MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Bringer Of Chaos!

Chapter 186: Bringer Of Chaos!

"WHAT?!!!!!!!" Jack's announcement came as a shock to his allies.

"Yep, it will be time for me to go. No point staying here any longer." He explained. josei

"Wait, weren't you confined here or something?! What happened to that?!" CPR dude asked, puzzled.

"Hehe, there's no need to worry about that. All we need to do is rename the village, and the restriction won't apply anymore."

"Change the name?! But it has always been New Leaf! It has History!" The Chief instantly protested, his eyes shaking.

How about this? Jack whispered something in the man's ears. The Chief nodded and proceeded with the change. After all, they had given him his job as Chief back.

Then a few seconds later…

[New Leaf Village Has Been Renamed!]

[Welcome to New Leaf+ Village!]

At this moment, the entire Tutorial was plunged in confusion. What the heck was this about?! Had the village leveled up or something?!

But only a few would know the truth…

"Then what about the timing? It will take a few days before it's time to open the portal again. There will be trouble for both of us if I just send you now…." The Chief remarked.

"What do you mean?! I'll personally bring important news to the Empire!"

"D-do you mean the Devil invasion?!"

"Naw, just the name change. It's something significant…kinda!"

"What if they put you in jail for unnecessarily disturbing?!"

"Don't worry. It will definitely probably be fine!"


Jack tapped the air, sending a message to the Head Cultist.

"Alright, CPR dude, gather the D.L. core members. As for my departure, we don't have to make a big deal out of it. Before, I had time to kill, but not anymore."

"Woo…" (Sad)

On the side, Moon Moon found it a shame. It seemed there would be no party with delicious meat. There also wouldn't be any of that strange golden liquid that made the world spin.

"We can always eat when we get there. Hey, there will be a wider variety of food and all. Isn't that great?"

"Woo!" (Rejoicing!)

Jack spent a while petting Moon Moon, and before they knew it, everyone was gathered: NPCs and his confidants.

"My lord, is it true that you're leaving?!" The Head Cultist gave him the look of a lost kitten, holding back the tears.

"Indeed, the vast world awaits and needs to be explored. Anyway, give me your numbers, you all."

"Numbers?" They exchanged confused glances.

"Phone, or anything similar to contact you. We'll have to keep in touch in case you guys have questions, right?" Jack explained the obvious.

"Whhhhaaaat?! You can use phones?!" CPR dude exclaimed.

"Obviously…. don't tell me you believed that one New Leaf NPC video?"

"A-ah, of course not!!" CPR dude nervously and awkwardly answered.

"Pffft— What did I tell you! See!" The Cultist chuckled.

"Anyway, feel free to start rumors about chain quests gained by joining D.L. Just make sure never to confirm them! We can use the mysteriousness to our advantage."

"Yes, Boss!!"

"Understood, my Lord!"

"Other than that, I suggest you try and clear all the Dungeons at Hellish to receive bonus stats. I'll be counting on you to turn D.L. into PVE and PVP pros. But don't wait too long to follow either."

They all nodded thoughtfully. They understood perfectly what this meant.

"As for the villagers, I hope you'll watch over D.L. like guardian angels."


"No problem!"

They all agreed one after the other.

"Oh yeah, if Bubblegum doesn't show up before I leave, give her my number too. I know all this is sudden, but I've just had a breakthrough in my training."

"The skeleton chicken, right?! It looks awesome!! How strong is it?!" CPR dude inquired.

"Strong enough to give you a run for your money." Jack chuckled as the creature seemed to be ready for a fight.

— Cluck! Screech! Cluck! —

"You two can play together. There's somewhere I need to go with Moon Moon." Jack departed.

"Woo?" (Puzzled)

The two quickly visited the Wolf Boss.

New Leaf was perhaps one of the few villages where no one had tried defeating it. This was because D.L. hadn't had the heart to attack it.

"You better say goodbye. It's better than to have regrets." Jack convinced.

"Woo!" (Alright!)

The little wolf slowly approached the big one, but only to make its master happy. Strangely enough, it felt so much closer to the human than the wolf in front of it.

