MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 186 - The Elven Princess (2)

Chapter 186 - The Elven Princess (2)

Chapter 186 - The Elven Princess (2)

Rudra waited at the stakeout for a day , yet the princess did not show up. Karna came to hang out for a bit , and the two chatted , but he left after that as he was more interested in exploring the place.

Jhonny texted Rudra asking about updates , but the weirdest one was Yume , who texted him ' Amitabha , may you have a peaceful and fruitful day '

Rudra was perplexed at the message , WTF was he supposed to even reply to that ? , Then he found it funny , this was the kind of messages his mom would get from other older auntie's in her whatsapp messages.

Rudra had nothing much to do here , but he was in a tavern soo he ordered food occasionally and gave generous tips to the staff , to keep their mood alleviated at the visitor who was here for hours continuously.

Shockingly , another adventurer was also joined Rudra in the tavern , Rudra took note of his appearance , he was a solo adventurer as he had no guild insigna on his robes , he wore a peculiar pendant around his neck and had a pretty handsome face.

Rudra understood , this must be the guy who overheard the conversation between the princess and her best friend in his past life.

Being able to enter Vanaheim soo early , he was surely a superior player. Rudra would like to scout him out if possible.

Then it happened , a slender hooded figure entered the Tavern and took a seat on the farthest table.

Rudra could not see the face under the hood , which made him unsure wether the girl infront of him was the princess or her best friend. Rudra wanted to curse at the adventurer , the information the idiot provided in his last life was soo full of information gaps. Why did he not make the information reincarnation friendly? If only he had provided more details , wouldn't it have eased Rudra's job by a lot ?

' Tch , amateurs ' Rudra cursed , and any thought he had about recruiting the guy faded , he could only wait anxiously now for the other person to arrive.

Soon , another slender hooded girl entered the Tavern , her steps were quick , almost like she was rushing here.

This was in stark contrast to the first girl , who strolled in confidently and at leisure. Rudra's guts told him that this was the princess , the rushed steps made him feel that she had just shaken off her guard's and sneaked here.

Rudra quickly got up and blocked her way as he bowed , he said " Honorary Bishop Shakuni requests meeting in private with the Princess Ruby of The elves ".

The hooded figure stopped in her tracks , she was dumbfounded.... Who was this guy ? How was her cover blown? She was sure she had never met him before , so how?

Ruby froze , unsure about what to do . Her friend who saw that her friend had been obstructed , also got up , Rudra knew he needed to move quickly as he said " Princess there is a lot we need to talk about , I swear on the Goddess's name I wish you no harm , however it is of the utmost priority that you hear me out in private ".

Ruby regained her senses , as she looked at Rudra under her hood with her signature red eyes. Rudra seeing those eyes , knew his gamble was correct and she was indeed the princess.

Her friend arrived at the scene and said " Who are you , what do you want ? ". To Rudra

However Rudra did not utter a single word , he kept bowing towards the princess in silence.

After a minute the princess said " Celine , go wait outside for sometime , I will call for you ".

Her best friend Celine was shocked as she said " How can you ...? "

But Ruby took off her hood and said " He is a bishop of the Church ". josei

Celine immediately shut up and took her leave , A bishop was not someone she could offend easily in Vanaheim.

Seeing her face for the first time , Rudra genuinely felt like he had seen an angel . He had seen many beauties that made his heart beat faster , however he had never felt like what he was feeling right now.

Rudra had flirted with both Yua and Naomi , and both women were beautiful in their own rights , he was infatuated with them , ofcourse , however his guild work and his ambitions gave him hardly enough time to interact with them in day to day basis.

Ofcourse he wanted to date and have a girlfriend , there were times when he thought with his d*** , but overall he was a reasonable guy , he would not SIMP on a girl needlessly , he would not choose to go on a quest with them just to spend more time with them if they were not the best candidates for the quest. However right now was different , In this moment at this place , those age old defences in place broke down , he for the first time in his life was mesmerized to the point words won't come out of his mouth.

Rudra just stared at Ruby's face as he could feel his heart beating out of his chest. He was not aroused , but he felt heat in his body , as his cheeks flushed.

Then he heard a voice " Sir bishop .... Sir bishop???".

Rudra was jolted back to reality , however he just quickly found himself lost too , that voice ..... Why was it soo pleasant to hear?

That's it?, he knew at that moment , that he had fallen for this NPC girl .

He now understood those otaku guys who would love and idolize comic book and anime girls as if they were real . He used to mock them , but here he was facing the most beautiful Npc he had ever seen , and his heart raced faster than a Ferrari.

/// Bonus chapter for reaching 4000 powerstones. Guys this is the highest we have reached ever. Smashing records week on week!

I am gratified and moved .

The golden ticket bonus chapter is in the drafting stage , it will be out later in the day , also expect a huge turn of events next chapter///

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