MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 178 - 178 Escaping

Chapter 178 - 178 Escaping

178 Escaping

Eric cautiously navigated through the silent passageways of the ice castle, his heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. He stole quick glances through the icy windows, scanning the desolate landscape outside for any sign of the Ice Dragon that was probably pursuing him.

Each step he took echoed through the empty halls, magnifying his unease as Eric searched for a place to hide.

The windows were covered in a thick layer of frost, obscuring his view of the outside world. Eric wiped away the frost with his sleeve and peered out into the snowy expanse. The frozen wasteland was an otherworldly sight, with jagged mountains in the distance and the icy tundra stretching out as far as the eye could see.

Despite the bitter cold, sweat began to bead on Eric’s forehead. His breaths came in short, sharp gasps as he tried to keep his anxiety in check.

With a final glance outside, Eric turned and hurried down the hall, his footsteps echoing like thunder as he desperately sought a place to hide from the fearsome Ice Dragon that was closing in on him.


Eric’s heart skipped a beat as a deafening crash shook the castle to its core. Instinctively, he froze in place, his breaths coming in panicked gasps. He cautiously peered around the corner and was met with a heart-stopping sight: the Ice Dragon had demolished an entire wall to enter the building.

The gargantuan creature had crashed into the castle, its massive form shattering the icy walls and causing the ground to tremble. The dragon’s two azure-colored, bat-like wings extended high into the air, casting a sinister shadow on the snow-covered ground. Its scales were a deep, glossy blue that reflected the sunlight, adding to the imposing aura it exuded.

Eric stood transfixed, his eyes fixed on the dragon’s fierce, glowing eyes that seemed to burn with an otherworldly fire. The beast’s reptilian snout curled back to reveal razor-sharp teeth, and its deep, rumbling growl reverberated through the corridors.


As fear threatened to paralyze him, Eric took a deep breath and steeled himself for what was to come.

Tap... Tap...

Panic surged through Eric’s veins as he turned to flee from the Ice Dragon. With every step he took, he could hear the creature’s massive wings beating furiously, sending gusts of freezing wind whipping through the castle corridors. He knew that the dragon was hot on his heels and that he had to keep running if he wanted to survive.

Behind him, the dragon smashed everything in its path, sending ice and rubble flying in all directions. The walls of the castle shook and trembled with each impact, threatening to collapse at any moment. Eric gritted his teeth and pushed himself to run even faster, his heart pounding in his chest.

The dragon’s icy breath was on the back of Eric’s neck, and he could feel the intense cold freezing his hair. Eric knew that he couldn’t outrun the beast forever, but he was determined to try. With a sudden burst of energy, he leaped over a pile of debris and sprinted down a narrow passage, hoping to lose the dragon in the labyrinthine corridors.

But the dragon was relentless. It followed him closely, its massive body causing the very foundations of the castle to tremble.

“Just get out of my inventory!”

Eric’s was still struggling to remove the egg from his inventory. But no matter how hard he tried, it remained stubbornly fixed in place. Frustration mingled with fear as he realized that he was trapped, with the Ice Dragon closing in fast.

“I can’t log off!?”

Eric only now noticed that the log off button wasn’t working. He slightly turned his head to the side to see massive jaws closing in on him.



As the dragon launched itself at Eric once again, the ground beneath it gave way, and the entire floor of the castle collapsed. The dragon let out a terrible roar as it tumbled down into the darkness below, the sound of its massive body crashing against stone echoing throughout the castle.

Eric was momentarily stunned, staring down at the smoking pit where the dragon had fallen. He could hear the sound of its wings thrashing wildly, but he knew that the beast was too injured to fly. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

Without a second thought, Eric turned and sprinted away from the dragon, his feet pounding against the castle floor. He could hear the beast’s furious roar growing fainter as he put more distance between himself and the monster.


Just as Eric caught his breath, he felt the ground underneath him rumbling. He quickly spun around, just in time to see the Ice Dragon rising up from the collapsed floor, its massive form silhouetted against the yellow glow of the sun.

Eric’s heart pounded in his chest as he watched the beast gather itself for another attack. But he was ready this time. He dodged to the side with lightning speed, narrowly avoiding the dragon’s deadly ice breath. The floor shook as the blast of frozen air penetrated through the stone, creating a deep crevice in the ground.

Eric felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he realized just how close he had come to being turned into an ice cube.

Eric didn’t waste another moment. He quickly regained his composure and turned to flee, disappearing around the corner and running towards the huge gates that led out of the castle.

The gates loomed ahead of him, massive and imposing, but he didn’t falter. He could see the light of day on the other side, and he knew that he had to reach it if he wanted to survive.

As he approached the gates, he could hear the sound of his pursuer getting closer. The Ice Dragon was still on his heels, its massive wings beating the air as it tried to catch up to him.

Eric gritted his teeth and ran even faster. He could feel the dragon’s icy breath on the back of his neck, but he refused to let fear overtake him. He was determined to make it out of the castle alive, no matter what.

At last, he burst through the gates and into the open air. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the barren landscape.


Eric ran as fast as he could down the mountain, his heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. The roars of the Ice Dragon echoed behind him, and he knew that he had to put as much distance between himself and the beast as possible.

But after a few minutes of running, Eric’s legs began to tire. He had been running for what felt like hours, and the steep, rocky terrain was taking its toll on him. Just as he was about to collapse, he caught sight of a steep slope leading down the mountain. Without hesitation, he threw himself onto the ground and began to slide.

The icy wind whipped at his face, and he could feel the sharp rocks cutting into his skin as he hurtled down the slope. But he was determined to escape the dragon, no matter what it took.

The slope was long and treacherous, and Eric felt his body tumbling and twisting as he slid down. At times, he felt as if he was going to crash into a boulder or be thrown off a cliff, but he managed to keep himself going.

At one point Eric thought he had escaped, but the dragon followed his path, rolling down the mountain as well.

“Just Give up!” josei

As he reached the bottom, he spun around to check if the dragon was still following him. To his horror, he saw the creature rolling down the slope after him, its massive wings flapping frantically.

Cursing under his breath, Eric darted into the nearby forest, seeking cover under the canopy of the towering trees. He could feel the dragon’s icy breath on his back as he ran, and he knew he had to act fast if he wanted to survive.

As he sprinted through the dense foliage, Eric’s mind raced with possible escape plans. He needed to put as much distance as possible between himself and the dragon, but he couldn’t outrun it forever. He considered trying to climb a tree, but he knew the dragon could easily knock it down with a swipe of its powerful tail.

Finally, he spotted a small cave hidden behind a thicket of bushes. It was a risky move, but he had no other choice. He darted towards the cave and slipped inside, his heart pounding in his chest. The cave was dark and musty, but he could see the dim light filtering in from the entrance.

Eric crouched in the shadows, trying to control his breathing as he waited for the dragon to pass. He could hear the creature’s heavy footsteps and the sound of its wings flapping as it searched for him, but he remained hidden and silent, hoping that he had managed to outsmart the beast.

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