MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 195

Chapter 195: Making Friends!

Chapter 195: Making Friends!

In the Drunken Sailor tavern, three NPCs were listening to a madman, loudly gulping from time to time.

"R-really?!" The tavern owner cried out.

"Of course, a new era is coming. Whether you'll lead it or be left in the dust remains to be determined." Jack prophecized.

Right now, the world of Infinite was relatively undisturbed by the appearance of the Braves. Sure they wouldn't die easily, but they were so damn weak, poor, and lacking in numbers!

To the NPCs, the Braves were akin to rare migratory birds. Seeing them was a novelty, but it didn't really change much in their lives.

Jack spoke of the future, a future dominated by the immortal players that would grow stronger and stronger until they were uncontrollable. They'd get wealthier too!

He had bluffed the NPCs into submission but had followed the intimidation with sweet promises.

To the owner, he promised tons of Braves flocking to his tavern as rats would toward a pumpkin farm. It would become the most prosperous business of them all! (If the man worked with him.)

To the drunkard scammer, he promised more drinks than he could swallow, but most importantly, status. In the NPC world, he was a lowlife: Jack was his chance for change!

To his credit, the militia guy was unswayed by status or wealth. He promised him glory instead: the Braves would help him conquer the savage wilderness! He'd become a hero!

Their eyes gleamed as they pictured all that was to come. As for exactly how effective his promises were….

[ ++ Militia Guy Affinity!]

[ +++ Tavern Owner Affinity!]

[ +++ Drunken Scammer Affinity!]

[Had Their Interest, Now Their Attention!]

[Status Changed To Allies! (Subject to Change!)]

Usually, they would have simply scoffed at a player trying to convince them, but the seal had made them listen while his words had won them over.

Concretely what did this give Jack? Not much, actually. If he ordered them directly, he'd be abusing the Imperial authority. It was much too soon for him to go against them.

All he could do was to let them misunderstand on their own and sway them with his silver tongue. He just couldn't mention the seal…ever!

"We'll start things soon. Now, I've heard that there are new peculiar visitors in town, mimes…."

"Yep! Some crazy girl— What?!" The militia guy started his tale, only to suddenly freeze.

The Brave opposite of him was sending him death glares. A man that hadn't flinched while being "scammed" and ridiculed was suddenly getting angry?! Did he know her?!

"I meant a concerned citizen came to report them, but we couldn't find anything wrong with them." He tentatively rephrased.

"It just means you guys are blind. Lead the way. I need to see them for myself." Jack ordered, making sure to hide the seal.

"Blind? No way, we checked properly!! They're 100% human!" He replied, outraged. But, he still agreed to help: he'd prove that he was right!

"Gentlemen, I will see you soon. Owner, remember what we talked about for your tavern. Scammer, keep your ears wide open for any commotion. Later!" Jack waved, following his guide.

"Woo!" (Coming!)

Moon Moon followed in tow, the bunny girl sighing, watching it go. She couldn't help but glance at this mysterious Brave. What kind of bigshot had just landed in their town?! How interesting…


As soon as Jack stepped out the door, many gazes landed on him: players.

They thought themselves discreet as they hid in the crowd, some lingering at stalls, some seemingly out on a casual walk… Amongst them, one guy stood out.

He was waiting right in front of the door, blocking the way. Around his neck was the simplest necklace ever. It was a rock held by a leather string.

He grinned before addressing him.

"So you're the mysterious tavern guy? I heard you kicked a bunch of players out!" He chuckled.


"I'm Hector, from the Rock Hard Faction! Let's chat for a while! You've made many enemies today. It would be in your best interest if—"

Jack completely ignored him. Enemies? Please! As if he cared about a couple of snobs being angry! He didn't like being threatened either, even indirectly. He simply kept following his guide.

"Hey, don't ignore me! I'm talking to you! I'm serious. They're already eying you. You're in danger! Look right there!" He started pointing at the players as they scattered like startled chickens.

— Ignores Harder —

Jack didn't have time to waste with this loud guy. Actually, he didn't want to lose too much time with the players, especially those already affiliated. josei

"Hey, say something, or I'll get mad!!" The man warned.

"We're busy with a mission. Go play somewhere else," Jack grumbled dismissively.

Instantly the player's eyes lit up. A mission?! Seeing as the guide was a militia member, this quest had to be worthwhile!

"I'll help! You better let me join this mission or else…" He warned sternly.

Jack looked at him from head to toe, evaluating. The man was flexing his muscles to look more tyrannical. He'd actually make a pretty good sacrifice.

"Alright, you can join. Stay close and obey my instructions."

"Hehe, let's just go already!" the Rock Hard guy happily thundered.

A second later, the poor guy looked confused as he glanced at the air. Was he expecting a quest notification? Either way, he kept following.


The militia guy brought them all across town.

They started at the general market, Jack going out of his way to buy hot sauce for a whopping one gold. Why?! He didn't explain and just gave a small mysterious smile.

They then slowly figured out where the mimes had gone. They were resting at an Inn: <The Weary Traveler>

The building was as weary as the travelers it hosted. It had obviously been repaired countless times but never fully renovated.

"Alright, I guess now will be the moment of truth." Jack sighed.

He headed to the Inn's courtyard. It was barely maintained, the vegetation going wild. Finding a quiet corner hidden from sight was incredibly easy. This would do.

Jack wrote a brief letter, handing it to the Rock Hard guy.

"You want to be part of this, right? Here's your first mission. Give this to the mimes and lead them back here. But whatever you do, do not read the message." He ordered.

"Alright!" The Rock Hard guy agreed.

"Don't look at it no matter what…." Jack repeated solemnly one last time before letting him go.

This little piece of paper was akin to Pandora's box…


[A/N] Hype! Feb Mass Release Time! ??

Day 16: One can never have too many friends! ?? ^_^v

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