MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 158 - The Trap

Chapter 158 - The Trap

Chapter 158 - The Trap

( True Elites Headquarters , inner district, PurpleHaze city, virtual world)

Orochimaru had suddenly got a order informing him of an all guild meeting today in the guild hall.

He had long been walking on thin ice , and this war was kind of the last chance he had as a spy to work for the Ambani corporation.

To be fair , the Ambani corporation long wanted to plant another spy inside the Elite's. However the guild never opened their goddamn recruitment doors. They could not plant anyone else , hence had to give Orochimaru the chance.

Orochimaru had long since decided that he would much rather record the whole thing , than writing a report and filing evidence.

Hence he had long started his record feature in the morning as he waltzed in the guild. He greeted players and made small talk about the upcoming war to learn their opinions , however actually it was to pry into information .

However his trick was long seen through as everyone knew he was a spy , noone gave him relevant information and kept piling more and more bulls*** thoughts and data to his plate. At the end if one sits to organize all that was said and done , they would have nothing usefull at all!

The greatest actor of all however was Fatty Kalash , he kept sighing and walking around Orochimaru , baiting him to talk to him , and indeed Orochimaru caught the bait as he approached fatty Kalash and asked " You seem worried my friend , everything okay? ".

Kalash looked at Orochimaru for 2 seconds , then he sighed again , holding his head ...looking absolutely devastated and depressed as he said in a heavy voice " The new bomb recipe we came up with has failed , i do not know how to face the guild leader with my failure ". josei

Orochimaru's ears perked up at the news , this was good stuff , this was exactly what the alliance wanted to know .... How many trump cards does the true elites have? , How many bombs?

Now that one of their new bomb lines have failed , isnt that good news for the alliance?

Immediately he tried to talk to Kalash more , comforting him and trying to get more information . At the end he got the information that the elites had close to 5,000 bombs and that they will use their entire stockpile to level the alliance.

The number 5,000 really shocked Orochimaru , however he sniggered inwardly , even if the 5000 bombs kill 50,000 people , it will still not be enough to win the war. The Elites were doomed.

But outwardly he dint show it , he behaved like he was deeply concerned for the guild , feeling all sly and cunning. However he did not realise that he had long fallen for Fatty Kalash's decietfull acting .

Finally it was time for the meeting as everyone gathered in the guild hall. Rudra entered the room , and started to speak.

" Guys , the trurth is , we are very very hard pushed to win this war , against the alliance we have bitten off more than we can chew , and six first rate guilds are not what we can fight against . However as throwing the towel is not our style , we will try our best to win the war ".

The atmosphere in the room became gloomy , Orochimaru felt very very happy with Rudra's speach soo far as he said inwardly ' Yeah you did you ba***** , nobody messes with the alliance ".

Rudra continued " the best plan that we have currently is to use our two best cards against the alliance , card number one is our defenders advantage that we choose the terrain. And after much deliberation with the elders we have decided to take the forest as our chosen terrain ! ".

Everyone nodded , they seemed to agree with the decision it seemed logical .

Orochimaru bit his lip , if it was the forest then showing numeric superiority maybe difficult.

Rudra continued " i know it will be hard , and the war will be long , however using the forest as cover we can set up traps and use guirella warfare tactics as we sneakily attack and retreat. ".

This made sense as everyone nodded again , even Orochimaru felt convinced this was a smart plan of action.

Rudra continued " We have a stockpile of?close to 5000 bombs , each member shall be given 10 . Your job with these 10 bombs is to kill as many groups of alliance members as you can ".

The damn bombs ! Orochimaru cursed ... The elites had the bombs that were the most coveted thing that every other guild wanted but the Elites wont sell!

Lastly Rudra said " Even after all this i do not expect to win , logically speaking our chances of victory are 1 in a thousand , even i as our guild leader has bet all my money on us loosing this war , not because i have no hope , but because after we pay 70% war indemnity , we still have money to run the guild , and i urge you all to do the same".

The atmosphere in the room became the lowest , the leader had no confidence in winning , why would they even try.

Orochimaru was the happiest , he had gotten the biggest scoop of the century , this video would be recorded in history of the game as his name would spread throughout.

He could not help but also admire Rudra's ingenuity , betting on the alliance to win to make some money back was indeed a very smart idea.

He quickly took his leave as he went to forward the recorded evidence to his superiors. He was hoping for endless praise and a good promotion for this job well done.

Even his superiors found the video compelling as they showed it to the alliance leaders , boosting their confidence in the war a thousandfold.

Yua felt a bit bad for Rudra , to see him in such a pitifull state , she swore that she would not take a dime from her share of the war loot and give it all back to Rudra secretly.

The other leaders started to think about contering the forest terrain as they brainstormed ideas .

But unbeknownst to them,?thinking they were the big fish stalking the little fish , the little fish was a deliberate bait set up by the fisherman.

The trap was a hook , line and sinker!

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the powerstone target , keep it up you all! , Also the golden ticket target has been hit , soo i guess one more bonus coming your way.

Shoutout to Leo_crispii and Ivory_pope for the 500 coin gifts ! Thankyou soo much for the patronage . ///

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