MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

155 Leveling up...

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Leo’s gaze shifted to another System window that materialized in front of him, his eyes quickly scanning the information displayed there. As he did, another Siren, lying beneath his feet, turned to dust, disintegrating into particles of light that dissipated into the air.

He had already lost count of how many monsters he had slain within the lake, but he knew one thing for certain – his supply of bread was quickly dwindling. He reached into his pockets, feeling the crumbs that remained, and sighed.

Surveying his surroundings, Leo’s eyes swept across the barren shoreline. Not a single soul could be seen, only a few dark splotches that stained the grass, remnants of a fierce battle that had taken place here not long ago.

The ‘Cross’ guild was nowhere to be seen, because they were trying to take advantage of the ‘Vikings’ guild’s weakened state, attacking their headquarters while they were still recovering from a recent defeat that had cost them both levels and gear.

With their sights set on the ‘Vikings’ headquarters, the ‘Cross’ guild didn’t require Leo’s assistance, so he had decided to remain near the lake, continuing to slay the Sirens that inhabited its depths.

Although the process of killing the beasts was highly efficient, the amount of experience points Leo was earning was starting to become meager in comparison to the bar of experience needed to level up.

He knew that he had overstayed his welcome in this farming spot, and that it was time to move on and find a new location to grind for experience.


With a flick of his wrist, Leo hurled the final loaf of bread onto the sand. He then took a step back, observing the still waters of the lake.

Suddenly, a Siren burst forth from the surface, its gaze fixed upon the bread as it charged forward. josei


The lightning bolt that Leo unleashed was a swift strike, scratching the creature’s tail with a crackling sound.

Even though the damage inflicted was minimal, it was enough for Leo to receive the EXP for the monster’s death. With a smirk, he spun on his heel and walked away, leaving the Siren to suffer and eventually succumb to lack of water.

Its desperate singing filled the air, a pitiful melody that would have been enough to control the mind of a normal man. But Leo was unfazed, the earplugs he wore muffled the sound and allowed him to remain unaffected by the song.

Leo opened his map, his eyes scanning its surface covered with a multitude of names, directions, and other information. He moved quickly, dragging his waypoint towards the nearest city, the icons of blacksmiths, alchemists, and other non-player characters looming large on the screen.

With a thought, he summoned his familiar, a massive black wolf. The wolf’s eyes gleamed with slight annoyance and anger.


Leo could somewhat understand what his companion wanted to say and frowned. The wolf was reminding Leo of a promise he had made, a special meal that he had promised to provide as a reward for their journey through hell.

Despite his attempts to delay the fulfillment of this promise, it seemed that Fenrir was no longer willing to be put off. The wolf had grown impatient, its refusal to move making it clear that the time for the promised meal had finally come.

“Listen... I’m 100% sure there is some kind of magical kitchen within the city!? Yes... Yes... I swear on my name! You just have to bring me there... Please?”

Leo rubbed his hands together, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips beneath his mask. He offered the gesture to Fenrir in an attempt to appease the black wolf’s growing impatience. But the wolf was not so easily fooled.

With a snort of disapproval, Fenrir raised one of its massive paws into the air, its clawed digits tracing an outline of shimmering gold coins. The message was clear, Fenrir was demanding Leo to swear on his purse.


Leo’s smile faded as he warily glanced at his familiar, Fenrir. He was taken aback by the sudden demand. The wolf’s intelligent eyes seemed to hold a deeper meaning, and Leo felt a sense of unease as he considered the significance of its request.

With a heavy sigh, Leo raised one hand to his face, as if in surrender.

“I swear to you, my faithful companion, I’ll get you the ‘special dish’ that I promised. But I need your help to get me to the nearest city. I don’t want to spend all of my playtime traveling on foot.”

At the sound of Leo’s promise, Fenrir let out a contented growl and slightly lowered its massive body. Leo seized the opportunity, quickly climbing onto the wolf’s back and settling himself comfortably in place. With a flick of its tail, Fenrir set off at a steady pace, effortlessly navigating the dense forest that surrounded them.

The duo was surrounded by a sea of danger, with various monsters lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. But Leo and Fenrir were not deterred. The wolf’s keen senses allowed them to continue traveling without any problems.


Amidst the vast, sprawling plains, a bustling metropolis rose like a beacon of civilization. The city was a melting pot of races and cultures, a hub of commerce and trade, and a home to countless individuals, each with their own unique story and aspirations. Its gleaming towers and bustling streets bustled with activity as merchants hawked their wares, children played in the parks, and adventurers sought out new challenges.

The city had been built with a purpose, its strategic location and design providing ample warning in the event of an attack. The flat, open terrain offered no concealment for would-be attackers, and the city’s vigilant guards stood watch at all hours, their keen eyes trained to spot any signs of danger from a distance.

The city was built in a square, with four broad roads stretching out towards the north, east, south, and west. These roads served as the city’s lifelines, connecting it to the world beyond, and bringing new players, ideas, and opportunities to the city’s doors. At the center of the city stood a magnificent castle, its towers reaching skyward, symbolizing the power and majesty of the city’s rulers.

Yet, despite its many strengths, the city was far from invulnerable. It was full of secrets, hidden underground dungeons and dark alleys where the nefarious could hide, and where the daring could seek adventure. From the shadows, sinister plots and schemes were hatched, and rumors of assassins and thieves whispered through the streets.

As the sun began to set over the grassy fields, a strange, dark cloud appeared on the horizon. At first, it seemed like any other ordinary storm cloud, but as it got closer, the people in the city noticed that it was much larger and darker than any cloud they had ever seen before. The NPCs, who were always going about their daily routines, stopped in their tracks as they looked up at the ominous mass that was moving towards them. The players, who were used to facing the danger of Fragmental, also felt a sense of unease as they watched the cloud approach.

The mages were the first to take action. They raised their staffs and began casting spells at the cloud, hoping to dispel it or drive it away. The first few spells had no effect, but when they cast more powerful spells, the cloud seemed to pause for a moment, as if it were considering its next move. The mages were momentarily relieved, but their relief was short-lived as the cloud resumed its steady progression towards the city.

As the cloud grew closer, the people of the city could see that it was not just a simple storm cloud. It was a massive, swirling mass of darkness that seemed to be alive with an unspeakable malevolence. The wind began to pick up and the sky grew darker, as if the cloud was consuming all the light. People started to panic and run for cover, some of the players even tried logging off, but it wasn’t possible.

As the dark cloud approached, the players felt a sense of excitement mixed with fear. They knew that a major quest or a powerful boss was about to present itself, and they were ready for the challenge. They raced to the huge walls that surrounded the city, eager to get a glimpse of what was happening.

Meanwhile, the NPCs were in a state of genuine panic. They had never seen such a massive and ominous cloud before, and they feared for their lives. They started rushing towards the underground bunkers that had been installed throughout the city, seeking safety from the impending danger.

As the players reached the walls, they saw that the cloud had suddenly dispersed, falling onto the fields surrounding the city. The players were stunned. They had expected to see some sort of monster or a horde of enemies, but there was nothing there. The fields were silent and still, with not even a breeze to disturb the grass.

The players looked at each other, trying to figure out what was going on. They were all aware that they couldn’t log off and return to the real world, so they had to find out what was happening.

Some of them decided to venture into the fields, cautiously making their way towards the spot where the cloud had fallen.


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