MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Fairy: For Academic Purpose! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chapter 227: Fairy: For Academic Purpose! ( ?° ?? ?°)

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

A tiny young girl was swinging her legs over the edge of her new balcony as she glanced at the Pumpkin Farm.

In a strange twist of fate, she now followed the man who had defeated her and ripped her wings off. He was a man of countless secrets.

When they had encountered the giant rabbit, he had kept his cool.

When they were confronted with a human army, he remained playful. This had been the first time she had seen so many humans at once, more than 100!

Not only had he protected them, but he had also intimidated the opponents into paying him a tribute. This was unthinkable, and yet she had seen it with her own eyes!

Then, as they arrived at the farm, he seemed like an entirely different person. As the Pumpkin Goddess appeared, he dragged her into a loving embrace, her face showing bliss.

Even now, she couldn't conciliate the various faces that he showed:

– The Demon King

– The Playful Joker

– The Caring Man

Thus she was determined to observe and witness his true nature. Was the hope he had given her earlier about her magic true? She couldn't wait to know.

Thus she had settled in one of the newly summoned magical trees. This was the Pumpkin Goddess' new ability. It stemmed from the Leaf Whip he had offered her.

She had received the item with endless tears of joy, her entire being glowing. Seeing how she would hug it whenever he visited the town, it had to have a special meaning.

Apparently, it represented his love for her as well as his desire to keep her safe even when he was gone. Love… a foreign concept to the magical fairies since they were born of mana.

Still, she was eager to learn, to understand humans.

She would watch it all from her "Basic Fairy House," as he called it. It was small compared to her old palace, but the interior was still as big as the farmhouse. josei

She had insisted for her dwelling to be at the very top of the tree. She had lost her wings and magic, but she still enjoyed being high up.

Not only was it an excellent observation point, but it made her feel alive again. She'd close her eyes, sense the wind on her skin, and for an instant would feel like she was flying.

Ironic how she had enjoyed using her magic to glide everywhere before, showcasing her wind mastery. Now that she had lost her wings, she missed them.

This was especially true in the human world. It was so vast! Then again, this was normal considering giants inhabited it…

A few days passed, and before she knew it, she had gotten used to the farm and its inhabitants.

Jack'O would do various excursions at the town or do something he called "XP farming". Apparently, it was different from the cultivation that happened at the farm.

The Pumpkin Goddess would summon a defensive tree every hour and grow countless pumpkins. The Pumpkin Farm would have more trees than the forest at this rate!

In his absence, she was the ultimate authority on the farm. A few times, a few angry "Braves" drew too close and were slaughtered by the living forest. They had since given up.

Then there was the defense squad. They were there whenever it wasn't XP farming time and would play along in the field. Oh, and they'd take care of the vermin at night. (Not that it was needed)

Moon Moon would lead its brothers, show them how to carve pumpkins, and teach them about the wisdom it had gathered from his adventures with its master.

Chicky was the cheeky and playful chicken that kept climbing her tree to visit her. It would Cluck/Shriek abominably while trying to act cute (failing), but it meant well.

The Rat was the newest addition to the squad. It had apparently suffered an injury and come back from the dead…as a Macabre! It was as spooky as silent as it kept to itself.

Whenever Jack was away, the atmosphere was calm and peaceful with a hint of longing. It would either be training time or resting time when he was here.

Training time was mainly about helping her sense wind magic. He would raise her high in the air, letting her sense the wind while patiently advising her.

According to him, her wind mastery wasn't gone. It was still there, she just had to change the way she sensed magic, and she had to desire it from the bottom of her heart.

He'd often chuckle.

"Stop thinking and just do it, little blind fairy." As if it was that simple!

Every time she failed, she felt like stomping her feet. Seeing her "acting cute" simply made him laugh. He even crafted a tiny table for her to "flip table".

He was 100% making fun of her!

But even then, even after all that happened, she couldn't truly get mad at him. After all, he was the only one who still believed in her in this world!

Actually, that wasn't true…She had once sighed in the presence of the Pumpkin Goddess, overcome with despair.

She had been so down that even the goddess' godly cooking hadn't been able to cheer her up. But then she had said something that gave courage to her fairy heart:

"Don't be too sad. It's only a matter of time before you get your magic back, he told me so." She had declared as if a fact.

He was talking behind her back?! He was even telling the Pumpkin Goddess that she'd succeed?! He believed in her that much?! This meant she had to keep struggling!

All she knew was that she couldn't give up. Since then, she had redoubled efforts in her training, taking breaks at times to observe the world, searching for a spark of inspiration.

This search brought her to her current nightly endeavor. She found herself sneaking toward the farmhouse for academic purposes. She wanted to understand what was happening inside.

Jack was apparently coming back for something called a "well-rested buff". Contrary to the name, there was little resting involved.

Even from outside, she could faintly hear the moans and the creaking of the bed. Whenever she listened to those sounds, she felt her entire body tingle and her breathing intensify.

If she was right, understanding what was happening inside was the key to regaining her magic! It wasn't as if she had much to lose either.

Her current target was a small window all the way to the top of the wall. This would have been so damn easy to reach had she still had her wings!

But, so what if it was an incredible challenge?! She would get at the top, all for the wind magic! She had specially made climbing spikes in her tiny hands (sturdy and sharp twigs).

It actually wasn't her first attempt, but this time she'd be successful! She began her ascension, instantly feeling her muscles ache.

Fairies really weren't suited to physical exertion. But she had no other alternative. She kept scaling with incredible resolve.

"C'mon, blind fairy. You can do this! Just climb one hand above, then again, and again!" She encouraged herself as he would.

At one point, her entire body was in pain. She couldn't feel her legs or hands thanks to the cold wind, but it didn't matter. She was still climbing: the moans getting louder proved it!

Then she finally reached the top! She just needed one more step and— that's when her arms lost strength. She had reached her physical limits.

At this moment she panicked, she had been so close! She was just missing a head distance, and she could possibly get her magic back!

She forgot where she was and the actual danger she was in. She forgot it all. She just wanted to see it! Those sounds were drawing her in, making her body shiver!

Wait, her legs were still working! She didn't hesitate and kicked herself up. She didn't even think about the landing or anything for that matter.

Her kick gave her the height she had been missing. She could finally see what was happening inside.

The Pumpkin Goddess was atop Jack, grinding on his body, her face a mask of euphoria. Her skin glistened under the candlelight, and her breasts trembled mightily.

Oh god, wouldn't a single swing be enough to KO a fairy like her?!

Then her eyes lowered, and she distinguished his hands that were gently supporting her weight, guiding her insatiable movement.

Her eyes lowered further to where they were connected. A glimpse was all it took for that magical feeling to come back! This was what she had been looking for!

She made sure to etch this feeling deep in her fairy heart. She had to memorize it before gravity mercilessly dragged her down and—

She suddenly jolted back to her senses. Wait, she had already been watching for a solid minute?! That's when she finally realized that she was flying, for real!

She could feel mana again! She could use wind magic! How wonderful!

"Hahahahaha!" She couldn't help but erupt in triumphant laughter.

This feeling was so great!…. Yet it was different than what she had felt earlier?! The puzzled fairy looked inside, avid for knowledge. That's when she froze.

He was looking straight at her, sporting a playful grin.

The Pumpkin Goddess was also staring, her face blushing an incredible crimson.

That's when the fairy finally realized. Perhaps she shouldn't have been peeking? She ran away while loudly apologizing. In the background, she could hear his thunderous laughter.

"Damn, she did it all for porn!"

She suddenly found herself blushing for some reason…

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