Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 91 Duraxi Meet Sherwin!

Chapter 91 Duraxi Meet Sherwin!

"Fire Lotus?" Duraxi was a bit confused, so he asked: "Master, do you mean that the new beginning for me is the "Fire Lotus? What is its effect?"

Duraxi searched through the memories in his head but still couldn't find any information related to the Fire Lotus.

Guhi explained, "I don't know why your talents and skills are locked, nor do I know how to unlock them." In other words, it is possible that all the skills and talents you possess will be permanently locked.

Duraxi nodded. He had also heard Guhi talk about this.

Guhi continued: "Although it's bad luck for you, it's also a matter of luck. In this world, talent can be obtained in many ways, but it cannot be evolved."

Duraxi had also heard about this, and he knew that in this world there were many types of talents and skills, and they were also classified into many different levels. However, one thing that could not be changed was that all the skills and talents couldn't be evolved.

Guhi smiled and said: "However, in this world, there is still a kind of evolution that can be done."

"What?!" Duraxi was startled, then he immediately became delighted. He thought to himself: 'Can evolve talent? Isn't that too overpowered? I am the main character. I will definitely receive some kind of talent or skill that doesn't match the rules of this world. Hahaha…'

Guhi continued: "Yes, however, the conditions for one to possess that talent and evolve it are extremely harsh. Besides, the number of people who know about it is extremely small; even those who know about it never talk about that talent."

Duraxi was so excited that he couldn't help but scold: "Master, stop explaining; what is the talent? You have said so many things, and you still haven't gotten to the main point; are you going to kill me with curiosity?"

"Hm?" Guhi was a little annoyed.

Duraxi covered his mouth; he knew he was too curious, so he couldn't help but scold Guhi. Duraxi sighed and said: "Master, I'm so sorry. Because I was too curious and excited, so..."

Guhi said, her voice full of annoyance: "Duraxi, please be clear about our relationship. You are my student, and you must respect me. You should remember, I was once a great enchanter, and countless people knelt at my feet."

"Yes, I understand." Duraxi said sadly. However, in his heart, he thought: 'Damn it! Great Enchanter? Are you kidding me? If you're great, you won't have to live off of my mana. Just wait; after you're no longer worth using, I'll...'

"Do you hear what I'm saying?"

Suddenly, Guhi's voice rang out and startled him. He smiled wryly: "Sorry, master, I was just thinking about something."

Guhi said, "Huh! Listen! I will give you two options: one, I will give you UR+-class talent plus my training program, and you will definitely become the strongest of the human race."

Duraxi asked: "What about option two?"

"Two? That is to say, you will start with the talent we just talked about. This talent starts out as R only; however, you can evolve it, and it can reach till SUR."

Hearing this, Duraxi was so excited that he gasped because one must know that a SUR talent was only heard of in legends; there were only a few people in this world who possessed a SUR talent, and they were all called "champions."

"However." Guhi continued: "As I said, the conditions for evolving this talent are extremely harsh, and no one has yet to evolve this talent to the final level."

"Then I'll be the first to do it." Duraxi spoke with great confidence.

Guhi sighed, and she said: "Confidence is good; however, confidence and arrogance are only a very small distance apart."

Duraxi pouted, and he felt that Guhi was looking down on him. He felt that, as the main character, he would never fail.

Guhi continued, "However, I do not deny that you are the most suitable person to receive this talent." Because this talent requires its user to have good physical strength and high stamina, "besides, the user of this talent cannot own any talent, and you satisfy most of the requirements."

Two cards immediately appeared in front of Duraxi, and Guhi's voice sounded: "So... what will be your choice?"

Duraxi smiled and said, "Master, I have never changed my mind. I want to be the strongest; I want to be at the top of this world."

As soon as Duraxi said that, he took the gray card. Immediately after, the card immediately disintegrated into particles of light and disappeared, and a notice board appeared in front of Duraxi.

[Ding! Congratulations on getting the Talent Elemental Lotus - R class]

Name:Elemental Lotus

Rarity: R

Description 1: This is a talent that allows you to control all the elements found in nature.

Description 2: You need to collect Elemental Lotuses to evolve the talent.

Description 3: The Elemental Lotus that you collect possesses an element, and you will possess the ability to control that element.

Duraxi saw the bulletin board and was overjoyed. He imagined a future scenario where he would control all the elements. At that time, he would be like a god and be surrounded by countless beautiful women looking at him admiringly.

Guhi got a bit of a headache watching Duraxi imagine something and laugh stupidly. His mouth was drooling.

Duraxi was suddenly startled, and he immediately wiped his saliva with his sleeve and started feeling a little embarrassed.

However, after carefully reviewing the information, Duraxi realized that he was extremely suitable to use this talent.

