.

“Knock knock.”

“A knight is here to see you, Miss Sharon.”


Milady and I went downstairs to the first floor to find Mr. Andy, who looked uncomfortable as he was being stared at by a number of female students.

I gave a small portion of baked goods to the female student who had come to deliver the message.

“Hi, Sharon. ………well, it looks good on you.”

“Oh, thank you…”

Milady responds to Mr. Andy’s slightly embarrassed lines with a shy smile.josei

Milady’s outfit today is a light green colored dress, as it is the beginning of spring. The slender dress looks great on milady. But, to tell the truth, the firebird’s egg is very nutritious and high in calories at the same time.

Maybe that’s why the young lady’s weight is a bit higher than the average, so I had to stay up late last night to massage the young lady’s entire body.

“Letty … again.”

“No, milady. I always think only of you. I do believe that the massage was the easiest method to adjust your body to the measurements of the dress.”

Having said that to the point that milady got teary-eyed, as a maid, I have the duty to maintain milady’s figure in perfect condition.

As I dodge the slippers , that milady was trying to slap me with, with a gorgeous side step while I pinched up the hem of my skirt. A junior schoolgirl looked at me with longing eyes and turned away. While Mr. Andy couldn’t even look directly at us.

It’s probably a thirty-minute carriage ride from the academy to the Marquis of Mercia’s villa.

If it was a carriage towed by Nir-kun, it would take a few minutes. But Mr. Andy came to pick us up in a four-horse carriage that belonged to the Mercia family and could hold six people with room to spare.

“Welcome, Miss Sharon. Welcome home, little boy!”

“I’ll be twenty-four. Will you stop calling me a little boy?”

A fifty-something well-dressed maidservant greets us, perhaps serving here for a long time, and looked at Mr. Andy with gentle eyes.

“It’s been a long time, Miss Sharon,”

“Do you remember me?”

“Yes, of course. I remember seeing you and Master Carl playing together as if it were yesterday.”

The maidservant – Lady Merdi seemed to know milady ten years ago. That’s when milady and I first met.

“Lady Merdi, I have brought you this.”

“You’re Miss Sharon’s handmaiden. I don’t need a “Lady”. Well, it smells very nice.”

I brought this Baumkuchen as a souvenir. It’s not like the scrap of Baumkuchen that I gave to the underclassman. But a cut from the middle part a 10 centimeter thick slice.

We baked it in the courtyard of the girls’ dormitory while wrapping it around a giant iron skewer. So it was difficult for the dieting girls not to look at us with resentment.


At that moment, a blue-green object flew out of the open doorway with a bizarre scream.

I almost shot it down by throwing the spike cudgel at it. But as it headed towards Mr.Andy, I didn’t move, and after catching the flying object with the size of a medium-sized dog, Andy laughed and patted the object’s head.


The little dragon looked up at the sound of milady’s voice, and Mr. Andy held it back up so she could get a better look at it.

“Is this the first time you’ve met Sharon? This is my [partner], an otherworldly dragon.”


I see. Mr. Andy is also a nobleman from the Academy of Magic. So it’s not surprising that there is an intelligent race that was summoned from another world – a [partner].

“I’ve heard that humanoid forms are rare, but a dragon……..”

”Wow, that’s cute.”


As milady who likes pretty things screams, the little dragon happily jumps on milady with its little wings and buried its face in her chest.

“……..It’s a very happy scene, but I feel a strange heartburn.”

”Haha. Let’s not stay in this place forever, let’s go inside.”


As we entered the pavilion. Lady Merdi – I was told no honorific titles were necessary, but I salute my predecessors. Lady Merdi came down to prepare the tea and I was allowed to join her to cut the Baumkuchen.

As a maid, I have to show her that the sweets I brought have no poison in it.

Since it was a gift for Mr.Andy. I decided on a very ordinary sweetness, but I knew that would not be enough for my calorie-loving young lady, so I also prepared a cream with honey.

When I cut it up and put it on a plate, the young maids of the Marquis family – well, they are older than me, served Mr. Andy’s portion while looking at it. I’ve properly brought a small portion for them as well.

I should leave the rest to them. To mess with them any further would be to invade their territory.


When I was about to go back to the reception room first, I saw that moldy little dragon floating in the empty corridor.

”……..Wait, You’re from another world. My name is “Jade”. I have something to tell you.”


The dragon said that in a very deep male voice and gazed at me.

I see………so this is what the strange feeling is all about. It’s true that the “intelligent” creatures they summon from other worlds can’t be just pets, can they?

“Regardless. I’d like to take care of a few things first.”


“Nice shot.”

I gracefully approached Jade, who spoke in a deep voice, and in an instant, I blasted Jade from directly below with the spiked club.

You have something to tell me, but I will not tolerate sexual harassment of milady.

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