MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 704 - The Heart Of Killing

Chapter 704 - The Heart Of Killing

Chapter 704: The Heart Of Killing

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Killing the enemy’s general among the sea of soldiers was something that only occurred in novels. When ordinary people heard about this, they would simply think that this was an exaggerated phrase.

It was truly difficult to describe something as extraordinary as what most of the remaining players had just witnessed. A lone Wang Yu killing his way through thousands of players and breaking through the protection of a squad.

When Captain Don’t Open Fire saw that Wang Yu was just inches away from him, he panicked and raised his hands hurriedly. “Hero, we can talk about this nicely...”


Just when Captain Don’t Open Fire was speaking, Sanguine Rain concentrated and shot three consecutive arrows at Wang Yu.

Sanguine Rain was indeed a top Archer. These three arrows were shot one after the other and flew towards Wang Yu from different angles. The three arrows sealed any possible escape route for Wang Yu.

Seeing that Wang Yu was about to be hit by the arrows, Wang Yu’s left hand grabbed the short pole on the waist to knock the two arrows on the left and right off. At the same time, his right hand grabbed the air and caught the center arrow in his hands.

Before Captain Don’t Open Fire could react, Wang Yu turned and used the arrow he caught to pierce through Captain Don’t Open Fire’s throat.

Shaman’s defence was pitiful and Captain Don’t Open Fire wasn’t as well equipped as Brother Spring. Therefore, he was killed instantly by Wang Yu.

“This... He is really a monster...” Sanguine Rain was shocked beyond words when he saw this.

Sanguine Rain’s three consecutive arrows was not a system skill but a true ability. The arrow skill was called Three Power Arrows. The frequency of shooting and technique were incredibly exquisite. With three consecutive arrows, there was simply not even the slightest gap. This was what Sanguine Rain was best at and he had never failed once up until today.

Sanguine Rain knew Wang Yu was impressive so he chose to ambush at the time Wang Yu was most relaxed. Who knew that even so, Wang Yu casually blocked it.

After getting rid of Captain Don’t Open Fire, Wang Yu was looking to finish Big Bear Deng Deng An. However, the long-ranged attackers from all around started shooting again.

With the earlier experience, the players from Void Blade was no longer aiming directly at Wang Yu. Instead, some of them aimed to cover any region around him. Without any object to block, Wang Yu knew that he was unable to dodge them all. Therefore, he simply pulled out a red ribbon out from his neck. He quickly activated his Qing Gong and rushed towards the weakest link in the Quan Zhen Sect’s headquarters.

The waves of arrows and spells landed on Wang Yu’s body. Wang Yu’s [Spirit Guard] was first forced out and his health was emptied.

Within seconds, Wang Yu charged towards the periphery of the encirclement. As he tore apart an opening, he jumped and did a quadruple kick to fly up onto the cliff. He escaped out of the encirclement of a few thousand people.

The players from Void Blade below the cliff and at Dusk Canyon watched on in silence as they looked at the direction Wang Yu flew towards.

At that moment, their hearts were as good as dead.

With a few thousand of them surrounding one enemy, the lone enemy killed plenty of them and managed to escape. It was probable that only the Cao Army would be able to understand the current feelings of the players from Void Blade.

Looking at where Captain Don’t Open Fire was previously standing, the entire place empty. All the Void Blade’s players were finally aware of the fact that they had offended a man they shouldn’t offend.

At this moment, yet another loudspeaker announcement was heard.

Iron Bull: “I came and left in a hurry so I forgot to mention something. A despicable man wants me to let everyone know something. As long as our Quan Zhen Sect is still around, none of Void Blade’s players’ lives belong to themselves!”


Wang Yu’s words were enough for Sanguine Rain to sigh in fear. “We’re doomed...”

From the moment the Quan Zhen Sect started to fight back, players from Void Blade were like birds startled by the mere twang of a bow. They were constantly panicking and treated everyone as an enemy. Whether it was in terms of spirits or mental state, all of them were burdened with immense pressure.

From the beginning, everyone thought that sticking together in thousands would prove to be safe. However, Wang Yu used practical actions to warn everyone from the Void Blade that no one was safe.

Just like that, Void Blade’s final life-saving straw lost its effect...

Safe? From this moment onwards, the only safe place was the safe zone...

It was true that Void Blade destroyed Quan Zhen Sect’s guild headquarters. However, their eventual range of movement was merely the size of a guild headquarters...

None of them was an idiot so they were naturally able to detect the severity of this issue. At a time like this, Void Blade was truly panicking.

Indeed, Wang Yu’s threat was enough to crumble all the Void Blade’s players’ psychological barrier.

“What now? Are they going to chase and kill us across the world?”

“I doubt so... Now that things have reached this stage, who would still dare to run across the world?” Some of the more optimistic players didn’t forget to mock themselves.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a message flashed across the guild chat.

Player “Beating Tiger Tonight” has left Void Blade...


Looking at this notification, everyone stopped sighing. Following which, the guild chat was flooded with notifications like a dam burst in the Yellow River. There were constantly people leaving the guild.

After all, they could always join another guild but they couldn’t afford not to continue playing this game. This logic was exemplified by the saying ‘When the tree topples, the monkeys scatter.’.

Player “I Stay 345” has left Void Blade...

Player “Big Leopard Cat” has left Void Blade...

Player “Zhou Shutong” has left...

The series of notifications of players leaving the guild left Big Bear Deng Deng An seated on the ground with a pale face.

“How? How did things end up like that? How?”

Big Bear Deng Deng An was still unable to understand how a big guild with over thousands of members was messed up so badly by a guild with slightly more than ten members.

“Ai...” Sanguine Rain shook his head. “We would have been fine if you guys listened to me from the start, right...”


Wang Yu’s loudspeaker was an announcement across the city. The crowd of commoners who knew nothing started cheering when they saw this announcement.

“F*ck! What is Great God Iron Bull trying to do?”

“Who cares? Captain Don’t Open Fire is already at the resurrection point...”


“I saw it personally. Great God Iron Bull managed to slaughter him even with a few thousand men surrounding him!”

“Stop showing off! Personally witnessed it? Which guild are you from?”

“This... Ai, long story...” The person looked at his empty chest as he rejoiced.

Bad news has wings while good news stays indoors. Captain Don’t Open Fire appeared at the resurrection point not too long ago but this news had already spread throughout the entire city. josei

The content was roughly like “Great God Iron Bull was as godly as before, single-handedly killed his way through thousands of Void Blade’s players. Great God Iron Bull shouted that nobody survives after offending Quan Zhen Sect as he killed Void Blade’s leader Captain Don’t Open Fire on the spot.”

“F*ck! So exaggerated?” Wang Yu held onto his two short poles as he heard this rumours at the entrance of a blacksmith shop. His face was blushing in embarrassment.

A passerby commented, “Kid, you’re new here right? How can you not know how impressive Great God Iron Bull is? To think you’re a Pugilist too.”

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