MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 196 - The Rules

Chapter 196 - The Rules

Chapter 196 - The Rules

SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT : In one weeks time at 12:00 AM GMT , the city domination event would take place across the map

The rules of the event are :-

1) To event will span over 2 days (48 hours ) , where there will be a massive beast attack on every settlement in place. A mass curfew will be issued in the city for normal residents?, hence no citizens would be out in the city in the duration of the event , all shops will be sealed to prevent looting and plundering and all NPC and government buildings will not be accessible.

Merit points will be given for every beast slain , the guild with the highest merit points at the end of the event will be given the management rights for the city.

----> There will be a City token in every major city , the guild in possession of the city token at the end of the event will directly gain 100,000 merit points.

-----> The local guards and military division?will also actively combat the influx of beasts . Assisting them in getting rid of the beasts will also lead to gaining merit points. However obstructing them will lead to loosing merit points.

NOTE :-?The guilds will only gain management rights to the city , they will still need to submit to the monarch of the country , failure to do so will cause a war with the Royal faction.

Banding of guilds and alliances are not allowed , only a single guild may gain management rights over a location.

2) A guild may apply to participate in 3 locations within their own kingdom , however they can only gain management rights to ONE location.

Incase a guild wins over two locations , then they can choose and only gain management over a single territory , the other territory will be conceded to the guild with second highest merit points.

If the guild with second highest merit points also has another location as their main base , then the territory will be ceded back to the ruling monarch as a union territory.


General overview for governing the territory :-

Once the management rights to a territory are obtained by a guild , they will be required to pay a fix annual amount to the ruling monarch as tax . Other than that they will have autonomy over development of their respective territories and their management.

A guild can implement their own administration and taxation systems , they can recruit their own military regiments , not exceeding 5% of the total city population.

The managing guild will be responsible for public safety , health and hygiene of a city . Annual examinations will be held by the monarch of the country . Failing two times in the examination would result in loosing the management rights of the city.

The city managing a territory may choose to blacklist other guilds from entering their city. Or imposing heavy tariffs on trade with particular factions.

City wars would become open in the future exactly one year after completion of the city management event.

A good clean city with good public order , low taxes , good culture would lead to more NPC migrating into the city . Increasing land prices and overall tax income . The converse is also possible , hence proper management of the territory is adviced.

Getting a foothold by developing a good territory is beneficial towards a guilds overall development. Hence choose wisely what territory you want to choose to manage.

Geographical location , current infrastructure of the place , total population , every factor must be considered before choosing .

Good luck adventurers !!


The system announcement was here!

Following the system announcement immediately a imperial edict by Emperor Aman was heard throughout Hazelgroove.

Hazelgroove kingdom announcement : In a never before seen cataclysmic event , a massive beast tide is approaching the Continent. The military in itself would not be sufficient to deal with the event as it is at a scale where every small village to every big city would be affected.

For every non combatant , they are strictly forced to undergo complete lockdown within their houses. In six days time when the beast tide arrives. This curfew Is not to be broken , offenders will be tried by the martial court for rebellion.

The goddess's blessed (players)?who cannot die are requested to help with the beast tide , there will naturally be benefits to doing so ,?Hence I Emperor Aman have decided to implement a merit based system by which one may gain management rights to a territory by helping with the beast tide.

The rules of the event are as follows .....

( They were the same rules as in the system announcement. )

A similar imperial edict was issued continet wide with the same system . By each ruling monarch.

The NPC 's of the world had became terrified following the edict , however to the players this was only a large scale event and a massive opportunity.

Every guild would pounce on the opportunity , a serious deliberation would be in place to discuss the potential territories to compete for.

Although the event allowed a guild to register for upto 3 territories , it was stupid to dilute ur forces to one third numbers.

Most guilds would only strategically compete for one or two locations . The second one being the Sureshot backup.

Many factors came into play while choosing the territories to compete for

1) The lucrativeness of the location ( Bigger cities would have more competition) josei

2) Geographical safety?( wether or not the territory was defendable to external attacks )

3) population and potential tax income.

Every guild at the end of the day was there for this benefit. A good territory may earn millions of gold a month from taxes. Converting to real world money , it was billions of dollars!!!!

To major corporations around the world this was a must have event , where the location they selected would become the backbone of their expansion and the foundation of their growth .

First rate guilds would have fierce competition to gain rights over the bigger cities. The biggest one being ofcourse,?The capital Purplehaze city.

The seven day countdown had started .... It was the race to become overlords of Purplehaze city!

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the golden ticket target!

You guys are killing it , making me write a bonus chapter every single day!

The bonus for powerstones is coming right next! ///

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