MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 571 Taming A Duck

Chapter 571 Taming A Duck

Chapter 571 Taming A Duck

Following the absurd duck situation the elites all assembled near Rudra , as they waited for his command.

" Don't kill the ducks ". Rudra gave the executive order to the elites , as everyone felt uncomfortable letting stupid ducks without claws , teeth or even proper attacking capabilities being allowed to stick on their heads as they gave a headmassage type pecking.

Jhonny however was savage , he wanted nothing to do with the ducks , as he just swatted them left and right without caring for their life , as even if they died he just became formless in the face of natural disasters and avoided it all.

" What now ? ". Asked Karna , as a big smile could be seen plastered on Rudra's face , a smile that Karna was all too familiar with. A smile that signalled that Rudra was about to suggest doing something crazy.

Rudra said " Sir Jhonny , do you still have the Dino? ".

Jhonny raised an eyebrow and said " Yes ... ".

Rudra smiled and said " Then i guess it's time for Dino Vs Duckie part 1 ".

( A few moments later )

There were 5 elites seated on a dinasaurs head as the 20 storey tall dinasaur towered over the 12 storey tall duck with gusto.

" RAWWRRRR " , the dinasaur roared in joy , firstly because it felt the atmosphere to be familiar , it was almost like he was home , and secondly because since the ancient era giant ducks were indeed the favourite food of the dinasaurs who relished them as a tasty meal.

" Quack ....quack quaaaaackk ". The giant duck squirmed after seeing the dinasaur bare it's sharp canine teeth , as poop bombs escaped it's rear blasting poor Nightcrawlers with them.

However although the giant duck was scared of the dinasaur , the smaller ones were not , as the loyal army threw itself on the body of the dinasaur .

However the hard scaled aside , mama dinasaur did not even care about the small ducks as a single tail swipe of here killed several hundreds of them at once as mana triggered a huge calamity.

59 seconds later a giant meteor could be seen in the sky as Rudra looked at it and moaned in frustration " Ugh not again ".

Had it been a tornado or a lightning strike , the elites on the head of the dinasaur could have dealt with the calamity , but it just had to be a giant meteorite.

" Meteorite ! ... Guildmaster it was an honor serving you in this exploration , may all of our souls rest in peace ... ". Neatwit said as he gave up all hopes of survival , however karna just smacked him on the head and told him to shutup. josei

Ofcourse Rudra was not going to let the crew die , as he summoned Furball and told her to use mass teleportation at the right moment.

The monsters inside the military base panicked and started to run for their lives , however Rudra and group stayed intact , as the giant duck lost its mind being so close to the attractor of the calamity.

But to the ducks dismay , the giant dinasaur followed it wherever it ran , as the meteor course corrected itself and followed.

"QUACKK QUACK QUAAAACKKKK ". The duck screamed

And although Rudra could not speak duck he understood that the eldritch duck out there was begging for mercy , as Rudra used it's vulnerable moment to send Neatwit towards it with a pet taming contract , forcing it into a deal becoming Neatwits pet under duress.

A giant meteorite over its head and a dinasaurs behind its small tail , the duck had no other option but to sign the contract in desperation to save its life , as the moment it did , Furball used mass teleportation to move out of harms way.


Earthquake could be felt all around the ancient ruins , as even the three girls who were grave digging peacefully saw a pile of sand that they had just dug out being unsettled and fall back in , increasing their workload.

" ugh boys ". The three complained together , as they were sure that it was the work of the elites .

Furball teleported the group 2 killometers from the crash area and although there was a lot of debris , the elites were safe otherwise .

" Quack ... Qu-qu-qu quackkk ". The eldritch duck started to cry as its tears gave neatwit a nice salty shower, as it thanked it's new master for saving its life.

Neatwit on the other hand was just plain stunned to see the information on the duck

[ Eldritch duck ] ( cry baby ) ( tier 0 ) - A heavens chosen son , and the direct descendant of the holy eldritch duck kept as per by the god of disasters. This duck is special as harming it or any of its children would bring forth natural disasters.

Immortal , this duck can never die of aging , however beware weapons and attacks can still kill it.

The eldritch duck was a gender fluid species who could shift between male and female genders fast , and could even become gender neutral.

However this specific eldritch duck was a walking carrier of natural disasters , as Neatwit could imagine unleashing a swarm of ducks on his enemies and them killing the weak small ducks , only to bring forth many natural disasters!

He could become a duckmancer with an army of ducks and become absolutely unstoppable on any battlefield!

This idea excited him untill he realized how stupid he would look commanding a legion of ducks , however nonetheless it was a valuable addition to the Elite camp.

Rudra said " Neatwit tell your duck to ensure our security back at the military base and lead us to the secrets in there ".

Rudra acted like this was all the part of the plan from the beginning as karna and SMG could not help but internally praise Rudra for his excellent scheming.

They could have never thought to trigger a natural calamity and then use it over the ducks life as threat and force it into enslavement only to use it as the bodyguard for loot.

Their respect for Rudra hence skyrocketed , however little did they know Rudra himself was only winging it on the go.

He had no concrete plan at all.

/// Chapter two , it took me a full 100 minutes. Now 30 minutes behind schedule , need to pick the pace up. ///

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