MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 277 Emergency

Chapter 277 Emergency

Chapter 277 Emergency

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

Her hands couldn't stop trembling as she grabbed her phone.

Had anyone else told her that such a trashy-looking statue could save her mother's life, she would have called them a fool, but not him.

The antique rested inside the wooden box, half-covered by a green cloth. She ever so carefully uncovered it, her pinky slightly touching the item.

— ZAP! —

Suddenly a current came out of the item, crawling on her skin before making its way inside her. She could feel it invade her muscles, her bloodstream, and even her brain.

"ARRRGGG!" She screamed, losing control of her body, tumbling on the soft bed.

It was so painful! It was as if lightning was trying to fry her brain!

"Lilly!" She heard him blast inside the room.

Her eyelids were heavy. She found herself in complete darkness, and yet she was still conscious. She could hear his frenzied steps, his erratic heartbeat, and the worry in his voice.

"Are you alright! Hey, wake up!" But no matter how much he shouted, she could not reply.

'C'mon, move! You're not gonna give up that easily. Freaking fight!' It was all worthless. She was akin to a prisoner in her own body.

"Heave-Ho!" She felt her body getting carried by strong arms. She would have rejoiced at the princess carry in any other circumstances, but now she simply couldn't.

She heard and felt all that happened next in terrifying darkness.

He rushed to the nearest hospital, pushing his body until it was about to crumble. As if a cruel joke of fate, no taxi passed anywhere near.

He had always been calm and kind, but he had lost control. He felt like back then when the Loan Shark minions had come.

He almost fought with the security guard at the entrance, one who tried stopping him. She heard the murmurs about his now terrifying bloodshot eyes.

"I need a doctor, now!"

"Sir, that's not how things work. You need to take a number and—"

"I know someone here!"

"You do?" The lady carefully inquired.

"Yes, he works as a janitor and—" He hurriedly said.

"Pfft— Do you think knowing a janitor will do you any good?! Just wait obediently." Her tone was suffused with disdain.

She even grumbled something about kids nowadays not knowing how society works. She could feel his pulse, the anger overcoming him.

But just as the receptionist was snickering to herself, he arrived. She could recognize him thanks to his irregular steps. Her father had come, and he wasn't alone.

Somehow, he had an army of doctors with him. Had anyone known better, he would have probably seemed like a bigshot….he wasn't.

He was only the Janitor, one that was lowly and yet that had a certain radiance. He was often either made fun of or respected, never in between.

He was the lowly Janitor that had sacrificed everything to stay with his comatose wife. He was also the lowly Janitor who people would consult for advice.

"Don't worry, brother. I'll check your daughter myself. We were too late for her mother, but god be my witness, I won't let you lose another loved one!" A doctor assured.

Picturing the flabbergasted face of the bystanders almost made her forget her condition. She still couldn't move nor see.

Jack carried her all the way toward the test room.

That's when she was subjected to countless tests. She could feel the needles piercing her skin and even hear them. Then followed an agonizing wait.

She was akin to a caged lion. She just wanted to escape!!!

"I have the test results! Let's see…. T-there's nothing wrong with her. She's perfectly healthy?!" The doctor uttered, baffled.

This was bad news. Had there been something wrong with her, they could have fixed it. Was she condemned to live her entire life like this?! Trapped!

This was a fate worse than death by far.

Hours passed, with her counting every second '18 741, 18 742, 18 743'. At some point, she felt she'd lose count, and then she'd lose her mind.

She wasn't the only one losing her mind. She could hear her father breaking apart, forced to relive the nightmare from back then.

The wait, the sorrow, and finally, the feeling of powerlessness as one sees a loved one disappear.

She had all the time in the world to reflect: '46 823, 46 824, 46 825'. By now, something had happened. She could sense the green energy inside her, making a nest.

It was as if it were alive and trying to take over her being. Would it succeed? What if the one who awakened from the coma wasn't her?!

No way! There was no way that'd she'd accept that! josei

The light was so much stronger than her, perversely so. But as seconds and seconds elapsed, she kept resisting.

The longer the fight went and the stronger her consciousness was getting. He was next to her. She could feel his warm hand enveloping hers!

As long as Jack was there, she could do anything. So what if a pesky green light wanted to destroy her! Bitch, please!! She suddenly felt full of boundless confidence.

The thing, whatever it was, sensed it. It understood that there was no way it would break her. It somehow knew.

She inwardly grinned. 'How about you admit defeat!!' But that's when the thing changed tactics. It rushed toward the warmth that kept her going.

'No! Leave him alone. He doesn't have anything to do with this!' She wanted to scream a warning but to no avail.

In horror, she sensed it invade Jack, wanting to obliterate him.

Suddenly the green light froze, and so did she. What the hell was this?! She could feel an unbelievably powerful aura as if an immortal monster had just woken up.

The powerful green light squeaked in fear, retreating at full speed. But it was far too late. Purple energy in the shape of a wolf chased after the light.

For some reason, it had wings and looked incredibly silly, yet carried boundless pride, as if it could hunt dragons with its little claw.

— Gobble! —

The green light yelped in terror….and then it was over. It had never stood a chance. That's when she regained control of her body.

Her eyelids fluttered open. The first thing she saw was Jack's face, showing a relieved yet silly grin. Somehow, his smile reminded her of that wolf.

"Morning. How was your nap?" He playfully asked, not mentioning at any point how worried he had been.

Still, she could see the relief in his eyes. He was glad that she had recuperated, but little did he know he had saved her.

"Want to grab a bite?" He proposed.

"Sure, let's—" As she moved her head, she was assaulted by a wave of dizziness.

Had the hospital always been so loud? Why was it so bright? Why were the sheets caressing her skin so much?!

Wait….her senses had been enhanced?!

As she grabbed the metallic bed armrest, she suddenly had the feeling that it seemed so flimsy.

She stared at everything wide-eyed. The entire world had suddenly changed, all foreign. No, he was still there, by her side.

Still, as reassuring as this was, she suddenly had so many questions. What had that green energy been? What about the purple one?

So many secrets….

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