MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 92 - The Dungeon

Chapter 92 - The Dungeon

Chapter 92 - The Dungeon

Endless ocean was a wierd dungeon , where danger and opportunities went hand in hand ... On one hand the dungeon had no final bosses or boss fights , it was a simple survival type dungeon . Yet it was notorious for being one of the hardest dungeons in the game to clear.

For anyone not having naval experience this dungeon was hell , simply hell!

Rudra knew about it naturally , he had spent better part of 2 months in this dungeon in his ' past life' .

The guild members were happy and cheery right now , the weather ahead looked bright and the sea was calm , but Rudra knew that about 200 meters into the dungeon there would open a portal and then the real dungeon started.

Most people failed to realize why was the dungeon begining twice??It was only by chance that an adventurer discovered why. The first 200 meters contained a hidden treasure chest.

About 50 meters after setting sail , Rudra commanded troops to halt the ship.

Rudra jumped down in the water suddenly after that ...... The guild members were puzzled by his bizzare action . Yet they all looked over from the rail anxiously.

Rudra swam to the bottom of the sea , about 20 meters deep , he looked around calmly , trying to find the buried treasure chest.

The problem was ..... He knew that there was a chest 50 meters into the dungeon ..... However the sea was just too damn big to find it!!!

He needed help , but he could not just scream that guys help me find a treasure map here , his actions would raise a lot of suspicions , however worry not, he had a plan!

He swam up to the surface to gain a breather and said .... " Hey , guys i planted a treasure map somewhere down in the ocean here , the first one to find it gets 2 platinum as reward ..... Lets have some fun!!!! ".

The guild members all looked at each other silly the leader was such a goof!

However who could say no to 2 platinum coins ..... F***. Who cares if they are in a dungeon , they all just jumped in like it was a pool day!

Karna sighed .....he felt like the only adult amongst a group of children ... He squinted his eyes at the laid back Rudra goofing around in the dungeon.

Rudra clearly lied about planting the treasure map , however it worked , also it helped him avoid a lot of unnecessary questions. The man was sly.

About 5 minutes in ... MonkeyKingEnma found the treasure map piece

" FOUND IT". He screamed with a treasure map in his hands .

" Good job bro ". Rudra applauded

As Rudra stored the map , he recieved a system notification

Retrieved treasure map piece

Current progress (2/3)

The guild members all applauded for him . Everyone reboarded the boat after that and infront of everyone present , MonkeyKingEnma was presented with 2 platinum coins award ceremony .


As Rudra returned to man the helm , Karna was there squinting?at him

Rudra clearly understood the situation he was in and said shyly " how about you call the shots today boss".

Karna's squint improved a little , as he said okay !

Karna's authority in the guild was always a little dicy at best , he needed to establish himself as the absolute vice guild master. Taking leadership roles more often.

"Since everyone has already gathered, let us begin, then," Karna said unhurriedly after taking a glance at everyone in the deck. "we will split the tasks , 20 people will man the cannons , 5 people will handle the sail , 5 men will take care of the water filling the boat , 10 men will be hands on deck at call, the wizards and archers will be on lookout for long range attacks , and guild leader and myself will steer the boat ."

Although the man's voice sounded mild, nobody present dared to look down on him.

After all, this refined man was none other than the vice guild master that Shakuni trusted. He was also supremely talented in fighting skills.

None of the guild members present said anything in response to him calling the shots. Instead, they each quickly went on to carry out his assigned tasks .

As the boat salied about 200 meters into the sea , a sudden change happened , a portal appeared out of nowhere and the boat was sucked into it.

The instant the True Elites entered the dungeon called the endless ocean , before they could even see where they had been transported to, the sound of a system notification reached their ears.

– josei

System: You have entered the Dungeon the endless ocean . You are not allowed to leave before 30 hours have passed , your goal is to survive for thesr 30 hours , after 30 hours you will clear the dungeon , after 35 hours you will be transported outside . All the best!

When the system notification came to an end, Rudra was finally able to see his surroundings clearly.

He was currently standing in the middle of a endless sea , it was a dark cloudy weather , with thick fog surrounding his vision , he could not see for more than 5 meters.

While Rudra was busy observing his surroundings, the sound of drum beats could be heard ..... a faint light could be seen about 50 Meters from their location .

about 5 minutes into the dungeon run , the first challenge had arrived . Rudra sighed , he knew what this noise meant .... it was a ghost pirate ship attack .

calmly he said " all hands on cannons , we need to blow a ship up fast , else we are dead meat!?Wizards prepare fireballs and set their sail ablaze ".

Of all the things they could have encountered , this was really a bad start! The ghosts could not be harmed by physical spells or magic .... They could only be dispelled using priests purification magic , or by blasting their ship down . They were the reason for multiple dungeon run failures in Rudra's last life .... However having fought them for over a dozen times, Rudra no longer feared them.

/// Normal chapter for yesterday guys , due to some study issues the update is a little late .... Back to regular posting today onwards ..... The powerstones have slowed down a little guys , lets pump it back up! The target is 59 or under this week guys! I know we can make it happen ///

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