MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 284 Boss, I Need Equipment!

Chapter 284 Boss, I Need Equipment!

Chapter 284 Boss, I Need Equipment!

After all the destruction that had happened in Timber City, an air of gloominess spread across the City. Everywhere the NPCs could be heard cursing the bandits.

"Those animals! I can't believe they did all this just to cause a distraction!!!" A sausage seller complained tearfully.

"I know, right!" Jack's party was happily eating at a stall, humoring the NPC.

"Ah, you're a good kid. Here's another serving, on the house!" The shopkeeper warmly smiled.

The demon by the side couldn't help but give a wry smile. How would the City residents react if they knew that the gentle-looking youngster was the mastermind behind it all?!

Death and chaos —> Simple collateral damage

Then again, those imbeciles had even flagged Fairies as threats. As far as Jack was concerned, they totally deserved what had happened to them.

As for why they were wasting time at a stall….

[Welcome to Timber City!]

[Explore to your heart's content!]

The exploration wasn't optional and nothing more than a setup to generate more quests. It would forcefully drag him down a storyline.

Right now, he simply wanted to wait for the heat to die down. He kept conversing with their host and the demon, quickly understanding the City better and better.

In the meantime, Moon Moon was happily stuffing its cheeks full of sausage.

— Happy wolf noises! —



[Exploration Completed!]

[Analyzing! Please Standby!]

[New Quest! Defender of the People!]

[New Quest! Harbinger of Destruction!]

[New Quest! Sample all the Food Stalls!]

[Error! Error! Incompatible Quests! Recalibrating!]


In one sitting, he had somehow obtained a quest to save the citizens, one to cause even more destruction, and finally one to mind his own business. #Confused System!

"Thanks for the meal, Boss!" Jack suddenly seemed as if an entirely different person.

Happy-go-lucky youth —> Man with a mission

A few minutes later, they were entering a world of pure heat, one characterized by unceasing clanging and banging. It was time to get custom equipment!

Jack couldn't help but grin. This was the reason he had come to this City early on instead of farming at Sprigfield.

Gold —> From Bandits' Treasury

Resources —> From his goblin fueled hunting spree

Knowledge —> He already had a few plans on what to ask for.

"Boss, I need equipment. I have gold!" Jack eagerly thundered as he played the rich young master…only to be harshly denied.

"No can do!"


"Pfft— Do you think anyone can just waltz in here and get us to craft equipment? Get out, kid!"

"I'll pay extra! How about I—"

"Someone get this fool out of here!" The head blacksmith shouted toward his employees. It's only then that Jack recalled how arrogant the NPCs could be.

It all boiled down to this: he was too early!

Right now, the Empire had sent massive contracts to equip its army. After all, Braves and monsters had appeared, and it would need to showcase its power.

If that wasn't enough, the local powers also wanted to improve their military. The NPCs could neither ignore the local snakes nor the distant dragon.

The demon was no help at all on that one either. He had purposely stayed away from the trade not to arouse suspicion. #Tea House Owner (Officially)

But after searching for a while…

[Congratulations! Found a secret NPC!]

[Quest! Convince Retired Blacksmith to help!]

The old man was apparently a legend of the crafting district. He had taught so many they were uncountable. His hand was still steady enough for the highest standard gear.

Jack entered the hidden forge, ready to showcase his best negotiation abilities. As long as he could reignite the man's dream, everything would work out!

But the scene that appeared before him made him reconsider….

— Clang! Clang! Clang! —

Retired blacksmith? Retired blacksmith, my ass! The old guy was relentlessly hammering as if smashing his anvil housed the secret to immortality.

"Hello there—"

"Got no time for you. The City's in a crisis!"

"But how about—"

"Blame the bandits who invaded. Now the alert level is so high, and everyone suddenly wants weapons. It's like they forgot men are needed to wield them!" The man grumbled.

Was this Karma, or was this Karma?

No NPC crafter available? What was he supposed to do? That's when Jack suddenly made an executive decision. He threw himself to the ground, kneeling.

"Please teach me blacksmithing! I swear I won't bring you shame, nor will I stop working until I have attained the peak!" He begged, seemingly on a whim.

"Woo?!" (Blacksmithing?)

The little wolf observed its surroundings with attention. The man used fire pretty impressively, almost as good as barbecuing meat.