Still, it bowed lowly toward it in goodbye.

It was time for the little one to spread its wings. Who knew, perhaps soon it would be bigger and stronger than this giant wolf.

Moon Moon happily returned to Jack, the two doing a last run around the Tutorial for old times' sake. They had barely spent a few weeks here, but it felt like an eternity.

On their passage, many couldn't help but be surprised. Since when did the Demon King have the time to stroll around? He was usually always busy with one thing or another!

Then they finally returned to the Village Chief. He quickly opened the golden glowing portal, this time without all the fanfare. He just handed a golden seal over:

"Here you go, Demon King. This will prove your emissary identity."

Even now, he was suffering endlessly from the oath but didn't ask Jack to remove it one bit. But unbeknown to him, he had made it so he'd have a respite after a while.

"Thanks, Village Chief," Jack stressed the title before turning to the portal.

"Good luck, Boss!"

"Take care, my Lord!"

"Goodbye, leader."

Jack and wolf gave one last glance behind as they confidently entered the light. Just like that, they were gone.

"Cultist, now that he's gone, what do we do?"

"We work hard to catch up to him, obviously!"

Everyone dispersed as everything returned to normal.


Jack and Moon Moon felt themselves floating in an endless golden space.

[Congratulations! Cleared the Tutorial!]

[You are the 31 337th player to do so!]

Jack was lagging behind in terms of clear time, but he didn't mind one bit. Sometimes being fast wasn't always good. ( ?° ?? ?°)

[Analyzing Performance! Please Standby!]

[Calculating Combat Score!]

[Error Error! Exceeded Maximum!]

[Calculating Crafting Score!]

[Legendary! Great Job!]

[Calculating Achievements!]

[Error Error! Impossible?!]

[Overall Score…. &!#%]

[Cannot Compute!]

[Handing Rewards!]

[Pick 1: Selfless World Wish | Minor Godly Blessing!]

As soon as he saw that, Jack couldn't help but feel his blood boil. This was freaking huge!

Wish —> Needs to be vetted by the system but affects the entirety of Infinite

Blessing —> Straight up power-up

The keyword here was selfless. Anyone would have selected the second option in a heartbeat! Well, anyone but Jack. He grinned as he resolutely picked:

"Selfless blessing. I want a revitalization of mana everywhere. Let's fill this world with wonders, shall we?" He chuckled.

[The Demon King Has Wished for a Renewal of Mana!]

[Wish Granted! A New Dawn Is Coming!]

[Mana Courses Through The World!]

[Mythical Creatures and Gods Awaken!]

An incorporeal flux of mana suddenly filled…everything! It was as if they were in a fountain of youth as they basked in its energy!

"Woo?!" (What?!)

What was this?! The little wolf felt every hair on its body tremble, its muscle grow more powerful, and its bones become stronger all of a sudden.

[Pet's Hidden Potential Has Drastically Increased!]

"Feels nice, doesn't it? Even better than a massage!" Jack grinned.

"Woo!" (Happy!)

The little wolf felt so comfortable! But even then, it still preferred its master's headpats…

[Analyzing Host's Alignment!]

[Issuing Personalized Reward!]

[Acquired Title: The Bringer of Chaos! (Passive)]

"Chaos, is it? Good, I like it. Time to have some fun!"

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

All across Infinite, many beings suddenly awoke from their slumber.








And Many more…

How long had they waited for this moment? Far too long! They would soon turn Infinite into their playground, and it would be so glorious!

Somewhere in the Devilish realm, the Exalted Hunting Lord suddenly raised its formless head. As expected of the Demon King!

At first, it had been angry and had despaired, but now it was grateful.

In the soul fragment that the human had stolen from it rested a powerful curse, one that had once been its problem.

It was finally free!

Also, now that the Demon King had left New Leaf Village, it would gladly go back to it. After all, it had left seeds there. But this time, it would do things differently.

This time it wouldn't offend the Demon King…


[A/N] Thanks for sticking with RPP ^_^V

There we go, end of volume 1 [Origin]?????

Time for volume 2 [Rise of the Pumpkinmancer] ?????

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