Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 356 Dwarf's Problem...

Chapter 356 Dwarf's Problem...

Narita hesitated a bit, but then he sighed and followed after Hikaru.

This place is very large, it was divided into three areas including "Stone", "Wood" and "Storage".

These three areas contained three large workshops built into the shape of a U. In the middle is a large courtyard for transporting goods or materials.

Hikaru led Narita to the first "Rock" area. As soon as she entered the room, Narita felt uncomfortable when she heard the extremely shrill noises.

That's right, it's the sound of cutting rocks.

The Dwarves that worked in this place were mostly adult men, they were laying rocks into various shapes.

Although the noise was very loud, the smoke and dust did not seem to affect the Dwarves in this place, they still worked so hard that they did not notice Hikaru and Narita's appearance.

"What are they doing?" Narita felt strange because this was the first time he had seen Dwarfs working seriously without being destructive or disruptive.

However, what he found more bizarre was what the  Dwarves were doing? Were they crafting weapons for war?

"They are making stone handicrafts, the other side is making stone benches… Ah! Stone benches will be placed on the street so people have a place to sit and rest."

"The other side is creating materials for construction."

"The applications of stone are also many, so I have a few people work in the room to further study how to exploit the value of the stone."

Hearing Hikaru's words, Narita opened his mouth as he was speechless.

"Are you… are you telling the truth?"

Hikaru frowned, confused: "Hm?!"

"Are you kidding me? Art supplies? You are wasting the hard work of those Dwarves."

"Why?" Hikaru asked.

Narita shook her head and said: "You are crazy, you have to take advantage of their hard work and force them to create weapons for our territory. That way, what they do has value."

"Artwork? Those are just useless things. If you can't keep a peaceful territory, then the art works no matter how beautiful or large, have no meaning."

Hikaru laughed and said, "Narita, did you forget that our territory has 2 Fallen Angels? Do you think there is anyone in this world who can invade our territory?"

"Our?" Narita was startled, he was surprised because Hikaru said 'our territory' and not 'my territory'.

Narita quickly calmed down, despite being  grateful to Hikaru for trusting him to the point of saying that this was also his territory he couldn't stand what the dwarves were doing, because of that Narita couldn't stand by and watch Hikaru destroy everything.

"I agree that our territory has two Fallen Angels, they are the most powerful warriors in the world, as they are two gods-like existences."

"However, you also cannot let them carry everything on their shoulders and let your people live comfortably like animals in cages."

"A strong kingdom or territory is a place where the average person is strong. Only then will your inhabitants be able to defend this place with their own strength."

Hikaru smiled when he heard that, he realized that Narita seemed to be misunderstanding something.

Hikaru nodded and said, "You're right."


Narita was about to say more, but Hikaru interrupted him: "But… you seem to be making a mistake ."

"Mistake? Me?" Narita looked at Hikaru confused.

Hikaru explained: "You're right, I can't let people become caged animals that enjoy a comfortable life. The way for them to become loyal to this territory is for them to protect this place."


"But..." Hikaru interrupted Narita's words: "Have you ever thought of why they have to be loyal to this place, or do you think of why they have to protect this place?"

Hearing that, Narita was a bit surprised, he hurriedly said: "Aren't they living in this place? Their mission is to protect and build this place."

"Can they resist our orders?"

Hikaru shook his head, it seemed that Narita's thinking was a bit wrong. It was okay because he felt that he could change Narita's mind.

"You're right, if we give an order, they will surely obey. However, if you rule the inhabitants by force and coercion, what will be the outcome?"

Narita didn't know, he shook his head.

Hikaru approached him, looked him straight in the eye, and said, "In many dynasties, kingdoms, countries..etc. kings think that they are powerful, they are gods in that territory or country."

Their orders are absolute and  people must follow them no matter how absurd the order."

"Of course, in the beginning, no one dared to go against the king's orders. However, what about in the long run?"

"Residents live in fear and anger all the time, those negative emotions gradually recede. It's like a bomb, the more it is compressed, the stronger it will be when it explodes."

"When that bomb explodes, that's when the people will start to rise up and overthrow that king."

