MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 105 - A Fight To Show The Gap

Chapter 105 - A Fight To Show The Gap

Chapter 105 - A Fight To Show The Gap

Rudra knew as soon as he saw the monsters that the party needed to go at atleast 70% capacity to handle this calamity.

He ordered the team , to get ready , Rhino was under immense pressure blocking the chief. Being at less than 40 % Hp currently. His situation did not look good , especially when the other two troll elites also joined in to attack him .

Rudra knew that something big was needed currently , and the only spell strong enough that could damage the enemies was the tier two spell sea of fire , that Medivh had learned.

However the spell had a tier two restriction on casting , and Medivh was currently only tier one. However Rudra had aquired a trump card for Medivh , a potion that temporarily raised a wizards spell casting skill by one tier. He could only aquire 3 bottles with great difficulty , he never thought he'd need to use one soo soon.

There was a party of adventurers who slowly approached the scene , and were shocked to see a party of just seven take on 3 mutated trolls . Not even 70 of them felt confident on taking them .

Rudra ordered medivh to cast the spell the sea of fire. josei

Medivh instantly sprang into action , downing the potion and starting the chant. After 20 seconds he raised his hands as flames started to burst around him in violent circles.

The three-meter-tall Petrified Trolls transformed into two massive fireballs as the attack sent them flying; they crashed through numerous trees before they finally fell to the ground. Everyone involuntarily shivered when they saw the two monsters' bodies. Meanwhile, the two Lord's HP bars shrank by a small chunk.



Massive damages appeared on the Trolls. As a third of their HP was chipped.

The two horrific damages stupefied everyone on the team.

If not for Orochimaru and Karna still struggling with the other Petrified Troll, they would have doubted that the two monsters on the ground were actually Petrified Trolls.

What destructive power , Medivh's spell was beyond what normal people could comprehend , Orochimaru 's eyes widened in shock , the Elites had hidden their strength too deep , there was no telling who was a crouching tiger or a hideen dragon in this guild.

He made a mental note to observe this medivh guy.

Even Karna showed his brilliance as he single handedly dodged and damaged one of the elite trolls , following Medivh's attack.

A continuous damage of




But what was more shocking was. He had his eyes fucking closed . WTF WAS GOING ON HERE. The guy was simply dodging and toying his enemy with his eyes closed!

Orochimaru felt like he was having a mental breakdown. He looked towards Rudra who was fighting the chieftain . And his despair turned deeper.

The guy had some mysterious shield on his arms and the shield randomly formed at will , to block all attacks from the orc cheif

Rudra got no to a pitifully low of


-5 damage while fighting

While dealing a massive blow of




Continually .

Orochimaru felt like the only normal guy here , as he and PoisonToadGamakichi fought together to push the last troll back .

However out of nowhere Neatwit stepped into the frey , and unleashed the wierdest looking move Orochimaru had seen in the entire game.

Blackflames burst from Neatwit's sword as a single cut that looked more like a samurai slashing a target dummy , sliced the opponent in half clean .

-20,000 critical hit!

The Elite troll was dead!?By a single hit of Neatwit!

What was that sword he used ? What was the move? Orochimaru was completely clueless . He stared at Neatwit dumbfounded.

5 minutes later Rudra and Karna had defeated their opponents and the fight was over.

A system notification followed , ' Your party has slayed a roaming world boss Troll chieftain , would you like to issue a system announcement? '. The system asked Rudra the leader of the party.

However Rudra declined the offer , this was but a casual stroll , no need to blow matters up.

+ 50,0000 EXP.

+ 50 gold coins.

+ 30 Elite troll skin sheets.

+2 Gold troll armour ( Lv40)

+1 Dark Gold troll armour ( Lv50 )

It was not a big loot dump , Hence Rudra did not care much about it , however this loot would make most normal parties go crazy with joy . The Elites were however absolutely immune , after seeing Karna's gold stack , they found 50 gold to be chump change.

The audience was dumbfounded , what the hell was going on? Who was that bunch of players in black robes?

Untill someone recording zoomed on their insigna , it was the True Elites!!!!!! This was life changing for those who saw this battle as they uploaded it on the forums using the tag ' The Elites having some fun in the wild '.

The adventurers did not know , that this simple video would alter the history of the game forever.

From Rhino s tanking of three enemy trolls alone at the start , to Medivh casting a devastating fire spell far beyond the capabilities of any other mage in the game currently , to Karna fighting an Elite Troll with his eyes closed.?To Rudra overwhelming the Chieftain alone! The chieftain was a damn Lv 52 monster , yet infront of Rudra's shield his damage output was as pitifull as -5 , -5? Just how strong was the shield?

Even the tank , who relied on a shield as his bread and butter took soo much damage , to them it simply did not make sense.?However the truth was , the pitifully low damage was due to lot of factors being accounted together . One was Rudra's Epic shield , it was much better than Rhinos gold one . Two was Rudra's stats , his golden ratio passive made his defense higher than most tanks. And three was his defense technique.?He having 20 years of gaming experience knew how to take strong blows , Rudra bent his knees slightly while letting each muscle in his body equally disperse the entire blow , making as small angle with the incoming blow as possible.

Many did not know this , but damage was also dependant on angle of blow! As the angle became smaller the damage became more deflected.

Hence his superior technique allowed him this.

To finally the freakiest of them all , the one who occupied the top spot in the levelling rankings , Neatwit , he was a complete mystery! Orochimaru had never heard anything special about Neatwit , however seeing him here today , he needed to think again.

Just amongst the seven members here there were 4 such characters , just how strong was the entire guild?

Just how many experts were in there hiding their strength?

Orochimaru shuddered at the thought ... The true elites could not be provoked easily , he was reminded of that fact again today.

/// After all of your responses , i have decided to go for the auction arc next , buckle up , the next part is gonna be fun with a lot of face slapping .

Also special shoutout to my man Leo_crispii for the 500 coin gift , many many thanks brother ///

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