MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 167 - 167 A Bone Golem (2)

Chapter 167 - 167 A Bone Golem (2)

167 A Bone Golem (2)

Leo stood still, his eyes locked onto the massive bone golem. The monster was being bombarded with spells and arrows, but it barely seemed to flinch. Despite Leo being a mage himself, he knew that his spells would be of little use against this formidable opponent.

Leo chose to hold back and watch, instead of joining the attack. He was aware that the bone golem’s defenses would become significantly weaker after it entered its second phase, and this would only happen when its health was reduced to half. That was Leo’s only opportunity to strike, use his magic to shatter the orb located in the golem’s neck and defeat it.

Swish... Boom...

The battle raged on around Leo, but he remained steadfast, a statue amidst the chaos. Spells and arrows flew through the air, striking the bone golem with deafening impacts. Yet, Leo stood still, his eyes fixed on the formidable creature. The sounds of battle echoed in his ears, but his mind was clear and focused.


A spear of lightning struck close to Leo, making him jump in shock. He quickly regained his composure and looked around for the source of the attack. His masked face, hidden under the hood of his cloak, scanned the area, but he couldn’t see anyone who looked suspicious. The battle was raging on around him, and it was difficult to tell where the attack had come from.

‘Maybe it was just an accident...’

Leo shrugged off the surprise caused by the lightning strike and quickly moved into the shadows. He felt that he might have been targeted, so he wanted to take no chances. The thought of being electrocuted was not appealing, so he sought refuge in the shadows

Leo’s gaze shifted towards the bone golem, and he checked its health. He saw that it still had over a couple hundred thousand health points, and he sighed. He watched as some of the melee players bravely approached the massive boss, eager to deal some damage.

..... josei


Leo murmured under his breath as he watched the melee damage dealers approach the bone golem’s feet and begin their attack. They swung their weapons with fierce determination, trying to damage the monster’s vulnerable feet. However, their efforts were short-lived.

Suddenly, the bone golem began stomping the ground, crushing all of the players underneath its massive weight. Leo snorted as he watched the players fall, their bodies crushed and lifeless. He knew that they had taken a risk by getting too close to the beast, but it was still uncomfortable seeing a fellow human being crushed to death.

Leo’s gaze flicked to his Status window and he saw that his shadow energy was slowly replenishing. A sly smirk crossed his masked face as he realized that he would soon be able to summon five of his Shadow Soldiers.

He watched as the soldiers materialized before him, their heads hung low as they awaited his instructions. With a sharp gesture, he ordered them to dive into his shadow, before emerging from his hiding spot. Leo moved stealthily around the bone golem, trying to get a better view of its back.

Leo crept through the darkness, using the cover of night to his advantage as he moved silently through the fields. No one could see the shadows shifting and merging as he made his way around the bone golem. He remained undetected, his stealth allowing him to get within a couple of hundred feet of the creature’s wide open back without attracting its attention.

He stood there, taking in the sight of the massive beast, its towering form illuminated by the light of the spells being cast at it. He didn’t want to get any closer, knowing that even the slightest noise or movement might alert the creature and compromise his position.

‘I wonder if a single spell is enough...’

He knew that the window to strike was small, that the moment to take advantage of its weakened state would come and go quickly. He was currently weighing his options, calculating the risks and benefits of waiting for the transformation to occur and strike when the golem was at its most vulnerable.

Leo wondered if a single spell was enough to do the job...


A lone figure leaned against the crumbling brick wall of a dilapidated alleyway in the city. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest betrayed his labored breathing, and droplets of sweat rolled down his face, reflecting the dim light from the moon above. The figure’s eyes nervously darted around the empty alley, scanning for any signs of life.

“I warned that bastard to use a mask!”

The figure, with a male voice, punched the wall, gasping for breath. His body was covered in metal armor, with only his flushed face visible. The emblem on his armor identified him as a guard tasked with maintaining peace within the city, but his behavior was causing suspicion.

“If only, he listened to me, we could’ve...”

As the man tore away at the metal equipment with his bare hands, it seemed as though the metal were nothing more than thin sheets of paper. With each wrenching of his powerful grip, a dull, creaking noise echoed through the air.


Finally, with a mighty heave, the metal split apart, revealing a bright red garment underneath. The man’s armor fell in shards at his feet, exposing the man’s muscular frame that made him look like a Greek god.

“I’ve never liked to hide my appearance...”

The man’s gaze shifted as he audibly ruminated, his head adorned with a halo of blood that loomed ominously overhead. His eyes, dark and filled with a twisted malevolence, betrayed the corruption that had taken hold of his humanity. He was no longer a mere mortal, but a being consumed by darkness and imbued with an otherworldly power.

Though his powers had been granted to him by a corrupted, the guard possessed absolute control over his own body. He was in complete control, even though he had to do the bidding of the corrupted.

“I just need to distract the ranged fighters...”

The corrupted human began to move stealthily, his steps taking him deeper into the shadows of the alley. He was avoiding the direct light of the moon, the ethereal glow that shone down from above. With each step, he became increasingly concealed in the darkness, a haunting figure skulking in the shadows.

Tap... Tap...

The guard was on high alert, his senses ever attuned to the dangers that lurked around him. Suddenly, his keen ears picked up the sound of footsteps, the telltale crunch of boots on gravel. Instantly, his head snapped towards one of the staircases, which led down into one of the bunkers that had been built in preparation for an event of this magnitude.


The corrupted human came to a halt, his movements stilled as he listened for the source of the footsteps. He didn’t have to wait long. Soon, two figures emerged into view. The first was a muscular orc, her powerful frame almost bursting out of her clothing. In her grasp, she held a massive scythe, its curved blade glinting in the moonlight. The second was a woman, her delicate form seemingly at odds with the huge black wings that grew from her back.

Initially, the corrupted human had intended to pay no heed to the two figures and continue on his approach to the wall. But upon laying eyes on the woman with the black wings, something within him stirred. It was as if a switch had been flipped, a dormant part of his mind suddenly awakened.

[ ????? ?????... ????.. ???... ]

A thought suddenly entered the corrupted human’s mind, causing his brow to furrow in confusion. It was highly unusual for his master to issue an order in the middle of another quest, but he could sense the urgency behind the command. He knew that for his master to act in such a way, the matter at hand must be of utmost importance. The corrupted human hesitated for a moment, torn between his loyalty to his master and his own instincts. But eventually, he yielded to the will of his master, his thoughts shifting as he prepared to carry out the new directive.

“Your wish is my order...”

With no hesitation, the corrupted human’s body moved, propelled by some unseen force. In an instant, he was standing just a few feet away from the girl with wings. The sight of her black wings obscured her back, providing the corrupted human with the illusion of an easy kill.


However, just as the corrupted human was about to make his move, the girl suddenly vanished in a flash of lightning particles, reappearing a dozen feet away from her previous location.

The female orc was also quick to react, jumping back and readying her scythe for battle.

For a moment, the corrupted human was caught off guard. He stared at his empty hand in disbelief, confused by the sudden disappearance of his intended target. He had anticipated a swift victory. But now, it seemed that he had underestimated his opponents.

“Who are you?!”

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