MMORPG : Rise of the Interstellar God

Chapter 98 Illogical Choice

Chapter 98 Illogical Choice

"We will support the Federation!"

Everyone was surprised by Apophis' answer.

Beyond simply the idea of joining the side of the losers of a major battle, there was another issue in everyone's minds. Though they hadn't raised the issue yet, everyone else wanted to join the camp of the Eternals to found a state belonging to the players, because the players deeply hated the Federation since the defeat of Era.

Since that day, it had been a common goal of the players to free themselves from this status of "subjugated people" by force.

But despite this surprising outcome, everyone accepted Apophis's decision.

Lotus said, "It's your decision, Apophis. I trust you. After all, it's thanks to you that we are where we are today! With the money our guild has, I think we can buy four corvettes from the Federation and recruit fifty guild members as pilots.

"Aside from this, I think it's a good idea to recruit slowly and carefully to ensure our new members will be of utmost quality—at least until we have a solid guild hierarchy in place. After that, we can recruit intensively, like the big guilds do. Considering the time to buy and recruit, we should be ready to leave in two days!"

Apophis nodded. "Well then, we leave in forty-eight hours. Prepare the provisions, potions, weapons, and ammunition. Once we're on Cronos I, the situation will be very uncertain. We won't have much opportunity to buy more provisions. However, we can use the occasion to test our new recruits. On the topic of corvettes and crew, I propose that each one of you orders one for yourself to command!"

Everyone gratefully accepted, eager to own a ship and be a commander! After that, the rest of the meeting dealt with minor matters, such as the class composition of new recruits.


After the meeting, Apophis contacted General Ralfot and requested a meeting.

Apophis had noticed something strange about the quest Grand Admiral Azerof had previously given him. Normally, when a quest giver died, the quest automatically canceled. However, the massive recruitment quest which Azerof had given him remained active. In fact, its recruitment counter was steadily rising!

This meant Azerof must have survived. It was the worst situation possible for the Federation, because Azerof was now a martyr. He'd been posthumously decorated with the Star of the Federation, the highest distinction the nation could award, because Chancellor Souley had wanted to make his once-opponent a symbol for the people.

If Azerof came back now, nothing could stop his rise to power!

General Ralfot agreed to meet Apophis, inviting him to the Secret Service building where he'd previously been imprisoned.

Apophis traveled there alone. He didn't miss the place at all.

Ralfot waited for him in the entrance hall, then led him into a soundproof meeting room. "Well, Apophis, what is the emergency?"

Apophis answered, "Given my rank as a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Federation Army, as well as my title as Commander of the Eternals, I wish to take command of all my people's volunteers on the battlefield of Cronos I within two days."

Ralfot smiled grimly. "You think we're going to let a lieutenant colonel command several million Ascensionists? Besides, you have very close ties to the Human Supremacists. Your usefulness since Azerof's death has disappeared, Apophis. Then, of course, your demonic appearance repulses me. Every cell in my body is disgusted by your presence. You will get no favors from me, Lieutenant-Colonel! If it were up to me, you would be in jail right now!"

Apophis clenched his fists.

His purple eyes turned neon red and two of his ~Susanoo's~ hands manifested around him

Ralfot suddenly recalled Apophis' power.

Apophis gave a wide smile and continued. "I have recruited almost all of the ten million Eternals Azerof requested of me. Considering recent events, my people will make up a large percentage of the Cronos I battlefield. Either I join your side as a commander, or I join the Orc Empire. You can decide which you'd prefer. Moreover, be aware that the assassination mission that you gave me is unfinished. Azerof is alive! I have it from a reliable source."

Ralfot really hated Apophis. The demonic-looking monstrosity was a disgusting opportunist who cared nothing about the fate of the Federation. All Apophis wanted was more power for himself, even if it meant hurting his own side.

Ralfot doubted Azerof had survived. Surely this was a lie to make Ralfot think Apophis was still useful.


On the other hand, the Federation couldn't afford to lose so many Ascensionists to the enemy.

So, Ralfot answered, "I'll talk to the Chancellor about it, but expect some conditions!"

Apophis accepted, and the two men left.

Now it was time for Apophis to do as he'd instructed his teammates and prepare for war. Fortunately, he was very rich! He could buy anything he wanted in terms of war supplies, including weapons and ammunition. Considering he was on Terra, one of the most populated planets in the galaxy, everything imaginable could be had for the right price.

After purchasing a huge order of consumables, Apophis traveled to a particular building, the temple of the goddess Valor. She was a benevolent goddess who had granted the intelligent beings of the galaxy their use of cosmic energy. She was renowned for loving peace, even though many of her recipients had used their comic powers for war.

But Apophis wasn't traveling here for purely religious reasons. This temple was special because it also served as a military training center for Federation Ascensionists!

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