MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 990 - He Who Controls The Battlefield Will Be The Victor

Chapter 990 - He Who Controls The Battlefield Will Be The Victor

Chapter 990: He Who Controls The Battlefield Will Be The Victor

What was originally an extremely complicated battle strategy, was brought across in just a few sentences by Fearless, allowing everyone to grasp an understanding of it.

That’s right, eliminating the enemy’s reinforcements was a battle strategy that relied on using the enemy’s end goal as a bait to attract the enemy’s forces over, allowing for opportunities to eliminate the enemy’s reinforcements.

Currently, Twilight City was the piece of meat lying on the table. The countless players from the Light Faction were the immeasurable number of ants trying to take it away. If the Twilight City players wanted to protect this piece of meat, they had to start thinning out the enemy’s forces before they had a chance to gather all of their forces together.

Upon hearing Fearless’ explanation, everyone’s blood started to boil. Sanguine Warflag couldn’t help but ask, “So what should we do?

Glancing at Sanguine Warflag’s direction, Fearless coolly replied, “All of the two hundred thousand players that we are able to take control of will be sent out of the city to face the enemy!”

“All of them will be sent out of the city?” Upon hearing what Fearless said, everyone was momentarily stunned.

City defense, as the name suggests, implied that the players would defend against the invaders within the city walls. With the city acting as a shield, and the resurrection point constantly providing reinforcements, the likelihood of everyone surviving was higher.

Now that the battle was upon them, who in the right mind would send all of their forces out of the city to meet the enemy head-on when they could comfortably defend against the invaders within the city? Even if this was to execute the battle strategy mentioned by Fearless, surely there should at least be a portion of the players left in the city to defend it.

Even though what Fearless said was invigorating, the order which he gave raised many suspicions from the others. After all, everyone here had something on the line, even if they were to die, they would rather die in the city itself. Asking them to run into the enemy lines and give their lives away wasn’t something they would willingly do.

Seeing the confused looks on everyone’s faces, Fearless used his staff to draw a few circles on the map and said, “Do you know what these areas are?”

All of the guild leaders took up the maps in their hands and replied, “Dusk Mountain Range, Dusk Swamp, and Dusk Canyon.”


Fearless nodded and continued, “Behind Twilight City lies the Sunset Sea, now that the water conditions are bad, it is impossible for the enemy to attack us from the seas. Thus, the enemy can only possibly attack us from these three areas. Our enemy’s forces are made up of numerous guilds from various cities, thus they would be unable to focus their forces within a short period of time, and are merely a mob. Therefore, all we have to do is to take control of these three key areas and we would be able to eat them up slowly, but surely.”

“This...” Upon hearing what Fearless said, everyone started to ponder over the situation.

Ambushing the enemy outside the city gates was a brilliant idea. However, everyone was still hesitant towards the idea of abandoning the city.

Fearless naturally knew that this bunch of old-fashioned gamers had their own preconceived notion towards how a City Defense should be like. Thus, he lifted the staff in his hand once more, pointing on Twilight City and said, “Take a look at this place once more, the main city of Twilight City is isolated and will not be able to receive any reinforcements at all. The moment the enemy’s large forces launch their attack on us, even if they aren’t gathered together, we would only be able to face them head-on with a tremendous disadvantage in our numbers. At that time, we would be no different than a piece of meat on the chopping board. On the contrary, if we can successfully defend these three positions and slowly chip away at the enemy’s strength, the initiative would be in our hands.”

Fearless had clearly explained and stated his battle plan. All of the people here were all guild leaders. Even if they were stupid, they would still be able to see where Fearless was coming from.

“Hiss...” Upon hearing Fearless’ explanation, everyone couldn’t help but take in a breath of cold air. Following which, they couldn’t help but nod their heads in agreement and commented, “This... Boss Fearless’ words do make sense...”

What Fearless said was true. The number of players attacking the city was immeasurable. With such a big area like Twilight City to defend, it was impossible to stop the combined forces of the enemy. Once the enemy successfully surrounded the city and managed to breach the walls, it is only a matter of time before the city crumbled. City Defense was merely a strategy that confines oneself into a cage.

