Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 306 SSR Tier Weapon...

Chapter 306 SSR Tier Weapon...

Rafos nodded upon hearing that, he felt that Sharole's tactics were extremely tight and that there were no gaps.

If the army that opened the way was strong enough and the normal army had enough safe space to use magic, then Sharole's army was almost impossible to defeat.

However, Rafos looked at the living situation of the mixed-blood group, which was extremely temporary, and dirty. But after thinking that they were just mixed-bloods, he didn't care about them anymore.

"Sharole, you are a military genius."

"Hahahaha…" Hearing Rafos say that, Sharole smiled, after all he had heard those compliments before.

"Rafos, I assure you that as long as the strongest fighting force does not appear, my army can easily destroy the kingdom."

"Even if the Void Lord you mentioned appears, he wouldn't be able to resist such a powerful army."josei

"Perhaps you won't believe it, but if I try my best, even the Zumberos Kingdom will be defeated by me."

Rafos frowned and asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course… hahahaha… It's just that even if we defeat that kingdom, our army will basically be incapacitated. At that time, other kingdoms would easily target us."

"However, if given enough time, I can guarantee that I can destroy other ancient kingdoms as well."

Rafos took a deep breath, he sensed that Sharole's ambition was very similar to his. Now that Rafos no longer hated Sharole, he felt that he could use him.

However, the prerequisite was that he could satisfy Sharole's greed.

It was an extremely difficult thing because Rafos currently did not have any assets in hand. Everything he had was given to him by Ratylous.

Only if he became the King of this Kingdom or… he could complete the task Ratyous gave him.

Head to the ancient ruins and find the mysterious coffin.

And of course, Rafos also needed to find the Void Lord and defeat his kingdom in the presence of 3 people including Ratylous, The king of Zumberos and the Holy Maiden of Saric Sanctuary.

Only then will his strength be recognized and would he be supported. Thus, Rafos could easily sit on the throne, and become the king of Shareny without anyone daring to oppose.

After talking with Sharole, he was no longer worried. With the strength of the army that Sharole was holding, he could easily destroy the Void Lord's kingdom.

What he needed to do now was find the Void Lord's location and carry out the quest Ratyous gave him.

Rafos and Sharole then returned to the palace for the Royal army.

Rafos chose a rather large room and went inside. The inside was also lavishly decorated, the feeling that he had really acquired royal authority made him comfortable.

Rafos plopped on the sofa, and he felt that he had never sat in such a comfortable chair.

Most of the time he slept in trees, caves or on cold ground.

Although after becoming an assassin, he also had a bed of his own, but that bed was not too good.

It was made of planks and straw, it was just enough for him to lie down on. But now it's different, this chair was too wonderful, it was enough to become a comfortable bed for him.

However, it was only a sofa, perhaps his bed would be even better.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Rafos frowned and asked: "Who?!"

"It's me… Sharole."

"Come in!"

The door opened, and Sharole brought with him the two beautiful girls that Rafos had seen when he met Sharole.

While he frowned in confusion, Sharole said, "These two girls are my two wives."

"Go! Serve him well, I will reward him."

"What the hell..." Rafos suddenly exclaimed, he looked at Sharole with surprised eyes: "What are you doing? They are your wives."

"So what?!" Sharole shrugged and said, he considered this very normal: "Beauties must serve the hero. Women have to serve men, it's completely normal."

"How? Do you think they are no longer clean?"

When Rafos heard that, he looked at the two girls who were dressed very revealingly, they both had great curves, and they were beautiful. Seeing them he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Of course he didn't care if they were clean or not. After all, since he was born until now, he had not touched a woman.

But that didn't mean that he didn't like women, on the contrary, he lusted for women's bodies.

However, he was forbidden by Ratyous. After all, he was a member of his secret army of assassins, so he was unable to go out freely.

But now it's different, Sharole took the initiative to bring two beautiful girls to him, of course he wouldn't refuse.

Sharole saw that Rafos did not refuse, he then smiled and said: "Hahahaha… then enjoy it. After all, I have more than 50 wives and of course I don't leave them idle."

"Women's job is to be a tool to satisfy men's desires. If you can't do that, you're no different from a doll."

"Rafos, enjoy yourselves, their skills are good."

