Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 255 - He Might Be Your Destined Man

Chapter 255 - He Might Be Your Destined Man

"What do I do, I am helpless at the moment. I wonder how our relationship got to this state," Jasmine mumbled dejectedly.

"Girl, quit talking to yourself or people might mistake you for a crazy person. If you feel disturbed then I am here to talk to," Elizabeth made her presence known after she had covered the huge gap between them.

The startled Jasmine turned to face the side the voice came from when she realised that there was a possibility that someone overheard all she said.

Lizzy! She didn't hear all I said did she?

Jasmine thought as she gave her sister suspicious glances.

"I know you love me but stop staring at me like that or you might bore a hole on my face," Elizabeth said playfully as she stood beside Jasmine.

Just then two ambulances entered the hospital premises. Doctors and nurses immediately scrambled to collect the injured patients all covered in blood.. Judging from their blood-stained clothes, she could tell that they were involved in an accident.

"Don't they look so pitiful?" Elizabeth muttered, her eyes glued on the patients rolled into the hospital building.

"I am sure when they left their homes they must have been smiling. Some of them might have just gotten into a quarrel with their lover, friends, colleagues or even family members before they left their homes. Despite the mood in which they left their respective places, I am sure none of them had ever thought they would be involved in an accident...," Elizabeth trailed as she brought her attention to Jasmine's face.

"Jasmine, what do you think must be going through these two sets of people's mine, whose survival is not certain?" Elizabeth asked seriously.

"Whether or not they were smiling or frowning when they got into the accident both parties have regrets. I am sure, be it the smiling individual or the unhappy one, there is something they should have done before the accident that they didn't do so either way both have regrets," Jasmine concluded firmly.josei

"So what have you learned from their mistakes?" Elizabeth asked while still staring at her face.

"If there is something I have learned, that is that we should live our best, never postponed what should have been done right now for later so there will be no room for regrets. 'Live to the fullest, never caring about what others think,' that is one of my mottos," Jasmine concluded with a smile on her face.

"If that is the case then why are you not living your best so you won't leave regrets for the future. Why are you not following your motto?" Elizabeth asked seriously while staring into her eyes.

"Big Sis, what are you talking about? I don't understand you?" Jasmine said looking very confused. Elizabeth could see that she was not faking it.

"I am talking about Jackson. Jasmine, it is so obvious that the young man is into you and I also noticed that you seem to like him a lot so why are you not giving him a chance...,"

"Big Sis, don't even go there. Whether or not he likes me, I don't give a damn about it?" Jasmine said firmly as she turned and looked into space.

"Really? Are you sure, Jasmine?" Elizabeth asked as she stare at Jasmine with suspicious glances.

You can deceive every other person about your feelings but not me, Jasmine. I can see right through you that you like him so quit pretending in my presence.

Elizabeth thought, her gaze focused on Jasmine who looks restless.

"Yes, I am sure. I can never fall in love again after what I went through in the hands of that jerk. It's not possible," Jasmine said but she could not look at Elizabeth while saying this. The way she acted was as if she was afraid that her secrets might be found out.

"To you, it might look like you are trying to convince me that you don't like him and that you are incapable of falling in love again. But to me, it looks like you are trying to convince yourself and not me," Elizabeth said in a calm tone.

"Jasmine, I know you were hurt by those you loved but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't give yourself a second chance to love and be happy. You deserve this right and neither you nor anyone has the right to deprived you of these," Elizabeth said while staring at Jasmine's face.

"Jackson loves you. The fact that he defended you and our family earlier shows the depth of love and respect he has for you. He doesn't seem to a see a problem with that wild side of yours that men and everyone out there hates but instead he seems to love this side of you too. This shows that he loves you for who you truly are. Maybe he is that one true love of yours that you were searching for in Nicholas," Elizabeth said as she stares at Jasmine who was now staring at her.

"Big Sis, why are you telling me all this...,"

"Because I genuinely want to see you happy. I want to see you have your happy ever after. If you are acting this way because you are engaged to Kai, I will talk to dad and mum. I am sure dad will cancel the engagement after I talk to him...,"

"The engagement is not the problem. I have already thought of a plan that will make dad cancel it," Jasmine said confidently.

"If that is not the case then what is holding you back? Are you waiting for him to be taken before your very eyes before you realise your feelings? Elizabeth asked fiercely.

"Maybe Nicholas was never destined to be yours. Don't let your fears and pains let you miss the one who was destined to be yours because instead of six years, you will use the rest of your life regretting it. Take heed Jasmine," Elizabeth said as she tapped Jasmine by the shoulder. She left Elizabeth the rooftop afterwards.

(Please lovely readers do buy the privileged chapters. I worked twice as hard so that I will be able to provide you guys with many advanced chapters so please do purchase the privileged chapters. And as you do so, I say thank you)

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