MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 773 - Counter-kill

Chapter 773 - Counter-kill

Chapter 773: Counter-kill

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The players on the battlefield could not hear the fury outside. Yang Nuo, who was in a different dimension, could not even hear Quan Zhen Sect’s calls. Seeing the nine burly men inching in, Yang Nuo was pitiful and helpless as even rated things could happen.

Of course, this could happen in other books. Rotten content does not exist in this book.

Seeing Rolling Mario and the rest inch in, Yang Nuo frowned and panickedly asked, “Where is this?”

“Hehe!” Rolling Mario laughed, “Don’t worry, you can’t feel pain in the game!” josei

As he spoke, Rolling Mario gave a hand signal, “Attack!”

Rolling Mario was a very careful person. Although Yang Nuo was a girl, she was a girl from Quan Zhen Sect... She must not be too weak so Rolling Mario had arranged a tactic. Upon his order, Rolling Mario sent a [Holy Flame] at Yang Nuo to mute her.

“F*ck! Nine vs one and they still muted her. How shameless!” The players outside saw what Rolling Mario did, and were agitated. This b*stard really was the epitome of shamelessness.

Although Archer was a physical attack job, it had one of the lowest demand for skills. When they were outnumbered, the skills could still be executed and being able to control was very important. Rolling Mario muted Yang Nuo which was akin to handicapping her.

They already had the absolute upper hand but still did not dare to confront her. If this was not being shameless, what was it?

After Rolling Mario muted Yang Nuo, soon, two Guardians lifted their shield to block Yang Nuo from escaping. Under the protection of a Magician and Archer, two Assassins used [Haste] and ran towards Yang Nuo in [Stealth].

Rolling Mario hid at the back and yelled, “Stab her back, aim for instant death. Don’t give her any opportunity to retaliate.”

Seeing what happened, everyone despised Team Red Flame even more. Completely surrounding her in attacks... They really did not leave any way out...

If it was usual tactics, everyone would think that Team Red Flame respected their opponent but after so much scheming, the nature of their actions changed.

However, Rolling Mario was like Fearless who used any tactic without caring what others thought. After all, this was a competition. It was most important to minimise damage on their side. So long as they could win, image was nothing.

Under Rolling Mario’s command, their circle shrunk and Yang Nuo kept stepping backwards until she was almost forced into a corner of the scene.

By then, two Assassins had already charged to Yang Nuo, ready to stab her.

The Assassins were invisible to Yang Nuo but to her teammates and the spectators, they could see him as he was in a semi-transparent shadow.

Just as everyone thought Yang Nuo was going to die for sure, Yang Nuo suddenly took a step forward and the two Assassins’ attack fell short.

Yang Nuo rotated to behind one of the Assassins. She lifted her crossbow and trigger and shot at that the back of the Assassin’s head.

An Archer’s regular attack was not strong compared to an Assassin’s. Even though Assassin was a vulnerable job, they might not be killed in one shot. However, Yang Nuo’s weapon was Ancient grade and she was a freestyle mode player which had extra damage added. After three continuous arrows, that Assassin was shot out of the battlefield before he could turn around.

<System Notification: You killed enemy, Lifeless Ji, and obtained one point.>

“F*ck! She counter-killed!” The players watching saw how Yang Nuo suddenly counter-killed and got surprised and emotional.

They were emotional as she was an expert but they were surprised that there was such a capable player in the preliminary round.

Even Ling Longmeng was stunned by Yang Nuo’s counter kill.

All these while, Yang Nuo was quite low profile in the team especially when compared to a very high profile expert like Wang Yu, she did not stand out.

Hence, Ling Longmeng always thought Yang Nuo was on the same level or weaker than her. However, that one shot made her change her perception.

Yang Nuo’s step forward seemed so casual as though she knew someone would assassinate her... For players to do that, they had to predict by counting the time and their speed from the moment they went in [Stealth]. Players were not AI robots and might change their actions midway so it was very hard to predict.

Ling Longmeng was even more surprised that Yang Nuo had stepped backwards quite a distance. She could multitask while moving back and determined their speed. This lady’s skills was definitely nowhere below the rest of Quan Zhen Sect.

Of course, Ling Longmeng underestimated Yang Nuo’s skills. She was also from a martial arts family and although she was not as eye-catching as Wang Yu, she had pretty good talent. Although she did not have a strong killer sense like Wang Yu, hers could still be felt within two metres... It was naturally not difficult to avoid an Assassin’s attack.

“I didn’t think she’s so good,” Ling Longmeng said in surprise.

Mu Zixian was still worried, “Sighs, there’s still so many of them. I don’t know if Little Nuo can handle it.”

Ling Longmeng was not bothered, “Don’t worry, a one-for-one exchange is good enough!”

“...” In the face of Ling Longmeng’s generous calculations, Mu Zixian was speechless.

“F*ck, this girl is not simple! Hurry, protect Old Bai!”

Just as the spectators were in shock, the players from Team Red Flame reacted. Simultaneously, the Magician and Archer sent long-distance attacks towards Yang Nuo.

As the magic arrows flew down from the sky, Yang Nuo dodged aside and agilely hid behind the other Assassin, Bai Yutang.

Yang Nuo had a very small build and Bai Yutang was a man. Even though Assassins were agile too, he was still a lot bigger than Yang Nuo. She hid behind him, causing the long-distance attackers behind the Guardians to lose their target. Yang Nuo gently pushed Bai Yutang and he could not help but took a step forward.

“Dang!!” “Dang!!” “Boom!”

Two arrows and an icicle smashed on Bai Yutang’s head, brutally wounding him. Yang Nuo took out a dagger from her waist and wrapped her hand around to slice it across Bai Yutang’s throat, and he disappeared into a ray of light.

“Counter-killed two of them!!!”

Seeing how Yang Nuo killed another person, not only Twilight City’s players, even Thorn City’s players were happy for her.

Regular players might not even be able to confidently win their opponent in one-vs-one but on the battlefield, Yang Nuo was against nine people but she counter-killed two of them. What an expert. Whether or not she could escape this time around, she would be famous.

After killing the two Assassins, the tense expression on Yang Nuo’s face relaxed.

Looking at Rolling Mario and the rest opposite, the corner of Yang Nuo’s mouth lifted slightly and showed an evil grin.

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