MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 204 - Beast Tide (1)

Chapter 204 - Beast Tide (1)

Chapter 204 - Beast Tide (1)

The beast tide approached Purplehaze city through the eastern part of the city , it was the part where districts 8,9,10 were located.

Rudra had long since known that this would be the case , hence he had deployed Legolas and the archers there. This is because the fastest and first approaching beasts were the flock of wyverns. The infantry was useless against them , and only the ranged classes could fight them .

Legolas pulled back a flaming bow , as he stood there as calm as mount Tai , observing his prey. He felt the windspeed and direction , when he felt that the moment was right. He let go of the arrow , which neatly pierced right through a wyverns eye into its skull.

Bam! The wyvern fell down from the sky crashing into a nearby terrace. Dead!

Following his lead , a swarm of arrows could be seen in the skies , as the extremely talented Elven division slaughtered the wyverns in the skies.

Following the elven archers slaughter , was the archballistae' s barrage , as the archballistae mounted on top of three storey buildings began their relentless assault on the wyvern flock.

It was a massive waste of arrows to say the least , as a lot of them missed the targets , however its effects were undeniable , falling by the hundreds , 10 minutes into the beast tide , the guild with the highest merit points was the True Elites.


Merit board rankings :

1) True Elites : 2000 points

2) Frozen thorns : 1300 points

3) Eternal rebels : 1100 points

4) Twisting serpants : 1094 points

5 ) Eternal darkness : 294 points

6 ) Elementals : 150 points






342) Seed of life : 0 points

343) pizza lovers : 0 points

344 ) here to stay : 0 points.

. josei




420) never say never : 0 points

The Elites were off to a good start , however their lead would not last long. As through northern , southern and eastern sides. The land beasts had arrived.

Purplehaze city did have a rudimentary wall covering its borders , but in the outer district ,the protection it offered was close to negligible. Only the inner district could be said to have appropriate defensive wall. That could withstand a siege.

Mutated Rhinos , wolves and mutated snow leopards were the first beasts to attack in the beast tide.?They dashed towards the city and the real fight began.

Beasts charged into the humans and the chaotic fight began.

There were hundreds of thousands of beasts , against hundereds of thousands of players. It was a sight to behold. Mutated Rhinos lead the charge as they absolutely mauled through lines of troops . Swiftly followed by leopards.

The wolves were intelligent creatures who hunted in packs , against the groups of humans who held their ground.

The average beast strength was around level 35 , however their mutated status gave them stats of around level 37 beasts .

There were a few higher level beasts also part of the group , which were Elites or commanders . These beasts were around level 42-43.

Overall the human and beast counterparts were equally matched. With both sides loosing some members.

Districts 3-12 were engulfed in war , as all divisions of True Elites had atleast some part where they were actively fighting.

Calmly standing on the inner city wall , Rudra was observing the situation as it developed . He was not in a hurry for points or to fight. The fight would soon spread to districts 1-3 as entire outer city would be under attack then . The last area to fall would be inner city. But it would be the centre of most chaotic?fights.

Beasts from all directions would swarm the inner city , contrary to the outer city where beasts would come only from one direction , there would be no safezone in inner city. There would be no lines drawn to safeguard against incoming beast tides and no places to fall.

The strongest and most ferocious beasts would lead their kinsmen and attack the inner city. The weaker ones would already be killed in the outer city , those who would reach the inner parts would undoubtedly be the strongest and highest levelled beasts of them all.

Rudra estimated that there would be about 30 minutes before full fledged fighting would start at the walls . His time to fight had not come yet. Now was the time for Neatwit and the other Elites as well the NPCs to show their worth to the guild.


( Gimli 's pov )

"326....327..... Three hundered twenty eight ....HAHAHAHAHA , There is no way I would let that long haired , long nosed elven Buffon kill more beasts than I do , for the glory of the Won knight family and humanity , I refuse to loose to that elf ! ".

GAHHHH!?He roared as he charged at a rhino head on .

It seemed like a stupid move to do , but when it was done by the bear of a man that Gimli was , who was 20 levels higher than the rhino and a tier 2 soldier then even the rhino could not match his strength.

Lifting the rhino from his horn up , Gimli smashed it into the ground , cracking the ground underneath and crushing the beasts bones.

Using his axe he then slit his throat clean.

" THREE HUNDRED TWENTY NINE !!!!! hahaha stupid elf won't even have hit one hundred yet ". Gimli laughed.

" Men , hold tight , don't let these snotty beasts hurt you ! ". He commanded


" SIR YES SIR !"?The troops replied in high spirits.


( Legolas POV )

" 2999 , 3000 , 3001 .... Hmph , dream on musclehead , you will not even have half the kills I do , if the great commander of Elven forces looses to a human gorilla I will not be able to show my face in Vanaheim". Legolas said.

" Men , don't give these mindless creatures an inch , show them the might of Elven division one ! ".


" SLAYYY !!! ".

/// Sorry for the late chapter guys , new week new targets.

1 bonus chapter for ever 1200 PS

1 bonus chapter for every 100 golden tickets

We got a total of 12 bonus chapters last week

7 from golden tickets and 5 from powerstones.

Congratulations ! ///

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