MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 183

Chapter 183: Willing To Help!

Chapter 183: Willing To Help!

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

Lead glanced at his surroundings as mighty shouts echoed in the training camp. Players were going all out!

For this Event, the NPCs were all handing training quests like candy. Completing them gave skills, with a few combat-oriented. This was considered a jackpot by the players!

"I finally learned the violent punching mantra!"

"Nice! Now you're gonna be all badass and shit!"

"I just wish I could learn flame magic like that bastard Demon King!"

"You're not even a mage! If you want to learn magic, just talk to that florist over there. It's not like he's an exclusive."

Now there were "exclusive" NPCs. The Chief and the old lady would only teach I.R.L., while the training instructor and the blacksmith would only teach the D.L. members.

Hell, this was almost like the classic VR-Box VS VR-Station exclusive fight in real life.

Lead knew the daunting task that awaited them. In order to come on top of all the challenges, they'd have to work especially hard.

1. Level up a bunch

2. Complete quests to get skills

3. Study dungeon clear methods (loot)

4. Learn to control their VR bodies better.

5. Study battle tactics and their applications. josei

Back then, his heart had stopped when the Village Chief talked about disbanding the faction if they lost!

If I.R.L. stopped existing, he'd go back to being a wandering nobody. Hell fucking no! His place was on the battlefield with his loyal companions!

They had to win this at all costs. That's why he would personally train them if he freaking had to! Thus he found himself roaming the training camp, encouraging the others.

"C'mon, you can do this! My grandma with arthritis fights better than you!"

"Stay focused! If you lose this war for us, I'll take this spear right here and…!"

"Stop daydreaming about her, buddy. A girlfriend is temporary, but victory is eternal!"

"Get up from the fucking ground! You want me to believe you're tired?! You have an immortal body. Use it, you fucker!"

Every time he passed near them, they would become so lively! They'd redouble in ardor while playfully shouting stuff like:

"I'm gonna kill you, you bastard!"

"Stop waving your shitty spear in my face!"

"I'll find out where you live, gouge your eyeballs out, and turn them into anal beads! Then, I'll—!!"

Ah, they sure were playful! Either way, as long as they were motivated, everything would be fine. But his excellent mood slightly soured as he noticed the Village Chief a distance away.

He still looked as powerful and benevolent as ever, but there was a hint of weariness to his aura nowadays. His wide back was even slightly hunched at times, and his face lacked color.

Lead wanted to ask, but he didn't know the best approach. But the opportunity finally presented itself as the man came toward him.

"Lead, you're really hard at work."

He would have been lying if he said the praise didn't uplift his spirit, but then he noticed the Chief's complexion again.

"Chief, I can work even harder, but are you alright? You look so exhausted nowadays! I really hope you can take care of your health since we need you."

"Don't worry about it. I'm relatively fine during the day. It's just a dreadful nightmare plaguing me every night. There is nothing anyone can do about it; such is my fate."

He gave a tired smile that tried to be as reassuring as possible. Damn, this man was a saint! He was kept awake at night from worrying about them!

At that moment, Lead inwardly swore that he would win this goddamn competition, not just for himself, not just for his faction, but for this kind-hearted man!

"Anyway, that's not important right now. I need help with showing the ropes to the rookies and—"

"I'll do it! You can count on me!!"

"Are you sure? It will be thankless, tiresome, and unrewarded work. You will even have tasks to accomplish from time to time."

"I'll do it!!"

"You'll have to remain secretive about the whole thing too for—"

"Not a word will come out of my mouth! I'm perfect for the job!"

"Alright, follow me then." The Village Chief led the way.

So mysterious! Where were they going?! It was the Chicken Arena….but why? Ah, whatever. The Chief obviously had a good reason for this!

The two kept going, all until they reached the Chicken Pens: huge metallic cages with plenty of space! The smell of feathers and joyous clucking resounded all around beautifully.

Apparently, the owner of Micheal-Clucking-Jackson had renovated it all for the Chicken gladiators' sake. Lead knew this fact, but not that incredible girl's name; no one did.

"Alright, let's head inside." The Chief whispered. Why was he so quiet? It was as if he was afraid of disturbing the chickens inside.

Suddenly Lead froze. At the entrance, there was a jerk he'd recognize anywhere!

"Y-you! What are you doing here, you shouting bastard!"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm guarding the door. What about you, cowardly gecko? Do you still like playing with your spear?" CPR dude teased.

"Gecko?! Gecko your ass!"

"Isn't it fitting? You're quick to run and leave allies behind when you do. Quite like a gecko with its tail, you see." He diligently explained.

"Enough, you two can fight later. Lead, follow me, be quiet and remember to be respectful. Alright?" The Chief urged.

Behind, CPR dude was giving a knowing smile. What was this about?! Was the man's master also here?

Wait, he had never heard of an actual challenge date. Were they here to determine one? Was this why the Chief had reminded him not to cause trouble? He was so damn kind!

Lead followed obediently, and soon his guess proved out true. A man was sitting on a wooden throne in the middle of the pen. They really were here for the Demon King!

Lead recognized the energy surrounding the man: pure demonic energy! It was as dark as oppressive and smelled of death.

Damn, the sooner they destroyed D.L., the better this world would be!

This man's had to be the cause of the Chief's worries! This was especially true given the evil power he was now showing, one that made his stomach twist.

A few meters from him, there was an abomination that made one's hair rise. It was a skeleton chicken play-fighting some of its living brethren, seemingly training.

It would slap them away, disdainfully glaring at them with its lifeless glowing purple eyes. This thing was evil!

Had this fiend killed a chicken to turn it into its pet?! How wicked! No wonder the Chief had nightmares!

Lead's resolve only got stronger. So what if this villain knew necromancy? This was a battle between factions! He, along with his friends, would utterly crush D.L.!

As he saw the Chief take a decisive step to confront the Demon King, he silently cheered him on. You go, Chief, show him who's boss!

With incredible intensity, the Chief suddenly….kneeled in front of the throne?!

"My lord, this is the one I was talking about, the one called Lead…."

W-what?! What happened with confronting the guy?! My Lord?! Didn't this mean that the Demon King had taken over the village already?!

Was this a joke?! It had to be, right?!

That's when he heard the sound of the metallic entrance door closing, locking him inside. A playful chuckle then resounded behind his back.

"Aren't you gonna say anything, gecko? Did you lose your tongue as well as your tail?"

Oh, Fuck!!! Lead considered his options, but they appeared very grim…


[A/N] Hype! Feb Mass Release Time! ??

Day ?: Lost Track of Time.. Bunch of chaps coming today. Here's a Gecko ??

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