MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 271 OP Reward!

Chapter 271 OP Reward!

Chapter 271 OP Reward!

Sensing her precarious situation, the Mermaid suddenly started glowing a bright blue as she began using an incredibly powerful skill.

The water at her tail started billowing as if alive, moving in a circle and erupting in the air at times. Jack's face tensed as he saw her raise her delicate hands.

With her gesture, a gigantic tidal wave rose up. It was even higher than the town wall!

"Oh god!." Countless exclamations of disbelief were heard.

It seemed like she was really pushing herself to the limits, all for her revenge. Her body was trembling, but she didn't care. She wanted him dead!

As soon as she released this skill, they would all die, perhaps even the players fighting in the back. Many shook, hesitating between running now or running later.

As for confronting it head-on? They weren't dumb!

"Guys, NOW!" Jack screamed at the top of his lungs while waving.

Earlier, he had split his forces into two groups. While they confronted the Mermaid, the others busied themselves with other tasks.

As they saw his signal, his people came out, ears bleeding.

They were carrying large bags, heavy enough to cause them to sink into the ground. They jerked in shock as they saw Jack pointing at the Mermaid's attack.

He wanted them to drop it there?!

They rushed forward, throwing the weighty sacks right at the enemy. Even then, her glowing blue eyes remained fixed on Jack, the pesky "human" who had tricked her.

As the bags were in the air, Jack shouted.

"Spread it!"

The ranged classes diligently blasted it with whatever projectiles they could conjure. Colorful explosions filled the air, not scaring the Mermaid in the least.

— Bam!! —

Out of them came an orange powder that reminded one of the rocks in the canyon. It landed in the water, staining it entirely.

"?? Pfft— Changing the color? That's it? ??" The Mermaid happily ridiculed them.

"Poor thing doesn't even know what cement is…." Jack chuckled, waving his hand, sending fire toward the mixture to heat it.

This was a super-effective building compound they had managed to get from the WC association. Water + Powder + Heat = GG!

The effect was instantaneous.

The tidal wave that she had been about to unleash upon them solidified, turning to cheap-looking orange stone.

The effect was disastrous. It was as if she had been carrying as many bags of feathers as possible, only for someone to suddenly turn the feathers into bricks!

She couldn't handle it anymore, losing control over her ability.

Pfft— She coughed up blood under the strain, her eyes bulging akin to a dead fish. What kind of overpowered powder was this?!

"Don't let her breathe!" Jack led the charge.

Seeing all the players charging at her, the poor Mermaid…started a massacre. Even with her mana in jeopardy, she was still more powerful than them.

"?? Stinky humans, you'll all perish by my hands— ??"

"You talk too much for a fish." Jack cut her off. He had no time to argue with her. She'd recover instantly and screw them over if she could get a respite.

"Formation Delta 34-B!" CPR dude repeatedly shouted, the Braves following. They promptly encircled their enemy, stabbing it from all sides.

They would cover one another, shield bearers at the very front, creating a shield wall.

— Stab! Stab! Stab! —

"?? ARRGGG! ??" It's at that very moment, that the creature finally regretted her decision.

Back in the lake, she had been untouchable. Thanks to the lake's mana, even this magical powder would have been useless. Here, however, it was an entirely different story!

She was akin to a stranded fish, becoming bloodier and bloodier by the second. But this wasn't over. She still had one last card to play.

Many of the players were guys.

Their shattered eardrums protected them from sound, but they still had eyes!

She twisted her body, showing all her glorious curves, looking at the players with puppy eyes. She looked so innocent and yet seductive at the same time.

Their hearts started beating so fast.

— Super Effective! —

Of course, most ladies reacted very differently, even calling her many names, hoe included.

But so what? She had already accomplished her goal. There wouldn't be enough people to stop her. She'd—

— Stab! Stab! Stab! —

Blades penetrated her in swift motions, her body convulsing from the pain. What the hell?!

A cultist smiled as he twisted his weapon deep inside her.

"Bitch, please! You may have great assets, but we are unwavering in our faith and have long been enlightened. Breasts are temporary, but the Demonic Legion is eternal!"

She glanced at them all, shellshocked. She had expected a few of them to resist, but so many?! Were they all eunuchs?!