Like Guhi had said, the user of this talent needed to be extremely physically fit; in other words, the user of this talent needed to have a high Strength stat.

Secondly, the user of this talent must not own any other talent. To be more precise, Duraxi can only own the talent Elemental Lotus. Coincidentally, all the skills and talents that Duraxi once possessed were locked away, and he could be said to be powerless.

Therefore, Duraxi was a perfect fit for this talent.

Guhi added, "Even though this talent is only R for now, it will give you a lot of stats as you level up. For now, it will give you 10% more stats as you level up."

"Is it so terrible?" Duraxi was surprised.

"Yes." Guhi affirmed: "Don't be surprised; later on, the more Elemental Lotus you collect, the more your stats will increase." But first, you need to get the Fire Lotus inside this cave.

Duraxi nodded after hearing this, then took the Misty Lamp and was about to enter the cave when suddenly a message appeared in front of him.josei

[Ding! Players detected near you]

Duraxi was startled; he knew this was a map notification he had received from the system. That map showed nothing but the location of him and the players near him, within a 200-meter radius.

At this time, Guhi also said: "Be careful; someone is approaching."

Duraxi frowned and asked: "Is that person strong?"

"There are two people. Compared to you, one is very strong, and the other is very weak." Guhi said.

Duraxi knew that, although his level was quite high right now, all of his skills and talents were locked. Currently, he could only rely on his physical strength to fight.

Duraxi asked: "If I and those two fight, what are my chances of winning?"

Guhi was silent for a moment, then said: "About 70%."

Durai smiled; he stood still and waited for the other two players to approach. He thinks that with only a 10% win rate, he can also fight the other two; after all, he is the main character of this world, and the protagonist's halo would help him win.

Also, he needed to kill players to level up, so a 70% win rate was extremely high.

The other two players gradually approached; one had blond hair and a missing eye and was wearing white armor. The other was casually dressed, with brown hair.

Yes, they were Petran and Sherwin.

At the moment, Sherwin and Petran were on a quest to find resources. Petran took the Misty Lamp and walked in front, while Sherwin was at the back, holding a heavy sword.

There were many blood stains on Petran and Sherwin, but it was not their own blood but the blood of the monsters inside the mist.

Petran was also more comfortable now than when he was with Ratia; anyway, Sherwin was extremely strong.

Suddenly, Petran stopped walking, and this caused Sherwin to frown.

Sherwin asked, "What's wrong?"

Petran nodded and said, "There is a cave in front; inside the cave there may be treasure or something very precious." However, there is a person in front of the cave."

"Is it a player who got here before us?"

Petran shook his head and replied, "No, not a player, probably a native."

"native ? Good! Then we can arrest him and ask for more information about this world." Sherwin clutched the sword in his hand and wanted to move forward, but he was stopped by Petran.

Petran said, "Don't be silly; that native is very strange." He doesn't have any talent or skill, but his stats and level are very high. "Besides, he seems to have spotted us."

Sherwin frowned, thought for a moment, and then said, "If he's found us, then it doesn't matter if we stand here or run away." "There is only one way, and that is to defeat him."

Petran held his head and sighed; he felt that Sherwin seemed to only think about fighting and nothing else. However, Sherwin was right; if the other person had discovered Petran and Sherwin, there was no point in their hiding.

Petran looked at Sherwin and asked, "Are you sure?"

Sherwin glanced at Petran and said, annoyed, "You can see him, but I can't; how do I know if I can win?"

Petran held his head and sighed for the second time. The only person who would fight an opponent whom he did not know about was Sherwin.

"The other person doesn't have any talent or skills," said Petran. However, his strength and agility stats are very high, so he'll probably be good in melee combat.

Sherwin nodded and said confidently, "If it's close combat, there's nothing to worry about." "You stand at a distance and observe; if there is anything unusual or someone comes to support the other party, let me know."

"Okay, I know what to do."

Then, Sherwin held another Misty Lamp in his hand, tied it to the front of his chest, and walked forward.

In front, Duraxi, who was following the map, noticed one player walking towards him and the other standing still.

Duraxi smiled confidently and said, "Good! Come on!"

Sherwin walked and looked around, his ears constantly listening to all the noises around him to try to find out the enemy's position.

Suddenly, the fog in front parted, and a longsword slashed towards Sherwin.

Although surprised, Sherwin was not scared. He raised his heavy sword and easily blocked the opponent's slash.


There was a sound of metal colliding. Sherwin and Duraxi both retreated to the rear.

At this moment, the two were only standing about 5 meters apart, so they could clearly see each other due to the Misty Lamp.

Duraxi looked at Sherwin's extremely handsome face and was jealous; he shouted: "Fuck! He's more handsome than me. It's okay, you'll be the first player to be killed by me."

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