The clanging suddenly stopped, the NPC sizing him up.


"Because I need to."

"It won't be easy."

"Of course not."

The Old Blacksmith came closer, putting his hand on the Brave's head as a light radiated out of it. This was an appraisal spell, one that would reveal Jack's secrets…

Resist? —> Kiss goodbye any chance to be accepted

Allow it to work —> Possibility of the man reporting him to the guards for his Demonic Energy mastery.

Was it worth gambling on a secret NPC?

Ah, fuck it! Worst case, he'd become an outlaw!

As the light came to a halt, the NPC stared at him with a complicated gaze.

"Tch— Such a pity. Such a wonderful flame, but it's been corrupted. There's no way anyone can create anything worthwhile with this. Get out. This is not your calling."


The man returned to his work, a peaceful air on his face. A true crafter's heart wouldn't be disturbed by a possible monster watching him work.

There was no need to discuss this further either. He had made his decision. Or that's how it should have been…

"Impossible? We both know that's a lie. Then again, I understand, you have a reputation to uphold. Thanks for your consideration. I'll be searching for a bolder master."

Jack bowed before leaving, but just as he was about to reach the door.

"Kid, you should give up. I've already seen someone go down that path, only for him to destroy himself and the people he loved." The blacksmith sighed.

"Why should I concern myself with the failures of others?"


"I'll simply walk my own path."

His declaration was simple. But at this moment, the craftsman jerked in shock. In the youngster's eyes, he saw unbelievable determination. There would be no stopping him!

He suddenly had a revelation. This youngster could easily become an incredible devil with only a slight push since he rejected common sense.

1. Kill him and save the world?

2. Take him under his wing and try to teach him? What if he only created a monster…

The old man understood clearly that the logical choice was to rid the world of this dangerous individual. He understood it perfectly, and yet….

"Alright, I'll teach you. You'll be my second direct disciple."

"Yes, teacher!!" Direct disciple meant that the man would teach him without holding anything back!

How many would have gone insane from the Demon King being so respectful to another? Plenty, but luckily they weren't there.

Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. In his previous life, he had kept himself to magic only. This would be a first for him!

"Alright, disciple. Your first task is to fetch your new elder brother. He should be done healing by now. Also, no need to call me Teacher. Just call me Aron like the others."

"Yes, teacher!" josei


Jack hurried over to the address his new teacher had given him. Instead of the hospital he had expected, it was a small shop vibrant with colors: < Flora of the World! >

"Welcome! Flowers for your girlfriend?" A cute girl stood at the counter.

"Nope, a disciple for an old blacksmith." For a second, her entire body tensed, only for her to try to play it cool right after.

"I'm sorry, but we only have flowers here. How can I help you?"


"If you're looking for a blacksmith, I suggest you try the crafting district. There won't be—KYAAA!" She jumped in shock as he slammed the counter next to her.

In her panic, she sent a fleeting glance toward the back store before taking a deep breath to recompose herself. That's the moment Jack chose to rush toward the back.

"N-nooo!!" She cried out, but she was already too late to stop him.

As he entered the back area, he couldn't help but give an impressed sigh. This place was a green world! Heck, there was a good chance the girl at the front had druid powers.

As for finding his target…

"Yo! I'm Aron's new disciple. I'm looking for his first direct disciple, anyone here?" Jack called out.

"What?! Teacher only has one disciple and— Gasp!" The voice suddenly turned quiet.

"…." What was this, hide and seek?

As far as an initiation for new members went, this was peculiar, but he had seen worse. At least there were no demonic fetuses involved.

He disappeared into the vegetation, the shopkeeper's panicked shouts resounding in the background. It took him a few minutes, but then he finally found his target.

In front of his eyes, there now was a grass elemental playing dead.


It's only then that Jack finally understood his teacher's meaning. The elder disciple had been sent here to recover…..because he was a freaking plant!

At this moment, he had countless questions swirling in his head.

1. How did such a creature come to be?

2. How had a plant developed an interest in blacksmithing?

3. What was up with this dead-playing act? Was there a need to do this?

Oh well, he didn't have any time for the bullshit. Without hesitating, he grabbed the target, ready to evacuate.

"Please let me go! I'm just a normal plant!"


What kind of normal plant talked?! Who was this brother trying to fool? They'd need to have a long talk for sure…

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