MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 202 - Recharging Batteries

Chapter 202 - Recharging Batteries

Chapter 202 - Recharging Batteries

The day of the war was almost upon them , with only 17 hours left before start of the event. Rudra gave everyone in the guild a mandatory 14 hour break and asked them to rest well before the fight started.

All preperations were done , each guild member was loaded with advanced potions stacked in their inventory. They all had been assigned their respective roles and now only the battle lied ahead. josei

While everyone else logged off from the game , to get some rest before the hectic upcoming 48 hours , Rudra still sat in the conference room thinking about all the possibilities , what could he have missed , what else can he do better .

Rudra was just like that , he took the maximum responsibility for the guild , and even when he was physically and mentally at his limit he would not slack off , instead he would persevere for the guild.

Ruby entered the conference room , and saw Rudra alone staring at the map.

She quietly took a seat in the corner , without disturbing his line of thought. After a while Rudra burried his head in his hands and said " Stupid , stupid guild leader , who gave you the stupid idea of making a guild with soo few members , idiot , complete idiot , your foolish ideals will now only cause problems for you...... Ugh why can't other first rate guilds stay in their own f***** cities , why do you have to come to Purplehaze with 250,000 members , and why do I have to deal with 3 such idiotic guilds , agghhh!!!! ". Rudra ranted

Ruby was shocked to see such a side of the careful strategist and dignified guild leader . Then she bursted out laughing.

Rudra was instantly jolted back to reality , he was shocked to see Ruby sitting there. His face turned from shock to embarassment in a flash , as it turned red.

Seeing Rudra 's cute expression Ruby laughed more. It gave the shyly glancing Rudra a very beautiful image of her full smile.

Rudra's heart clenched in his chest , he found her smile ethereal. He said embarrassed " Sorry ,I did not know you were in here .... Did you hear everything I said ? ".

Ruby nodded , wiping a small tear from her eye that came because she laughed too hard. Then she said " Don't worry guild leader Shakuni , if you won without your ideals would the victory really be worth it? .. it maybe harder to win with your ideals intact. But the victory will sure be worth it. ". She said as she smiled.

Rudra felt soothed by her consolation , that's right , the victory was only worth it if it was with his family the Elites.

Rudra said " You are very wise princess ".

Ruby replied " Father never let me practice real combat , although I was taught archery and self defense I have never even killed a rabbit. My world was my books , I have read a lot , about psychology , geography , science and magic, it is those books that made me wise ".

Rudra nodded , he understood that the princess had a thorough education.

Rudra teased " wise and beautiful , you are the perfect princess aren't you ".

Ruby blushed , she had never been teased soo brazenly before , she was unable to retort.

Seeing her crystal white skin turning red , Rudra laughed , her small pointy red nose was too cute for him to handle.

After a while Ruby asked shyly " Do you really think I am beautiful? ".

Rudra replied looking in her eyes , with all honesty " The most beautiful girl , I have ever laid my eyes on ".

Ruby's blush turned a deeper red , she had men trying to gain her attention everyday in Vanaheim , yet she never had such a reaction to their flirtatious comments . But infront of Rudra who would actually look at her with eyes saying that she was indeed the most beautiful girl he had ever seen , her defenses would crumble , turning her skin hue red.

Rudra tapped her nose with his finger as she said " have some rest Princess ". And walked out of the room.

His heart was racing with all kinds of emotions , however he knew he had to get out of that room before he lost control of his mind.

He had a major event upcoming and he could not be distracted.


( Real world , Elite tower )

Rudra was inside the Elite tower in real world , most of the guild members had went to sleep , but he still had a meeting to do with Ethan Grey and he could not slack off yet. Afterall Ethan was a 30% partner in the guild. Even though Rudra had autonomy over guild matters and Ethan never interfered , Rudra still wanted to inform of their progress.

He talked to Ethan about the upcoming event and his plans , Ethan carefully nodded and tried to understand. Ethan knew a bit about Rudra's plan when he asked him to recruit some administration personal that could run a government. However only now was he hearing the full version of it.

Ethan's eyes widened when he understood that if Rudra could somehow gain control over the entire Hazelgroove kingdom someday , it would be equal to having a trillion dollar corporation under his hands.

Only now did Ethan understand the gravity of the upcoming event. And why winning it was necessary for Rudra. It was a small step in the grander picture. However an important one.

Rudra had been working non - stop for soo many hours that he was constantly yawning in his meeting with Ethan , Ethan could see how drained Rudra was.

As the meeting progressed Rudra's body posture started to slouch as he leaned his head on the table as he spoke.

After the meeting was over , he just looked at Ethan and said , m sleeping here for a while and dozed off.

Ethan laughed , seems like his younger brother was working too hard. It was then that Naomi entered the room. Apparently she had some buisness about Mithun ambani to discuss.


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Ethan put a finger on his lips as he pointed towards Rudra , telling Naomi to not make a sound. Naomi looked at the drooling guild leader sleeping as she chuckled. She had seen him play with max before and seeing him now she could confirm that the mature guild leader was a child at heart . She found this quality extremely endearing.

Ethan and Naomi proceeded to a seperate room and discussed about their matters . While coming out Naomi saw the sleeping Rudra . She sighed , she asked an attendant to make good coffee and bring a blanket.

She covered Rudra with a blanket and put coffee beside him with a note that said?' Drink up ! We need you at your best! '.

She was about to leave but seeing the defenceless cute guild leader of theirs , she could not control her urge. She ruffled his hair and ran away blushing as if she did a mischievous act.

Rudra sleeped in peace with 9 hours left till the event started!

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the golden ticket target. Good job everyone! ///

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