The Mermaid fell into a spiraling abyss of dark emotions: pain, self-doubt, regret, and confusion. That's how she breathed her last…

[Congratulations! Slain the Mermaid Leader!]

[The Lake Army is Retreating…For Now!]

[Calculating Rewards! Please Standby!]

They all plopped down in the water, dead tired. Even with how foolish she had been, the Mermaid had still been about twice their level.

The D.L. members shared smiles of happiness that almost looked scary, considering their bleeding orifices.

Jack couldn't help but praise their good work as he diligently dismantled the Mermaid's body. But suddenly, something strange happened.

A torrent of blue light erupted from the remains.

[Defeated a Tier 3 creature!]

[This Should Be Impossible?]

[Error! Error!]

Was the system having a stroke?

It seemed like enraging the creature by scamming her, baiting her out of her turf, and turning her water magic into cement had triggered the anti-exploit protocol.

It didn't help that without his wish, the mermaids probably wouldn't be available in the game just yet.

[Leveled up! Leveled up!]

[Obtained Mermaid Loot Box!]

[Obtained Mythical Mermaid Trident!]


Mythical?! Jack almost doubted his eyes. He had expected something great, but not that exaggerated! What kind of crazy concept was this?!

Most players wouldn't even see a mythical item before they were level 60, at the very least!

He was already smiling from ear to ear, eager to go check the details in private when…

[System Announcement! Congratulation on Jack'O for obtaining Mythical Mermaid Trident!]

Many players couldn't help but spit.


"I bet one can one-shot dragons with that!"

"Idiot, something like that is obviously for picking up girls!"

[System Announcement: Mythical Items Will Drop On Death!]

[Thank you for your understanding!]

Why?! Why did the system have to do him dirty like that!

Every single soul turned toward him, their eyes gleaming with greed. Many were already daydreaming about all that they could accomplish with such a mighty weapon.

They didn't even know the stats, but they didn't care!

So what if it was a trident? So what if they used other weapons or were mages? It was freaking mythical!

Every single faction leader approached, talking one after the other.

"We're all friends here, right? There's no need to shed any blood. How about we give the weapon to whoever had the most troops participating in the battle?"

"As if! We should sell it and share the profits. Wouldn't that benefit everyone? I just happen to know someone that may be interested…."

"Tch— Let me guess, it's someone from your faction? That won't do!"

Amidst the bickering, only a single person thought otherwise.

"I think it should remain his." Lead remarked.

They couldn't understand his stance. Weren't their two guilds enemies?! He simply shrugged. "Items are temporary, but honor is eternal."

"Well said, brother, well said!" They hurriedly praised him.

"Still, he would have never gotten it without our valiant fight against the minions. We won because we fought valiantly. Anyone can throw cement at a mermaid!"

"Still, I don't feel at ease leaving the fruit of our labor to a random no-name guild."

"Hand over the weapon, and we'll safely keep it for now." One of them ordered.

Jack couldn't help but sigh as he heard the ultimatum.

Pride, greed, and hypocrisy. They would hide it all under the guise of righteousness. He knew for he had done the same in his previous life.

It would take hours and hours to finally come to a resolution. He now had a choice to make.

Offer the Trident up —> Get a few benefits

Keep it —> Face endless trouble

This wouldn't stop with just the negotiations. Absolutely everyone in the Sprigfield area would want to get their hands on it.

It was even more attractive for the random players. For them, this could easily be the ticket to wealth or even to joining the guild of their choice with great privileges.

Just owning this would bring countless opportunities and trouble because of the item's rank.

He couldn't even check the item's status without taking it out.

It was special and just glowed brightly in his inventory. If he wasn't wrong, this thing would be even more eye-catching when outside. It would be a trouble magnet!

He sent a few messages before smiling at the guild representatives.

"Of course, I understand perfectly…." They were already relaxing, their eyes filled with happiness. "NOW!"

All of D.L. bolted away as one. There was no way that he'd give in to bullies! Want my cool new weapon? Over my dead body!

It was about principles!

They darted toward the Town as if eager to take refuge inside. Every leader instantly reacted, sending all their personnel to block the way in a hurry! josei

But an instant later, D.L was running in the opposite direction.

Town? As if! Sike! It wasn't a good place for a ghoul, not at all.

He was heading for the Farm! He couldn't wait to inspect his new item!

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