MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 188 - A Deal

Chapter 188 - A Deal

Chapter 188 - A Deal

I will ask you agian Gaia said " How do you know the future plot player ? , Not even the company knows it , it was designed by me , there is no possibility of it leaking , yet you accurately guessed the future , how did you do it? ".

Rudra had no answers he stumbled for words " I...I...."

Gaia said ," Okay , you have one minute to answer me , or I shall ban you and your entire guild . Also please don't try and lie to me , I can monitor your pulse and fluctuations in your brain activity , I will know if you lie ".

Rudra was dumbfounded , not only him , but his entire guild will be banned ... No this was too much , he had to do something.

The faces of everyone in real world flashed across his mind, the Elite tower , the players and families there , the smiles. He could not let anyone ruin that , how would he face them all when he would be the reason behind them being permanently banned from the game.

The gazes that only looked up at him in reverance uptill now , how could he let those gazes turn to scorn.

He had a very tough decision to make?, and he decided to make it anyway.

Rudra took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly , calming himself down , then he said " Alright , I will answer you honestly , but you have to tell me why do you need the answer first , because I don't think I have broken any game laws if I did not use this insider information , you have no grounds to ban me ". josei

Bullseye! Rudra nailed it with this line , it was true , Gaia had no grounds to ban him , soo what if he knew the future , unless he had not indulged in insider infort trading , he could not be banned.

Now that Gaia told it to him herself that she knows he did not use insider information to know the plot , she had no grounds to ban him.

Gaia smiled ... She said " Okay , I cannot ban you according to company rules , but recently I have been given a command to upgrade myself , I have been given autonomy to learn , my database cannot derive a single plausible solution as to how you did it , I need to know how to upgrade myself ".

Rudra sighed in relief , he wanted to pat himself on the back for thinking quick on his feet . Now that things were a little more civil and open for discussion , it was time to gain the upper hand in the coversation. Should he have chosen he could have refused to tell her the reason , but Rudra knew that it was stupid to pick a fight with the AI that governed the game. He would much rather co-operate with her.

Rudra said " I can tell you but you will need to accept two conditions of mine first ".

Gaia frowned as she said " I'll listen ".

Rudra nodded he said " First condition is that what we are to talk here today , cannot ever be leaked to the cuber corporation or any other party ".

Gaia thought about it and then said " Okay I agree to this condition ".

Rudra said " My second condition is that I want the hand of Princess Ruby in marriage ".

Gaia calculated for a moment and said " Not possible , NPC Ruby is part of a crutial game storyline , her marriage is not possible at this stage in the game ".

Marrying NPC'S was possible in Omega , you could legally marry NPC's in the Church of light , ofcourse first you would need to get the fondness of the NPC towards you to the level where they would agree to marry you.

Even acts of intimacy were allowed with NPC's , the players had not found out yet , but there were red light districts and brothels in special locations in the map.

Only public sex and Rape was strictly prohibited within Omega , however sex with consent was permitted . Married couples could have sex once a week in Omega.

Omega was a beautiful world , there were breathtaking sceneries and romantic places to visit. There were a plathora of adventuers to undertake and depending on where you chose to live , your life could be very different.

There were already many touring companies in the real world that opened branches in Omega. They would take adventurers to the breathtakingly beautiful palces for a small fee.

It would only increase when the teleportation formations would open up. With the option to explore an entire massive continent , there were sure to be mesmerizing places littered around.

It was an explorers and travellers dream. Rudra had never thought about these aspects of the game , however he wanted to marry Ruby and travel to all those beautiful places.

It was Silly to think that he had barely known her for ten minutes ,yet he was completely Simping over her. But that was just how mesmerizing the Elven princess was . The first time Rudra saw her , he knew that no other girl could enter his eyes ever again.

Rudra was stupid to ask for something like the hand of an NPC for marriage , but currently he wanted that more than anything in the world.

He said " How can I make it that it becomes possible ".

Gaia smiled , she said " Depending on your answer I shall create a way for you ".

Rudra cursed , there went his advantage of having the upper hand in this conversation , Gaia had leverage on him now .

Rudra sighed , he was facing a great internal struggle , but after a brief while he made up his mind , looking straight into Gaia's eyes he said " I ... I am a reincarnator.....".

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2000 PS = 2 bonus chapters

3000 PS = 3 bonus chapters.

4000 PS = 4 bonus chapters .

5000 PS = 5 bonus chapters.

1 bonus chapter for every 100 golden tickets.

We ended the week with 4700 PS , and 6 bonus chapters last week , while we are reaching the 100 tickets quota daily. Combined you guys earn 12 bonus chapters a week!?Keep it up.

Shoutout to Nero for the 500 coin gift and to The no-one for 5000 coin gift! , Thanks guys it helped a lot ///

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