Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 282 - Was Jackson Part Of The Reason?

Chapter 282 - Was Jackson Part Of The Reason?

"Indeed, I never liked the idea of getting engaged not to mention getting married but I was willing to push ahead with it because my father wanted it and because I thought there would be no problem marrying you despite that love was not there....," Jasmine trailed while staring at his face.

"But after our marriage was announced I realised that I just could not do it. Although it had been my goal to make father cancel the engagement, believe me, it was never my intention to hurt you or get you and your family involved in my mess," Jasmine said in a mellowed tone.

"I am sorry if my actions had hurt you in any way. I am also sorry that your family suffered because of this and thank you for publicly cancelling our engagement," Jasmine said apologetically.

"It's ok, Jasmine. I know that you had no intention of hurting me so you did not need to apologise and I did the press conference willingly so there is no need to thank me," Kai said in a calm tone.

"Jasmine, can I ask you a question?" Kai asked while staring at her face.

"Yes, go ahead," Jasmine whose gaze was on her wristwatch said.

What Kai sitting in front of her did not know was that Jasmine's mind was far away from her at the moment. Her body might be there but her mind was at the venue of her date with Jackson.

"You said earlier that previously you had no problem with marrying me so what happened along the line? Was it because I treated you bad or because you have developed feelings for another man?" Kai asked not taking his gaze off her for even a second.josei

Jasmine raised her gaze to stare at him when she heard his question.

"You have never treated me badly. Since we met I don't recall you being mean to me. In fact, you have been perfect throughout this period. You were not overly demanding like other men. To me, no man would ever be able to act better than you did...,"

"Then I guess the latter is your reason right? Was Jackson part of the reason?" Kai went straight to the point. Jasmine hesitated when she heard his second part of the question.

Yes, she did hate the talk about the marriage but she was slightly cool with marrying him but what went wrong along the way? What made her detest the mention of getting married to Kai?

Was it because her father slapped her?

He has been slapping her for as long as she could recall so the slap wouldn't have been the only thing that triggered her hatred.

Was Jackson part of the reason she hated marrying Kai?

She does not know. All she knows is that she just come about to hate the marriage arrangement.

"Ice Prince had nothing to do with my decision. In fact, I have been looking for ways to get the engagement cancelled for a long time now but I just could not come up with a perfect way," Jasmine said honestly.

"Kai, I know what I am about to say will make me look like a real b*tch but despite knowing this I will still go ahead and say it," Jasmine said seriously.

"Actually, you are a very nice guy. I have interacted and hung out with a lot of men but none of them was as half good as you. You are a cool guy and you deserve the best woman. You are too good for a lady like me. I am sure that the one who truly deserves you will find you soon," Jasmine said in a serious tone. Kai only looked at her not knowing what to say.

If he was so good like she said then why didn't she choose him until the end.

This was the thought occupying his head.

"Despite that, we are no longer engaged, we are still considered as friends right?" This was the only question that came to Kai's mind at the moment.

I have never seen a guy who got publicly rejected by a lady stay so calm like him not to mention offering to be the lady's friend. Did I save a whole nation in my previous life which is why I am surrounded by angelic men in this lifetime?

Jasmine thought beaming within.

"Does your silence shows that I am not even worthy to be your friend?" Kai asked the quiet lady.

"Of course not. How could I ever think of such? I was just so happy and surprised that you would still want to be my friend after everything," Jasmine said honestly.

"Since being a couple did not work out let's try to make sure that our friendship works ok, Kai," Jasmine said as she extends her hand for a handshake.

"I will try my best," Kai said as he shook her hand. Jasmine smile broadened as she shake Kai's hand. Shaking his hand, it felt like a huge burden has been lifted off her shoulders.

The two chatted a bit before Kai decided to place his orders. Knowing that she was gonna have to eat later on her date, Jasmine did not want to place an order but realising that it might hurt Kai's feelings she placed an order.

"You keep staring at your wristwatch, do you perhaps have another appointment?" Kai who has noticed how Jasmine has been constantly staring at the watch asked curiously.

"Yes, I have a very important meeting...,"

"Then why didn't you say so earlier?" Kai asked in a worried tone.

"Because I was afraid it would hurt your feelings," Jasmine said honestly.

"You didn't have to put my feelings into consideration but thanks for giving importance to our meeting," Kai said politely.

"You can leave for your next appointment...,"

"But you are not done eating yet," Jasmine said as she stare at the food he had barely eaten.

"I am fine.. I will leave after I am done so you can go now," Kai insisted not knowing that Jasmine was waiting for him to say this.

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