Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 35 - Angry Jasmine

Chapter 35 - Angry Jasmine

"I guess this is the time for you to start your seducing plan. You have just about right days to successfully seduce her, don't forget. Your mission to seduce the great seducer and make her yours will become a total failure if you can't make her fall in love with you during this one week," Jeff reminded him about his mission in case he had forgotten it.

"She is the first woman I have ever feel this way for so there is no room for failure," Jackson said coldly as he quickened his pace to catch up to her.

After what I have witnessed in these three times we have met her I am convinced that seducing the seduction goddess is not an easy feat. She looks like the kind of lady who doesn't give a damn about love so I really hope JK succeed with his plan because I am certain she is going to end up seducing all of us if he doesn't.

Jeff thought staring at the smiling Jasmine who seems to be having a lot of fun with Steve.

They all shopped for a long time. After their shopping, she opted to treat them to coffee but Jackson vehemently rejected her offer. His decision left the once happy Jasmine angry.

"Catherine, what are those words you always told me to chant in the past whenever I feel like killing someone. Tell me because I am in dire need of it," Jasmine sitting in the moving car asked fuming in anger. Her driver just concentrated on his driving. He dare not drive recklessly for fear that he might be the one who ends up being killed by his furious boss.

"Calm down, Jasmine murdering someone is a crime, your skin is way too precious to spend even a night in a cell not to mention staying there for years," Catherine said over the phone.

"That is what I always told you to chant. I invented this way of calming you down so that you will know the consequences of murdering someone," Catherine said as she abandoned what she was doing to pay attention to what happened to make her boss so furious.

"Didn't you go to the mall to get a gift for your sister and brother-in-law so what happened that you are this upset?" Catherine asked in a concerned tone.

"Cat, that Ice Prince of a guy is the most annoying jerk I have ever met in my 24 years of existence. If not that I controlled my temper earlier, the news of the second daughter of Avans Group murdering a man in the mall would have been today's headline," Jasmine said hitting her hand against the driver's seat. Her action startled the poor driver. His hand shook greatly in fear.

"Cat, I am so furious right now. I am really starting to run out of patience. No man has ever dared to treat me the way he always does, I wonder what gives him such guts," Jasmine said tightening her fist.

"Jasmine, calm down ok. Don't forget the reason you are doing this. Whenever he tries to upset you always remember what is at stake if you don't get the contract from him. I am sure you won't be furious if you remember that you are at the risk of losing your precious company if your mission fails," Catherine advised as a friend would.

"My best friend I know is the one who always remains elegant as always. She isn't the type of lady who gets angry and caused a commotion. She is the one who believes in winning alone. She doesn't concede defeat no matter what. She is the world's most awesome boss to me," Catherine said with a tone filled with so much admiration.

"If you still feel like murdering him after I said those words then you can do it after you have gotten the contract ok?" Catherine said when Jasmine did not utter a word. Catherine's words worked the magic of calming her down.

"You want me to commit murder? What kind of a friend and assistant are you?" Jasmine asked faking an angry tone.

"And didn't you say my flawless skin is too precious to spend a night in jail so why do you want me to spend years there?" Jasmine asked.

"I am an excellent friend and assistant. You won't find any executive assistant as efficient and patient as me," Catherine said with pride.

"You are praising yourself way too much. I have to go now, Lizzy must be waiting for me," Jasmine said as she disconnected the call.


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