MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 156 - War Preparations

Chapter 156 - War Preparations


Chapter 156 - War Preparations

The Elites were at a MASSIVE disadvantage in the war , period!

Everything had a role in wars , terrain , strategy , weapons , tactical superiority and coordination. However the biggest thing needed in a war was numbers.

Against an army of 100,000 strong , 100 men cannot last long against them in any sort of open confrontation.

The only example in history when 300 men toppled an army being outnumbered by thousands was the spartan war of 300 against the persians.

However that was because they held a small passage where the numerical superiority of the enemy had no advantage , except that it was draining on stamina.

However history was mans best teacher and Rudra had learned a lot from the battle of 300 . He thoroughly understood that he needed a great equalizer to negate the enemies overwhelming numerical superiority.

And that equalizer came in the form of fort knox. Fort knox was the battlefield that was geograpically in a beautiful location.

It was built on a small hill beside the ocean , on its south side was a small beach and connecting the beach was the ocean.

On its west side was a river , which met the ocean forming a estuary.

On its north and east was a wide lush green plain stretching for kilometres.

Rudra knew the fort knox battlefield inside out. It essentially had 3 openings , the first was the north gate entrance. The north gate entrance was the largest entrance and was the easiest to breach. The wood used to make the entrace door was quite weak , and it was the reason why whoever used fort knox in wars upto now , was defeated thoroughly.

The east side had a smaller entrance about the size of one horseman. It had an iron door to fortify the castle , but it could also be breached making the assault a two pronged assault.

If the assualt ever becomes a two pronged one , when the defending party is highly outnumbered then know that you have lost the war there and then.

And there was a third hidden passage inside the sandy beach , that opened inside a cellar inside the fort .

This passage had not been discovered yet , in any wars , however Rudra with his reincarnation knowledge aldready knew about it and the passage was a key part of his plan .

To win the war there were three phases of action that needed to be taken , in every phase there was little to no room for mistakes and only and only when all three phases are executed perfectly , can one win the war.

Even before the first phase of the war began , one needed pre planning to do , and that preplanning was to misguide the enemies.

How can one achieve that? Ofcourse through the snake inside the guild Orochimaru.

Rudra needed to have a fake war meeting inside the guild hall , explaining a fake plan and terrain and throwing off the opposition off their gameplan.

While actually preparing for the war secretly in an entirely different direction.

The actual plan of war was aldready formulated in his mind as he had calculated everything to utmost precision , thinking about every possible scenarios and how to counter them.

The first phase of the war would see the guild fortifying the entrances of fort knox in the east and the north gate using the lifestyle members and the reinforced bricks obtained in the auction.

Within 10 minutes of preparation time , using fire spells and lots of practice in the days leading to the war , the guild members will learn how to make a cement wall of reinforced concrete as they seal both entrances , making the fort impregnable.

Once the entrances are sealed completely , then the arrow shooting ballistas would be opened to the world , as thousands would fall every minute to the relentless assault of the arrows of the ballistae.

At which point spells and alchemic potions and a few bombs will be let loose on the swarm of opposing players.

Rudra estimated a death toll of 90-110 thousand alliance players in phase one , which was the mass slaughter phase.

Then the most crutical phase of the war plan would begin the phase 2.

In phase two , Rudra expects the alliance to find a way into the fort. Nearly after 2 hours that the war starts , the natural cement walls of the fort should show signs of wear and tear , as he expects the guild to punch a hole through the defenses at that point.

That point is where the war effort will take a crutial turn ... The guilds tankers would have to show their masterclass along with vice guild master Karna as the rest of the guild members retreated through the secret passage and out of the secret door through to the beach.

The role of the tankers is not only to hold the lines for long enough for the other members to retreat but also to lure?thousands of alliance members into the fort as they storm the area.

It is at this point that bombs placed at strategic locations would blow up , and crumple the entire fort knox , sacrificing thousands of alliance members along with the tankers.

Rudra expected a death toll of 50-70 thousand in this phase , which he deemed as the sacrifical phase.

At this point the enemy forces should be thinned by a large amount when the final phase of the war starts , which would be the wild card phase of the war.

The third phase would start when the fort entrance is breached and the Elites are retreating. It is then that SMG who had sneaked?through the secret passage at the start of the war and sneakily went upriver behind the alliance members , would ride the massive pirate ship that Karna obtained as treasure down river towards the ocean.

When the hole is breached and the alliance members try to enter the fort , the pirate ship moving from the side would shower them with cannonballs and arrows from the ballistae .

They would force the alliance to hasten their attack on the fort and divert some forces to handle the ship , to dilute their attention.

After the fort blows up the ship will also pick up the escaped Elite members at the interjection of the ocean and the river .

This was the final phase of the war effort as it would wipe the alliance members to staggeringly low number. And force them into retreat. Hopefully bringing the surviving numbers down to 10 or 20 thousand members.

From there on there was no plan , as the assaulters kept fighting the alliance on the beach , the alliance members would be forced to fight near the ocean where the ship would provide a constant cover.

It was either wiping out the opposition then or retreating , but even if they wished to they would not be able to attack the pirate ship without proper infrastructure.

The biggest advantage that the elites had was the ability to stun their opponents time and time again , however that would only remove the unfair numbers advantage that the alliance had.

Finally it would come down man to man , sword to sword and fist to fist and only the superior party shall win that contest.

However man to man everyone knew that there was no comparing the elites to the trash called alliance . Hence this was the best plan Rudra could come up with. Hopefully it would work.

/// Let me know how you guys feel about the war plan , its a lot of effort on my part as i plotted the whole thing .

Hopefully you all like it.

This bonus chapter is for all the summoning pens i have recieved asking for more work .

This one is for you all ! Enjoy ! ///

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