After saying that, Sharole went out and closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, the other two girls climbed on top of him and began to 'serve' him.

When Rafos tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, he was so excited that he could no longer control himself.

Then, the groans of the three filled the room. Rafos was like a wild animal that had been starved for a long time, and he was now eating two pieces of meat so delicious it made him like a madman.

Outside, after Sharole returned to the room, he saw Ratylous and saluted: "King."

Ratyous stood with his hands clasped behind his back, gently nodded and said: "You are really a cold-blooded person, can you let your wife sleep with another man?"

Sharole laughed and said, "Hahaha… king, as I said, women are just tools to satisfy men's desires."

"Sometimes they also have to work to prove that they are valuable. Their value is their bottom mouth. If they don't use it, then they're nothing more than useless dolls."

"My wife? Hahaha… just a few women, if I want more women, can't the king satisfy me?"

Ratylous nodded and said, "You are indeed very smart. For now, you just have to help Rafos, so that he can obey me a little bit."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I know what to do."

Ratylous nodded then disappeared.

In Hikaru's domain, right now, the Harpy girls had just finished their training in searching in the fog. All of them were covered in sweat, even their outer clothes were soaked with sweat.

But right now, there was no fatigue on their faces, on the contrary, they were smiling.

Yes, they smiled very brightly, their smiles were filled with satisfaction and victory.

Harprite, who was holding a crystal ball in both hands, walked in front of Tsuraguki, stood at attention and said, "Captain, we completed the task within the allotted time."

Harprite was also overjoyed. After two days of hard work and training, they were finally able to complete Tsuraguki's quest within the time she had allotted.

Tsuraguki, who saw the crystal ball in Harprite's hand, also felt a little happy.

Looks like… they really know how to work together to carry out the mission.

Of course, throughout the course of this group of Harpy on the mission Tsuraguki was constantly monitoring to evaluate and find out what mistakes they had in order to help them fix it 

Although they succeeded, there were still many mistakes in the execution of the mission.

However, this was also a very good start. It also proved that they were not a useless group of Harpies, and that they could learn and progress very quickly.

And of course, they were also very serious about the task, so they were  happy when they completed it.

Tsuraguki said with a smile, "Although in the course of your mission, you still made a lot of mistakes, this is a big step forward. Congratulations."


Even though the Harpies were happy, they stood still and shouted, their faces filled with joy mixed with fatigue.

"However, do not rejoice too quickly. This is just the basic quest, after that there will be more difficult tasks."

"You guys need to try harder, okay!"

"Yes, madam!" The Harpy group shouted in unison.

At this time, Tsuraguki signaled, and one person pushed a stroller closer, the trolley was covered with a cloth so people could not see what was on the cart.

However, the Harpy group had now learned discipline. Although it was difficult to understand, they only glanced at each other, so no one asked any questions or spoke.

Tsuraguki approached the cart and took out the black cloth. Above the trolley were  20 black boxes and one gray box.

"Harprite, the gray box is yours, the rest are for the other Harpy's. You should distribute it among yourselves."

"Converge in this place 20 minutes later, okay!"

"Yes madam!"

Then, Harprite walked over to the cart, and she called each Harpy by name to receive the box. The recipient of the box immediately returned to their room to look.

So did Harprite.

After she carried the gray box back to her room, the room was filled with voices and laughter.

She frowned and quickly went in: "Hey! What are you making noise about? Be quiet!"

"Ah! Queen, look at me!"

"It's clothes and weapons!"

"The weapon is not a normal weapon, it is a Tier SSR weapon."

The Harpies were having so much fun that they couldn't help it. Harprite watched them wear new clothes, which were similar to the ones Tsuraguki was wearing.

However, there was no badge on their chest. Harprite remembered that on the chest of Tsuraguki's shirt was a circular badge, surrounded by rays of light like the sun.

After all, Harprite lived in a time when the fog hadn't taken over the world, so she knew what the sun looked like.

Harprite also hurriedly opened her box. Inside, there were indeed 2 sets of clothes just like everyone else.

However, on the chest of her shirt was a triangular badge, in the middle of which was a special symbol that Harprite didn't know.

Inside the box were what looked like glasses and a strange weapon. But Harprite was also surprised because her weapon was Tier SSR+.

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