On the contrary, Twilight City only had three entrances. Thus, the enemy’s forces could only enter the city in waves. According to Fearless’ plan, if everyone lies in ambush in the area right outside the city’s entrance, by relying on the game’s natural land formation to execute the ambush, it would allow them to take the initiative in this war as well as allow them to momentarily gain the upper hand in numbers against the enemy. josei

After having laid out both battle strategies, it was easy to tell which battle strategy should be chosen.

At this moment, the impression that everyone had of Quan Zhen Sect had once again been raised a few notches.

An unstoppable hero, like Wang Yu, was naturally someone that everyone revered. On the other hand, someone like Fearless who could calmly analyse the situation and come out with a perfect counter-measure despite the odds being against him, was a rarely seen talent in his own right as well.

In the past, everyone thought that the reason why Quan Zhen Sect was able to dominate Twilight City was solely due to Wang Yu’s peerless skills in battle. It finally dawned on all of the guild leaders that that was merely the surface reason.

Facing against Wang Yu was indeed scary. However, Fearless wasn’t an opponent that could be taken lightly either.

In times of desperation, as long as one had a glimmer of hope, they would give their all in order to fight for it. After hearing Fearless’ battle strategy, the group of people that had initially given up any notion of winning had their fighting spirits rekindled once more.

Sanguine Warflag excitedly stood up and said, “In that case, please give us your orders, Boss Fearless!”

“Good!” Fearless pointed to the map and continued, “Since everyone will be fighting side by side in battle as allies from now on, we have to put the past behind us and fight together. Our two hundred thousand–strong army will be split into three groups. Thus, I will select three people that are more familiar with the area to lead these groups. As to how you want to lead your groups, I will leave it entirely up to you.”

Everyone replied in unison, “Feel free to give us your orders Boss Fearless!”

“En” Fearless nodded and carried on, “2012, you shall bring eighty thousand players to lay an ambush in Dusk Swamp. Try to take in more Archers in your group. Sanguine Warflag, you will take one hundred thousand players to lay an ambush in Dusk Canyon. Prioritise Assassins in your team. Captain Don’t Open Fire, you will take the remaining players to lay an ambush in Dusk Mountain Range...”

“This... Boss Fearless, I have something to say.” At this moment, Captain Don’t Open Fire interjected.

“What is it?” Fearless asked.

“This...” Captain Don’t Open Fire gloomily said, “Why am I leading so few soldiers?”

It was fine if he led fewer players compared to Sanguine Warflag. After all, Sanguine Alliance was the guild with the largest number of members in Twilight City and was also an established guild. However, in the eyes of Captain Don’t Open Fire, 2012 was merely a minor character in Twilight City, but yet he was leading more players than himself.

“Hehe!” Fearless smiled and said, “Boss Captain, how useful an army is in the battle isn’t dependent on its numbers. The troops that you will be leading will be our trump card, they are our Twilight City’s greatest bet!”

“So that’s the case, then I shall give my thanks to Boss Fearless!”

Seeing that Fearless that brat had a way with his words, upon hearing what Fearless said, Captain Don’t Open Fire’s originally depressed mood was instantly lifted.

Seeing that Captain Don’t Open Fire no longer had any doubts, Fearless continued, “In order to prevent any leakage of information, the specific battle plan will be privately sent to the individual leaders of the groups. Does anyone have any questions?”

Actually, Fearless had no choice but to resort to such measures. With so many players in Twilight City, it was hard to tell if any spies existed amongst them. If the entire battle plan was to be made known to all of the Twilight City players, the moment the enemy forces got their hands on them, the battle would be lost before it had even begun.

2012, Sanguine Warflag and Captain Don’t Open Fire were heads of the three largest guilds in Twilight City. Thus, it was impossible for them to sell themselves out given that they had so much at stake in this war.

“No!” everyone replied in unison.

“Very good then! Everyone to your ambush positions!” Fearless smiled in satisfaction and gave the command.

“We will complete the quest!”

Upon receiving Fearless’ orders, everyone speedily left the meeting hall.

Seeing everyone leaving, Wang Yu gloomily asked, “What about us? How many players do we bring?”

Fearless rolled his eyes at Wang Yu and said, “You are the City Lord. How could we possibly let you out of the city to face the enemy? Us Quan Zhen Sect will defend the city!”

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