"The end of a dictator that does not think for the people, is a coup d'etat."

Hearing that, Narita seemed to realize something, the two sparks in his eye sockets also began to flicker…

Hikaru didn't care about Narita's thoughts, he continued: "Narita, if you were an ordinary citizen, living in an ordinary kingdom and that kingdom has nothing, and your life is miserable. You work as hard as you can but you only have enough to fill your stomach, not enough to take care of your family."

"When the enemies of that kingdom come, will you protect that kingdom or run away?"

Narita opened his mouth to speak, but he realized he couldn't say anything. Because if he did, then he would have agreed that his thinking was completely wrong.

However, he realized that Hikaru was absolutely right.

If he was an ordinary citizen, the kingdom would not help him, neither would it give him a good life, then why would he need to risk his life to protect the kingdom?

"Narita, you're right, but there's something wrong with it. First, we have to give people a good life."

"If their lives are good enough, then when the enemy comes, you don't have to worry about forcing the people to join the army."

"At that time, even if you don't say anything, the people will find a way to protect your territory because they know that this place is a place for them to live a good life."


Narita nodded heavily, he understood, but he couldn't accept that he was completely wrong.

That's why he could only silently bow his head.

It seems… his knowledge, his knowledge didn't seem to apply here.

Narita raised his head to look at Hikaru, he felt as if an aura surrounded Hikaru that made him feel blind.

Could it be… the Sanctuary's way of ruling is a mistake?

Is that… that's why the Sanctuary disappeared in the river of history?

Narita didn't know, but he thinks that perhaps 80% of the reason comes from the way the Sanctuary manages and rules their followers.

"Okay, you don't have to admit it, as long as you don't object. Let's go! Let's continue to tour around."

"Didn't you say that Dwarves can't help but cause trouble? I'll show you why they worked so hard without causing any problems."

Narita nodded, hearing that he wanted to see how Hikaru solved the problem of the Dwarves.

It must be known that although he and the Elders in Sanctuary made many plans, in the end, they could not contain the Dwarves.

That's why the Sanctuary made the decision to kill all the Dwarves to keep the world stable.

It was the easiest and quickest decision to make because the other races also hated the Dwarves.

Narita followed behind Hikaru, but this time, his attitude was completely different from now.

Narita no longer held the attitude of an instructor, or someone with an erudite knowledge that Hikaru needed to learn from.

At this point, Narita had kept a lower attitude, like a student who wanted to learn more from Hikaru.

Hikaru also didn't care what Narita learnt, on the contrary, he also hoped that Narita would learn everything so that He could feel more secure about him.

Hikaru and Narita went to the second floor. Upon entering this floor, Narita did not hear any noise downstairs. It seems that this floor had been extremely well insulated.

Even the huge rocks below were pounding, but this floor didn't shake at all.

It was quiet like a library.

Inside, there were about 10 Dwarves sitting at their desks working. They were drawing some strange shapes on the scrolls.

There was a Dwarf who was still scratching his head because he couldn't think of anything.

There were several Dwarves sitting together, discussing certain matters in a very serious manner.

Seeing Hikaru and Narita coming, the dwarves immediately gathered.josei


Hikaru nodded, "Um! You guys go about your business as usual, I'm just visiting for a bit."

"Yes, Lord."

After that, they returned to their positions again, and continued their work.

"They… what are they doing?"

Hearing Narita's question, Hikaru smiled and explained, "Um… this place is for creative Dwarves. If they have any ideas or inventions, they can draw or sketch scrolls."

"Dwarves are a race of great creativity, however, because we do not guide them properly, they cause a lot of trouble."

"The creative energy of the Dwarves is so great that even a small request can make them restless."

"For example… I made a request to this group of Dwarves that they must use stone to create durable and easy-to-clean household items such as: Chairs, Washbasins, sinks…etc. "

"Or they can make things with high aesthetic value to decorate."

"Just give them a topic and make them come up with 5 solutions and they will definitely have no energy left to mess up. On the contrary, they will put all their energy into fulfilling your request."

"Look at them, after their work, I'm afraid they would just want to rest as they would be too tired to cause any more trouble."

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