MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 146 - The Price

Chapter 146 - The Price

Chapter 146 - The Price

( The true elites guild headquarters )

Karna had invited Rudra and the other elders present at the guild to meet inside the guild hall. where everyone was watching dewdiepie's live stream on a monitor.

The atmosphere was very lively as watching the Demolitionboys 's impending doom was really funny. Rudra popped in the popcorn as he laughed his butt off seeing the performances of INeedToSmash and Ilovesmashing.

Especially when Ilovesmashing invited the crowd to come be part of the witnessing the investigation Rudra laughed soo hard that he had to leave the room for a while as his stomach could not take it anymore. He needed a breather from the laughing , however the moment he came back , he saw INeedToSmash squirming and rolling on the ground while pretending to be greviously wronged , as he shouted ' Slander !, This is slander ! '.

Rudra could not wait to see that guys reaction after they got convicted of the crime !


( Inside the Demolitionboys headquarters)

The Royal guards started finding for the stolen loot everywhere . It was kind of like a income tax raid . Every member was brought to a seperate chamber , where they were questioned , their inventories emptied and screened.

Now Ilovesmashing voluntarily went through the process , and as the guild leader went through the process , naturally the others had to follow. One by one many members and elders took the screening.

Many members were afraid though , as many of the items they posessed were raided from others , what if the royal troops questioned them and jailed them?

However , Rumors spread inside the members circle that the guards would not question the origin of the loot , if you just tell them that they were given by the guildmaster as a reward after completing a task. As for the exact origins they had no idea.

Following this exact like , many members passed the screening with no problem , hence the other members also queued up and took the test.

However trouble came?when the party where Karna and others gave up their loots voluntarily , came for the screening.

The guild had a strict policy of handing over all loot that was gained by extortion to the guild warehouse , where according to the value of products given , a coin reward will be issued to the members.

But as the coin reward was only 10% the objects worth , sometimes the members kept a portion of the loot with themselves as to earn a bit more cash.

The group in possession of the jewels from the Nineclouds kingdom treasury were one of those greedy adventurers as they kept a few gems in their possession. josei

The adventurer entered the screening room. The royal guard instructed him to empty his inventory in the bins infront of him.

The adventurer complied as he aldready knew the answers he was supposed to say.

The Emmisary's from Nineclouds kingdom searched the bin as their eyes shined upon finding the jewels branded with the insigna of Nineclouds kingdom , naturally part of the stolen loot from Nineclouds royal vault.

The Emmisary looked towards the Royal guard and gave him a nod . The nod signified that the object obtained was part of the loot.

The eyebrows of the Royal guard arched , he had almost thought that the entire process was going to be a waste , the Demolitionboys looked too calm to have conducted the heist , his experience told him they were innocent , however now finding the proof , he was shocked for a second , however years of his training as a guard kicked in as he instantly regained his composure.

The guard asked " this gem , where did you obtain it? "

This question was in line with what the guards usually asked every other adventurer during their screening , hence the adventurer was aldready prepared . He said " This gem was awarded to me by the?guildmaster for my meritorious service to the guild ".

The royal guard made him sign a document regarding the authenticity of the gem where it stated " I swear by the honor of my guild and my guildmaster that the origin of the gem in my hand is as described ...".

The adventurer never heard about anyone else signing such a document , however it was just a sign , he signed it and went out of the screening room.

However he wasnt greeted to the sight of an empty room , rather 20 royal guards were there to restrain him , as he suddenly got a system message. " You have been apprehended by the government officials for stealing national treasures of a neighbouring country ..... Teleporting to jail in 5...4...3...2..1".

" Your account has been disabled and jailed for 7 days ".

What the hell just happened?? The adventurer cursed , he was not prepared for the apprehension and account suspending . He tried to log in to the game again and again , however he could not .?His account had been disabled for 70 days!

Sirens blared as alarms rang ,?the Royal guards moved with force towards Ilovesmashing. Everyone who were busy watching the guards search the premises all gathered at the hall where Ilovesmashing was , where the guards went !

One of the Emmisary said holding a gem in his hand "One of your guild members has been in posession of the missing loot and he has a sworn in testimony saying that it was given to him as a reward by the guildmaster ".

Anger was evident in the Emmisary's voice as his voice contained a tint of killing intent.

Ilovesmashing gulped .... Things had developed in a direction he did not expect them to develop towards. The idiot must have robbed someone in possesion of the gem , is what Ilovesmashing thought , however it was harder for anyone to buy his i am innocent act when one of his men had aldready been implicated.

However just in time INeedToSmash came to the rescue as he shouted " SLANDER!!!?This is slander of the righteous citizens of Hazelgroove , OO the INJUSTICE , the HERESAY ".

The Emmisary's glared at him angrily , they had enough of this man as they said " Soo , you still deny?, You should really take this chance to confess your crimes and return the stolen goods , it will grant you a reduced sentance , should we find it ourselves , it would be ugly ".

INeedToSmash clutched his heart again and spoke in a deep voice " A hoax , its a WITCH HUNT! ".

The Emmisary's sniggered as they said " Fine , guild master Ilovesmashing , if you are innocent , you shall have no problem letting us go through the guild inventory now ? Isnt that right ?".

Naturally Ilovesmashing knew that although it was a question , he was in no position to decline , as he smiled and said " please follow me .... ".

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the powerstone target! , Congratulations guys , its been a tough day with my exams ongoing. Soo i write these chapters between the breaks i take studying , sorry for the delay. ///

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